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Everything posted by wakasm

  1. I've posted this before, but I still think that this would fix a lot of the issues with how leveling works in quest mode: XP Level Rewards should be Card Feats, Power Feats, Skill Feats, and maybe Loot Cards (only) - Basically unique things not found in locations The basic idea of making levels be super meaningful, and let people grow characters through finding loot, like the game generally intends you to do anyway. Full details on my thoughts on it here - link
  2. Easy solution for devs to make money: Release content. See here.
  3. Everyone is overcomplicating everything. (IMO). No, we don't need a new currency. They misjudged how they wanted to implement F2P, implemented weird aspects of it, without understanding what drives F2P to begin with and what kind of economy works for it. The only way to combat the F2P issue is to release content faster and smoother, and it isn't happening. They are having issues even communicating what could be coming. That doesn't mean the future of this project is over, nor does it mean we are screwed, it just means that whatever momentum they had, they are losing, and probably means a loss of morale for them.. Their biggest influx of money was when all of us prepaid for content when we were all starry eyed and happy at launch, and if that wasn't enough to carry them further with a smoother rollout for later content, nothing at this point will either, short of a new team or some other method of funds. Our only hope at this point is that Obsidian keeps chugging along, as a labor of love, fix whatever issues they have, and use all of our Blessings when everything is released and polished, people may forget the past, and hopefully they'll improve where they can release content faster to actually combat the whole F2P situation to begin with. The target demographic for this game is already a niche of a niche...so... you really need even more content to take advantage of the amount of people that might even potentially play this game to begin with.
  4. There are a ton of things wrong with the system on a lot of levels. However, I think the only way to really not have them losing money to just have more gold sinks and content faster, and we don't see that happening. The real enemy is not the pricing, but the fact that there isn't enough choice forced on F2P players to spend some money and the extremely long amounts of time between content to spend gold on. Also, there also is no real value for purchasing with cash either other than saving some time. If a new character class was released tomorrow, and locked in as cash only for 90 days or something... at least that would be some value. They would have been better off keeping this pay only, and adding F2P later when they actually a full game on their hands and a years worth of content in testing already.
  5. Unlocked vs Your leveled up characters are two completely things. You should be able to take any unlocked character into any adventure path, including add-on characters. Some just won't be as strong as others. And technically, you can also take your leveled up character further in the board game. The official, from Paizo, Adventure Path 7 is taking your leveled up characters from Rise/Skulls and taking them into Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path 4+5+6, and playing without the mythic paths you get from that game. Source. Regardless, hopefully both the App and Steam keep the ecosystem in one place. Whether they make it a one time purchase (like sentinels), IMO, how it should have been; OR if they should keep it F2P like it is now (how I now hope it stays, since I paid for everything) is really more of the debate than anything for this thread. I can't even hope for future down the road content anymore at this point, because there is just way too much of it.
  6. If they make it separate, that is probably where I'd lose interest. It doesn't need to be it's own thing, especially with how much they've made the game repeatable and farmable. It should be tt's own adventure path, but in the same app. They might as well respect the option to choose characters from sets and use them in other Adventure Paths... and for Quest mode, the possibilities are fairly endless. Quest mode has lots of opportunity outside of the treasure chest as well... such as S&S or even a card add-on packs. It just doesn't have to be a random collect-a-thon wrapped up in a random-encounter-a-thon, which is why I believe they stole the wrong parts of F2P for that aspect. But, I feel like this distracts from the Steam conversation, so I won't comment more on it.
  7. Since the framework is there, you should release it for free and sync content. I would not have said this though if Pandora's box wasn't already opened. It should have been a paid game from the start, but I think reversing it at this point would do more harm than good, but it might be possible. Your enemy against F2P bad reviews are: your glacial pace of content (and miscommunication of said content) bugs, bugs, and more bugs Luckily, a Steam release would ideally be where all of this is fixed and done, and thus, you will probably be in a good place for a F2P steam release by then. Needless to say... the app should have also been released in this condition. My only advice would be to have even more content planned & in the works by then to do your best to avoid content droughts, as I predict that will be the biggest killer of your game. 2 or 3 week cycles, or even splitting up content into smaller chunks should work. Some people are not affected by content droughts, but I think the majority are and it's super prone to backlash. Related sidenote: People would pay for an Adventure Path 7+, or an Obsidian Custom Made Adventure Path, that has new cards bundled into it and are balanced for the content, including tougher banes as well I personally think the best implemented F2P aspect that was implemented was letting users play starter adventure path for free, since this game has to be experienced to get addicted to it. I personally think the worst implemented F2P aspects were treasure chests (I suspect there will be disagreement on this). For me, it feels misguided since this is not a collectable card game, and was forced in at the expense of game content and dilutes the value of adventure paths and the cards they unlock The current system undervalues extra characters add-ons and extra adventure paths as a means of gold/money sinks for players, which I understand is related to dev time - but I also think it's misguided.As an example: We've seen 2 treasure chest updates + codes released in bundles for them, We've seen 0 extra characters, We are still missing 3 Adventure Paths That's not to say I think the treasure chest is completely horrible. I like the collection aspect of it, which could still exist even without it, by tracking it through encounter rates like a beastipedia. I do like it's a gold sink. I just think it should be restricted to non-gameplay things, like dice, and/or maybe foils of cards, and definitely shouldn't exist if you decide to release the game in full for $25 on steam... especially since the cards could easily be wrapped up into Adventure Path releases which would also make you money.
