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Everything posted by Sweet_Sadie
Player vs Player Tournaments Maybe tournaments with different levels of characters or card limitations so no one is fighting someone way more powerful. Run one a monnth with pre-listed restrictions and prizes. Then people could prepare for them. They would be a selectable adventure on a certain day at a certain time. No shows are eliminated. Winners fight another and another until only one winner remains. I can think of a ton of different things that could be thrown in here. Question on BB Codes: Why did my underline code not work? I used [ u ] [ /u ] without the spaces of course.
No sorry, I was about to never ever comment on the USA again but now I realize my views are misunderstood....so I have to start all over again I like you Vaeliorin, you seem to be sincere so I'll be honest Why would you think the word " disrespectful " would be appropriate around me stopping....disrespectful has never been a word I even considered. I have said it must be annoying at times But do you think just because you live in the USA you are an authority on the political reality or that must mean I surly cant have a valid point? Come on dude thats such a strange thing to say .....its like you think the USA operates in a vacuum But for me I will never stop commenting on the USA because the USA is part of much more important view I have around Western ideology and how important that is to overall global prosperity. I'm sorry you got pulled into a broader reality but its best you just get use to my comments or dispute them? Surly I cant be that bad? Okay I tell you what....if 5 other Americans say the same to me now I'll seriously consider your view...is that fair? I mean the last thing I want to be seen as is inconsiderate How can voicing your opinion be disrespectful just because you don't live in America. That makes no sense, sorry Vaeliorin. Would my comments be considered disrespectful as well, because I was not born here? I have double citizenship at the moment, does that make my comments disrespectful? Did you miss the post right below the one you quoted where I explained it was a joke? Oops. Sorry, yes.
I honestly fail to see how Confucius would be relevant to anybody in the western world, and I'm one of those people who read not only him, but also a sizeable chunk of the commentary and related works written by his most prominent students. I must agree that Confucius is no longer relevant to Western Societies, but is he still relevant to Eastern Societies? The only book store in walking distance when I was growing up was one that carried only books on Philosophy. I started reading Descartes When I was 8 and have read most of the published writings of everyone listed with the exception of St. Thomas Aquinas. I also feel that Nietzsche. Whether you appreciate him or not, he definitely contributed a lot to Western societies. I object to including the Bible as necessary to understand Western authors and Western Society. It is, imo, pure fiction. I have read most of it because Christianity is so prevalent here. I am not at all sure that Jesus actually existed. I think he was a fictional character constructed to teach the "new" Christian values in the New Testament. That said, I do believe in the Gods, all of them. There is no one true God. How could there possibly be just one? What about life on Planet 10 in the Eighth dimension? Surely they worship their own Gods. Yes my example is facetious but it makes the point. We don't know if there are other planets with intelligent life on them, but if there are I doubt they would be Christians. Robert L. Forward even postulated the possibility of intelligent life on a Neutron Star in his first novel, The Dragon's Egg. For clarification, I am a Buddhist. I have studied religions of all sorts, including Mysticism and Shintoism as well as many others. The only one that makes sense to me is Buddhism, but I don't think it is really a religion. It is much more a path that one walks. For reference (I don't want to be thought of as being ancient LOL) I am 16.
No sorry, I was about to never ever comment on the USA again but now I realize my views are misunderstood....so I have to start all over again I like you Vaeliorin, you seem to be sincere so I'll be honest Why would you think the word " disrespectful " would be appropriate around me stopping....disrespectful has never been a word I even considered. I have said it must be annoying at times But do you think just because you live in the USA you are an authority on the political reality or that must mean I surly cant have a valid point? Come on dude thats such a strange thing to say .....its like you think the USA operates in a vacuum But for me I will never stop commenting on the USA because the USA is part of much more important view I have around Western ideology and how important that is to overall global prosperity. I'm sorry you got pulled into a broader reality but its best you just get use to my comments or dispute them? Surly I cant be that bad? Okay I tell you what....if 5 other Americans say the same to me now I'll seriously consider your view...is that fair? I mean the last thing I want to be seen as is inconsiderate How can voicing your opinion be disrespectful just because you don't live in America. That makes no sense, sorry Vaeliorin. Would my comments be considered disrespectful as well, because I was not born here? I have double citizenship at the moment, does that make my comments disrespectful? I think the US is getting stronger economically. I think Obama had done yeomens work in his time in office. He is extremely smart and extremely well spoken. I think there is still a lot that needs fixing in the US, but Trump is not the answer. Let's all build a wall to keep our neighbors out. It won't work, but just think of the jobs and the profits for Trump's buddies! Once we have sealed off Mexico, then let's keep those uppity Kanadian's out! Another wall! Yay! Then, I think we need completely isolate our country from the dang foreigners! Let's build walls on both coasts! Then we will finally have reached our Ostrich dream! Ha! Too many people here keep their heads firmly in the sand, because if it didn't happen here, it didn't happen. OK, enough with the sarcasm. Let's face it, the USA is the best country going in spite of it's ills. In spite of that statement, I will prolly leave the USA in a few years, but only because the job I want is not available here.
