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Ethics Gradient

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Everything posted by Ethics Gradient

  1. Yes, cards from all decks drop from Treasure chest so no, you didn't have to wait. I'd say it's highly probable that there are new treasure cards in the works. If you have the patience for it, buy chests now at the 50/20k rate and wait for the patch to drop. You know, AD4 is just right around the corner... But yeah, Ripe is right. If you find yourself getting an AD6 Orb of Infinite Smiting, it might be a while before you do anything with it.
  2. FYI. Paizo has PDFs of the Pathfinder Adventures ACG rulebooks available online. The digital version is quite faithful to the rules, so the rulebook is still good resource if you're ever wondering why something happens. The tutorial scenario in the app is a bit of "crash course" in Pathfinder, and may not have totally explained everything about the underlying game mechanics.
  3. That's pretty much how I feel too. I'm not exactly cheering on missed release dates, but there's enough happening in my life that I can put Pathfinder down every now and then and not feel like something's missing. It somewhat reminds me of playing the physical game. Run through a couple adventure decks with friends...., wait a bunch of months until everyone's schedules realign. Waiting long chunks of time between decks just makes the pathfinder experience more authentic.
  4. Oh... Right. Good catch. I going to go start another pot of coffee now...
  5. A character editor isn't necessary, but it is the most straightforward way to solve retroactive problems. It's probably easier to start with a "level 0" template and cycle through the feat rewards based on XP or completed adventures than it is to examine the character for defects. As it is, I don't think the game actually "knows" how many feats have been added. It just modifies the stat and goes on its merry way. You'd need to do a baseline comparison to a starting character to get an idea of what's been added before figuring out what's missing.
  6. Well, it all depends on which calendar you're using.... It maaaay be the last day of August by the Gregorian Calendar, but according to the Julian Calendar it is only August 17. Anyway, I'm more than willing to let them thoroughly play-test everything while I sit around playing Mankind Divided on my Xbox. Still a win-win proposal in my book!
  7. I'm willing to bet that there's some probability involved where [NumberOfGold] is 1 or 2, but likelier to be 2 if a higher tier, or the bane possess Elite or Veteran traits. If I come across a better answer, I'll be sure to let you know. [ok, i'm pretty sure that this is the best answer you'll get.]
  8. Per the rules I quoted, if you do not play a card, you can always use Melee or Strength for a combat check. In Valeros' situation above, he's allowed to use his Melee skills and throw a d10+7 punch whenever he doesn't have a weapon handy.
  9. Page 11 of the ROtR ACG rules: What's weird in my case was that Merisiel initially wanted to beat a henchmen with a d4 (using Melee, a skill she doesn't have), instead of a the normal d8 strength combat check.
  10. As a super-quick followup, I inadvertently reproduced the same issue as Vintsukka. In attempting to temp. close the Waterfront against a Bandit in Brigandoom, Merisiel defaulted to Combat Melee (d4+0) instead of Combat Strength (d8+0). Usually, the game pretty good about defaulting to your most advantageous roll.
  11. I also agree that this is most likely the case. Even though it says "Combat" up top, it was initially Combat Strength (d10+4), and when you played a weapon it changed to Combat Melee (d10+7). When you un-played the weapon, it stayed on Combat Melee. Every now and then I occasionally get a character who tries using some non-optimal dice. Not sure at all why that happens...
  12. Yup they know. [though, we should have just kept out mouths shut and seen how long that "bug" stuck around]
  13. Nope. Not intended to work the way at all. Someone else reported it last week and the devs chimed in that they're looking into it. Take advantage of it while you can. It's not often that there's a bug that works in the player's favor!
  14. Yes, there is an absolute limit to the number of saves the game allows you to have. It appears you are the first one to notice what it is.
  15. Right. I guess I meant to say that the current "bonus" will soon only apply to cash purchases. 40 chests for 20,000 was the original asking price back around launch, so the only thing that will really change is how many times you need to hit the "buy" button.

  17. Not a colossal change really. 20,000 gold still buys 40 chests if you mash the button 40 times. The previous system was pretty generous to the F2P crowd. Now they're just offering a cash discount to those who want to use real money to open chests a truckload at a time. It would be nice if the option to use gold would stick around, but I can totally understand why they are focusing a little more on players who have expressed the concern of "Why does it require so much button pressing to give you my dollars!!!" [Exhibit A]
  18. I have the Inspired Dexterity power, and while it does work (i.e. the Recharge/Discard prompt pops up), I still occasionally come up a blessing short in the post-game screen. Most recently, I "lost" of a Blessing of Erastil that I know got played to defeat the villain. Maybe the sudden end-of-scenario crash preempted the blessing's resolution and it was "left on the table." I'm not losing more than one at a time, so I'll have to try various ways of using blessings on a villain again and see if any continue to disappear.
  19. This is just informed speculation, but when you "spend" a treasure chest, the server instantly adds the four random items to your account. The part of the game where you tap to open the chests is fun, but is just for show. The cards should are already be there.
  20. Where did you get this information? I didn't see this posted anywhere by a dev. And it is not displayed in the Gallery as an unlockable treasure card. Nathan posted it a about two months ago. Still, only one or two unobtainable cards is a fair bit better than where things were back in June.
  21. Heavyload Belt (AD1,Item,Epic) appears to exist in the present version, but isn't enumerated by the gallery. Unlike waaaay earlier in this thread, the gallery now has an idea which cards are "legal" and only displays those. (problem solved!) Also, whether or not you get a Heavyload Belt in a treasure chest still is up to the magical "Pathfinder treasure server," not the app. If you aren't seeing it come up, then its either an oversight, or the card isn't ready for prime time. But it seems deliberate if the card is pulled both from the app and the RNG.
  22. Great job so far! The variety of dice makes the game feel a little more tabletop-like. Sorry if I jumped to conclusions on colors, I've only played the game on Apple "I hope you like the color calibration, because there's no way you can change things" iPads. Never occurred to me that it could be a rendering quirk.
  23. It's not as bad of a boondoggle it sounds like. It used to be that any app on the phone (or on your computer) could navigate through wide chunks of the user-side file system. iOS 8.3 changed things up so that developers had to "opt in" to allow such accesses. Turning basic file sharing support on is as easy as one line in a config file, but I guess a lot of developers don't care about easy access to files, or see some benefit in hiding them from the user.
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