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Everything posted by Cona05

  1. Really? Here's the excerpt from the novel, right at the point when Palps was firing lightning at Mace and had him in trouble. Pg. 334 of the hardcover Revenge of the Sith novelization: If you will notice, Palpatine was on the brink of destroying Mace, but with Mace pleading with Anakin for help, Palpatine figured Anakin might side with Mace so he goes DIRECTLY from dominating Mace to the point Mace says "Anakin, he's too strong for me...", to becoming that feeble old man. So Nurb, I'd say the novelization does make it quite obvious that Palpatine "gave up" in his fight because he didn't want to risk having Anakin side with Mace at that moment. That excerpt, atleast, definitely points to it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> palpatine was the one pleading for help, not mace windu.
  2. i remember sidious cowering in the corner before anakin even got there, so i voted yes.
  3. a conclave is a meeting
  4. black would be cool.....but white would be even better! :ph34r:
  5. i found sion to be one of the easiest fights in the game......what made it so hard?
  6. it wont let you put cyan crystals in it when you first build it
  7. i heard there was somewhere...which is why some of the defense boosting powers dont give you the bonus' sometimes
  8. wow thats like me exactly. without the yoda and palpatine stuff
  9. why does it matter to you? if you dont want to play another one then dont buy it......or let someone else buy it for you.
  10. i agree with this one
  11. you combine the classes so you got to level 29. its funny because my highest was also guardian 15 watchman 14
  12. the orange one doesnt always shup on korriban, ive only getten it there 2/4 times
  13. as i remember it, thousands of droids rushed out into the arena and swarmed the jedi.......
  14. considering the ratio of droids to jedi at the battle of geonosis, i have to say lightsabers
  15. then how did you finish the game?
  16. its probably a certain power you will get later on, you must not be done with all the planetes yet
  17. malak was the one that discovered the true power of the star forge, he is not just a total brute who doesnt think. though its obvious hes a guardian because if you run from him in the final battle, he uses force jump sometimes. revan could have been a guardian....his robes do grant a strength bonus, and as malak states, he only saw a huge fleet coming out of the star forge to crush the republic....so i dunno
  18. oh ya..forgot that part
  19. 1st - 25 2nd ~ 27 3rd - 33-35 (cant remember, but i used the korriban glitch to go up a few levels) 4th - 29
  20. Dark Side Marauder Your bloodlust serves you well. The dark side will lend strength to your body, and fill your mind with thoughts of savage destruction. You are destined to become a dark side marauder -- a living engine of war. Wherever you go, none will be able to stand against you. Even the vaunted Sith will fear your mighty weapons. hooray
  21. why do people see revan as a consular?
  22. so far its been said to be coming out late this year or early next year, but nothing is certain....
  23. he actually says "how crude" (prety sure) but anyways, i assumed it was HK-50, because in the prologue, it says there is a banging noise coming from inside the hold where hk-47 is, which means he was still active at the time, but afterwards when you get the ebon hawk back, he isnt active, and it does show hk-50 blasting on board when you dock at paragus.
  24. you would think people would automatically check the party members screen, which is what the devs probably thought.
  25. i find that the lady at the salvager camp has them a lot (on dantooine). unless youve already asked to she what she has for sale, you can keep reloading until she has one, it will come up eventually.
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