If the people threatening to leave the country if Trump becomes president really do it, America actually will become great again. I think it's a great idea. People fleeing the country won't make it great. Neither will Trump being Pres. What we need is a complete restructure of values. That's not enough, but It's where to start. America was a great idea until greed got in the way.
General: Device: iPad Air OS: 9.3.1 My Vault has more cards in it than my Gallery. As I understand it, that should not happen. I had finished a scenario and had closed the game. I opened it a while later and began looking at my Gallery and my Vault to fully understand how they work. Looking at the card counts, my vault had 899/899 while my gallery had 894/894. I cannot find all the cards that are in my vault but not in my gallery, because when I go to the vault not all of the decks are available to me yet. I did manage to find one card in my vault that is not in my gallery. In the 1 deck, in the allies, my vault had Aldern Foxglove while he was not in my gallery. I also question the arithmetic for arriving at the totals. In my gallery I had 34/35 Henchmen in the 2 deck and in the 3 deck I had 17/18 in the Items. It is not possible for these numbers to total to 894/894. At best it could be 892/894.
It is unfortunate that my iPad does not show me the links. All I see is a large blank box.
The media lies about everyone. Kathren Hepburn once said (about the media), "I don't care what they say about me as long as it isn't true." That's why memes are getting more traction. They are more difficult to tell a lie with and are more difficult to falsify as they connect with our common subconsciousness on a much deeper level. Ohhhh, is that a challenge? For us to rally forth and create lying memes? if only I had the time. Or more correctly, if only I would choose to shuffle and repriorities to raise lying memes to a .... You get the idea lol
RAP and Hip Hop mostly. NWA, EM, T9, Flash and the Pan, vaya con dios (more ballads than anything else), and Queen. That be some. Led Zep? Boring Stones? Occasionally brilliant Beatles? Ho Hum
That is a statement of the obvious. The goal isn't to make everyone rich, it is make sure people who have jobs have a decent quality of life. Is that what people really want? I don't care what my quality of life is, if I am working on a thing I love to do. On the other (my hipocracy) side, if I am doing what I love to do, once I complete my schooling, I will have more money than I need. My needs are not small, but they are managable. Given that scenerio, what would an altruistic person do with their extra money? In my case, the same thing that selfish me would do, use it to enhance learning for those who want to learn. I don't have an altruistic bone in my body, I am a very selfish woman. The reason I want to enhance learning in others is that will benefit the world I live in, thus benefitting me. I plan on tending my garden very well.
Resetting a character
Sweet_Sadie replied to Jerm's topic in Pathfinder Adventures: General Discussion (No Spoilers!)
This game is like real life. There is no going back to a previous saved game. All your decisions affect you, just like life. I love it! -
Going online?
Sweet_Sadie replied to Shardik's topic in Pathfinder Adventures: General Discussion (No Spoilers!)
On the main menu page, it tells you if you are logged in or not. -
They dont need to really lie about Trump, he normally does controversial and offensive things He always does offensive things. That's my opinion. I could be wrong, but I'm not lol
The media lies about everyone. Kathren Hepburn once said (about the media), "I don't care what they say about me as long as it isn't true."
