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Everything posted by Slide87

  1. so guys do you have some news about level 50 cap on quest and/or deck 5 patches? the game is beginning to be boring
  2. wow guys,I just tried this combo,350 easy ahahahhaha thank you for info
  3. just for talk, there's a at the horizon...xD just,two bug fixes they say...
  4. they promised lvl 50 cap,probably(or better,hopefully) in the next patch,so I think october end,early november..:)Yes,I'm waiting for that too xD
  5. probably each role has own proper way of playing it,surely some have advantages relating to others(of the same char I say),like charlatan with lem; I think just that the best role that fits player gameplay is the right one Take Valeros roles: if u want a more defensive bunker choose guardian,otherwise(like me xD),the other one
  6. I agree with mccrispy salvaging cards directly from Treasure Chests seems to give also a gold bonus,relating to salvage from gallery I noticed
  7. so i must consider myself lucky to got this in a tresure chest?? xD
  8. oh,it gives a shovel? bored,I already have the dice,the shovel,the legion armor...xD xD gimme that damn deathbane bow...or what is called xD
  9. I don't know if it has been announced somewhere,but there's a offer in Special section of the store, for me(Europe), it's 10.99€ for 25 chests,the shiny light blue dice and Legion Armor card just to give info,i've found it for random:)
  10. power up your decks,still forfeiting some games,to acquire some weapons with magic trait
  11. there isn't a visual difference on the cards between normal cards and treasure cards,if 'm not wrong? it would be cool something that reminds of the card's origin...
  12. Hello everybody I noticed in my walkthroughs on quest mode with 40lvl characters that I sometime encounter some AD4 cards I didn't think to have unlocked with treasure chests....It sounds to me weird...even if I'vestill not checked my vault recently,to confirm my doubts...Anyone went into this? PS: on quest,even if the lvl40 char doesn't gain exp,the card(boons and banes) variety in the scenario is always good,I noticed; I advise people that is finding new cards for own char decks on quest to play with one lvl40 char in the group,a 4/5 chars group,to fortify growing chars decks
  13. yes,it should be honestly counted a legendary win,in this daily challenge,although it says heroic,especially if a player goes most on story than quest mode
  14. yes I tried tonight,just for play(1hour left to challenge,It was impossibile win 5 for me xD),and the challenge got +1
  15. play on quest,you'll earn the gold(with 4/5 chars is affordable,and you gain at max 175gold) and the daily challenge count
  16. could u use some of searching cards??detect evil,spyglass,kohl of "(don't remember) may help to find villains and henchmen also,take advantage of Ezren and Seelah powers,that make possible to explore faster
  17. yeah,the lack of news about AD4,in 1.1.3 or later in the forum is worrying....
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