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About DrDior

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    Birmingham AL
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    Euro style Tabletop gaming

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  1. I approach the game a little differently from many. These include many choices from deck 6, so may not be helpful to you. 1. It is better to block damage than to heal damage. Hence.... Best item is the ring of superior protection Best armor is the spell ward shield With this combo, a character can stop up to 5 points of any blockable damage. There is very little unblockable damage in the game. There are other lower level shields and items that also block (less) damage. 2. These spells work well in all situations. With a couple divine spellcasters, you should have a couple of each spell among your party. Greater Aid - 2d6 works on any check Major Cure - less required when you have plenty of blocking Sunburst/Whirlwind - feels good for Lini Invoke - lengthen your game 3. Weapons are somewhat situational Slaying weapons - great at high levels to assure eliminating a henchman Mokmurian's Club - better at low levels, if you have not been blocking damage Force Sling +3 - If you are pulling a high level toon down to lower levels to farm (Lem doing solo allies quest), this guaranties the most damage 4. Allies, have a mix of Eagle, moutaineer, blue dragon... no single choice but a mix of different ones 5. Fire producing attacks. The afforementioned Poog is the top low-level choice Higher level fire producing items and weapons find their place here. 6. Deal with traps master tool kit - great at low levels Blessing of Abadar 7. Blessings that fit you characters powers. Very few of the character blessing powers are not worth getting. So plan ahead and save the matching blessings.
  2. Do you have a complete card set? I just got the very last one, a Slaying Sword, while completing the weekly bonus. Playing 6.4 at hard difficulty, It came up in one of the locations. I've been playing PA from the very beginning. I wasn't even sure you could achieve obtaining every last card.
  3. I caught on a couple days ago. But the "assist with five blessings" does not work for me. No matter how I try, assisting with a blessing does not count. Then last night I had 2 quest at normal difficulty. Since all my toons fight at legendary, I can never complete this quest. so POOF, I can't get the the dice. Somehow, this seems unjust.
  4. I feel that the publishers have tried to address the players demands. Personally, I think making this a pay to play game is the only path to having a long life and new content. I'm a huge fan of Skyrim, where there are 40,000 user mods. This game is so complex that I don't know if a user community could support it in that way. Hence, we depend on game developers to expand PA.
  5. Ranzak.... What use is that spell slot when you always banish your spell? Actually, you don't. In RoR, your reward for AD5 is spell loot summon monster. It is never banished. Rather, it is discarded. Make the best of an awkward situation.
  6. I disagree with further constraining the stash. I think it is important to expand it. Expanding the stash will make the game more appealing to new players. They may have never seen the tabletop game, and are more interested in an unrestricted way of playing the game. Thus, more new players means more revenue. And that means more content.
  7. your party build certianly makes a difference. You can play an "impossible to win scenario". Try playing solo on the scenario where you have to close 6 different obelisk. I forget the name of it.
  8. Sunwrought Kyra is a fighter. I consider her the best alt character in the game. Max her strength and put the rest in wisdom. 4 weapons is about right. Don't add any more armour. Max her blessings and give her power to put blessing of Saranae on top of her deck. Max her spells. A couple greater aid is very nice. A couple of your best divine attack spells are good. Perhaps an improved find traps. I find that some items are better than followers. But this depends on your party size and your play style.
  9. Has anyone played goblins on Legendary? Does it unlock any special reward?
  10. Just my opinion..... The alt form of Kyra (Sunwrought Kyra) is the most improved (alt) character in the game. Improve her strength and give her Dawnflower's Favor and she (combined with Seelah) can escort any other player through all the scenarios except one. I would save my coin for those two. There is one scenario with 8 pillars to close regardless of how many characters you play. I find it incredibly difficult with only two in the party. A bonus is that those two can quickly complete Daily challenges for more coin. My favorite (maxed out) 3rd character is Lini. Put these three in a party together and there is very little that you can't handle.
  11. I am having the same problem. Goblin groups that I create on my PC (steam) do not appear in IOS. The group I created in IOS do not appear in my PC game. The character count (12) is correct, but the characters from the other platform do not show up. Drdior pfid 2d3c0b871245c600
  12. You should note how unclaimed and stash cards can affect your rewards. If you are running a new party and you want to be rewarded the loot cards, you must be careful that your stash and unclaimed cards contain some cards that are useable at your level. If you are forced to replace a banished card from your stash or unclaimed, which is at a level higher than your characters level, then when it comes to be awarding loot cards, you will receive non-loot cards of your level instead. The solution is to always keep an array of unclaimed cards, which is useable at your level.
  13. Another good quick video. Nice work. Since there are so many possible video's, may I suggest... Party size and party balance. New players struggle to understand the impact of the number of players and why the blessing counter deck does not change in size.
  14. The tutorial includes "discard" and "bury", but it really should show on this page.
  15. Excellent start for beginners. Thank you Mikey. I really don't understand why any and all tutorials that you have or will create are not under a single PINNED topic (tutorials). Eventually, the way this is posted, it will get lost in the shuffle of all the entries under this section.
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