Because you said it isn't music? That's really the only reason you give as to why drums and talking isn't considered music. You see, rhythm is classified as music. Drum are an instrument, and a drum beat alone constitutes as music. Many countries in Africa and South America have music based on drums alone. And also, you are sying that if "Mogwai" wasn't classified as music, you wouldn't like it? I'm not twisting your words there, you said that. You said "If it was [neccesary], I wouldn't be a rabid Mogwai fan."
They got the idea because it shows a few of the core elements needed to make music. Rhythm, and most of the time, there is a little jingle playing in the background.
Because you hate rap so much, doesn't mean your bias opinion is fact. I hate rap. I loathe it. That doesn't mean it isn't music.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. Wow, you're an idiot. Ok, lets just go along with the whole "rap isn't music" thing here just for a second. Gangs aren't considered girly now listening to rap, how would they be considered girly if we called rap "music"? It is still the same thing, but now, since it is music, the rap makes the gang look girly. Do you see the problem with that?
One thing you are either (a)forgetting or (b) didn't know, is that a lot of rap has a melody playing in the background.
You are trying to argue with me when you seem to have a complete lack of understanding of (a)rap and (b)music.