My family: to start with I am adopted. My Dad is an a** who was glad to get rid of me and my Mother is rapidly dying of a brain tumor. I have no sibs. When I met the woman who agreed it would be a good idea to adopt me, she quickly worked out the details with my Dad and my Probation Officer for an adoption. My new Mom is awesome. However, she has a huge Catholic family that are mostly right wingers. Mom is horrified by Trump. I love being a part of a huge family. The get togethers are insane! For Thanksgiving here, we had almost 90 people!
No worries, I was super impressed by the answers given in the first couple pages, but here in WoT it is standard operating procedure for threads to morph. We like to blend all of our discussions together here. One that stood out to me was the grasshopper and the ant metaphor that GD mentioned. My issue with it is I think there is a big problem with legitimate complaints about the plight of the real workers getting mixed up with the idea of government handouts. It's not necessarily as simple as telling people on welfare to get a job, because a majority of them have one. Over 50% of fast food workers rely on government handouts as well. The widening gap between the top 1 percent and the rest of the country and the shrinking middle class have little to do with how hard people are working. Now I certainly don't believe that the answer to this issue is more handouts, and I'm as wary of unions as I am bigger government, but there has to be some sort of strategy that will reverse the current course. Unfortunately our political system is designed such that real reform is very difficult. I don't have any good solutions other than everyone, and I mean everyone, come to their senses and quit being greedy and self serving.
The biggest problem as I see it, is a poorly defined interface. I know more people who have given up playing good games because of the poor interface. After the first time I open a game, I want to be able to bypass all the companies cutsie logo. Let me press on the screen and jump to the end. Often the interface contains absurdities in playing over the web. I will give you some real examples. When you request a friend to play, you have to sit and wait for them to notice the invite and respond even though that might take days because if you go off that page the game cancels your request. One game, the only way to sucessfully register for the game was to fail to register. No matter what you did, you failed to register. About two weeks after giving up, I got an email that my registration was complete and a link to the game. Worse, when you followed the link you ended up in a maze of menus and submenus with no way to actually play the game. When one game thinks you don't have a net connection, it shuts you out of the game forever (it won't even attempt to determine if you now have a net connection). After contacting customer support, they told me the only way to get back into the game was to request a password reset!? Really? Yeap! When I register for a game, I want it to tell me immediately if my screen name is available or not. Nothing worse than filling in a page of info, including the "I am not a bot" tests only to then be told my name is already in use. They invariably wipe out your password and often more. You have to fill it in again and again prove you are not a bot before you can find out if the new user name is available. Arg! The last one is when they pop up an ad for their company right over the play button, which sends you off to their web site with, usually, no "go back" link. You have to kill the net, and restart the game. I could go on. So many designers and programmers never think about the users and what they want. What are your major issues with online games?
Thanks GD. If you have the time, I have lots of problems that need fixing! LOL
As for Trump, My opinion is that he is inasne and unstable. He might decide to launch a nuclear attack on all the blue States. No joke.
Yes it does have different campaigns and SJ will differ depending where you live I live in South Africa so my commitment and view of SJ will be different to someone living in Finland I've never been to Finland, or South Africa for that matter. Have you ever been to the US? Yes Several times, we use to go once a year to a partner symposium in Vegas The USA is the most amazing country, people outside the USA misunderstood it and tend to assume all Americans are the same Who you voting for ...please tell me Hilary? I support Bernie at the moment, but will vote for whoever runs against Trump. Ah yes, Bernie has got several supporters on this forum But Bernie will throw his weight and get his supporters to vote for Hilary once the Democrat race is over...anything but 4 years of Trump Well I hope it is Hillary throwing her support to Bernie however whichever gets nominated will get the support of the other. As for 4 years of Trump, do you think this country would survive for that long under Trump? (Snippy snide grin) Yes ...despite all the rhetoric Trump cannot actually destroy the USA with his policies but he can take the USA backwards around how people view the USA..and this gets complicated because each controversial thing he wants to do can have different consequences But I keep telling my American friends ....Trump will lose horribly to Clinton, he has offended the biggest voting block in the USA. Women make up 53 % of all voting Americans. Trump is a sexist and clearly has no real respect for what women think...did you see that Megyn Kelly interview with Trump? I missed that interview. And I am afraid I mislead you a bit Bruce. I won't be old enough to vote here for two more years.
Apologies Hurlshot. I seem to have lead us off topic here. I will try to move our political discussion to another thread. Hugs, Sadie