  8. I just saw this and wanted to post a response to this as well. Paizo does not know this, because this number is greatly variable and gameable. I've played games where we could win a scenario with 15 blessings left, but instead spent turns purposely encountering 10-15 extra explores just to remove basic/elites. In skulls and shackles there is a character (the Oracle) who can often do this in a single turn! It's part of a press your luck component that is removed from the app, replaced with endless and safer, and sometimes mindless, farming.
  9. That is exactly the point of this thread. The problem, that according to you was a problem for some in the board game is even a bigger problem in quest mode, hence the original posters thread. lol. Which is why saying "it's fine" and "it's tradition" really isn't super constructive to begin with, and to say the rewards are meaningless in story, especially physical, is mathematically untrue when you factor in culling. It only takes one upgrade in this game for it to be meaningful, especially since 90% of the card pool in general is meaningless to an individual character. Which again is why some people prefer the box culling portion of the physical game as a min-max tactic.
  10. Actually, this isn't true. If you play the game naturally, IE, progress from scenario to scenario, without farming things or replaying things like you do in the app (typically how the board game experience goes - win then move on), then these rewards actually become a lot more meaningful. You don't encounter as many cards as you do in quest mode or from replaying the same scenarios The way box culling works, you generally dilute the pool of cards to higher probability of getting something your party actually wants By Adventure 5, if you've been aggressively been culling basic/elite cards... you have a much higher probability seeing things from Adventure 3-5 This is why people who complain about the box mechanic in the app have some weight to their reasoning for wanting this in the game. I'd rather play the story mode and optimize my time, get the best party I can, in as few encounters as possible, vs endlessly replaying the same stuff over and over waiting for a random number generator to give me what I need. This is, in my opinion, the BEST aspect of the physical board game - because it forces you to do the best you can with what you have, which is where any challenge in Pathfinder comes from. (Obviously, things the app introduces, like Legendary Mode or challneges are an exception, those are cool, but not relevant to the discussion) But the app is different because with challenges/legendary/gold/quest/farming/treasure chests - it encourages you to replay stuff over and over, which means you see a LOT more cards just through playing the game, somethign the physical game does not do, and thus, the "rewards" are way more meaningless because you've already encountered many many many more cards through luck of the draw, you have seen these cards already. This isn't to say that sometimes you get junk in the real game... that does happen, but because you encounter many less cards through locations, these rewards actually have more meaning and often provide real upgrades, because you don't get all these encounters. Unless of course your group is losing a lot. Because of this.... if Quest Mode is going to give rewards, they should give future tier awards earlier than you can find them in the game. or at least, let you encounter them at the same time you start seeing them in the game. Right now, they are too delayed, and almost always are useless for the same reasons as above.
  11. In My Opinion: I am fine with "junk cards" if there was a faster way to discard them and go through the animations for each one. It's just too slow. So in addition to 90% of the time me not getting something I need/want, having to go through the animations/discarding/etc is a chore. If they addressed that, then I actually would prefer this system: XP Level Rewards should be Card Feats, Power Feats, Skill Feats, and maybe Loot Cards (only) - Basically unique things not found in locations XP grind would be slower, with less levels, more xp between levels, but every level's reward would feel good Card rewards should be tied to each quest attempt, randomly generated alongside the scenario itself. The cards that drop should generally have a probability of being one adventure path level above where you are. There should be some % chance of getting nothing due to how many scenarios you play per level. From there, I wouldn't mind if they then gave a small % to get something higher than your current party rating (If party is tier 1, then 90% chance of tier B, C, 1, and 10% chance of tier 2) This way, you are always getting a reward for playing a quest and never have moments where you get nothing at all, and it would help with the RNG of cards, the large pool, and the fact there is no "Box" to remove cards from. Getting a chance at something higher helps with the fact that 99.9% of these cards you get you've already encountered in scenarios. With this system, you would get less "levels", with most likely more grinding of XP between levels, but at least you would never play a full quest and only get gold/xp and no card rewards, plus, the only exciting part of story mode" is the loot cards and feats anyway. After a while, you mostly have the cards you want/need without many upgrades in between. Not a priority by any means... but i think ti would make Quest mode feel better, where levels actually matter.
  12. Prepare to be partially bummed. Skulls & Shackles and Wrath of the Righteous are their own Adventures, balanced and designed by starting over, and even have their own characters designed for each one. You would be super overpowered early on using your leveled heroes on those and would run out of things to unlock really quickly. (Although you can use any characters from any set for these if you really wanted to). That isn't to say you couldn't, nor is it to say that they won't design the app to let you should you want to. (Although IMO, it's less fun than it sounds.) That said. the GOOD news: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lhxk?Wrath-of-the-Righteous-The-LongAwaited The way wrath ups it's dice rolls using d20's, Paizo basically have suggested you can continue on with your characters for a nice challenge by removing some of the new rules in Wrath (No mythic path) and basically use parts of the Wrath set to become a pseudo Adventure Path 7,8,9, 10. So you could take your Adventure Path 6 heroes from Rise/Skulls, and continue on that way if you wanted to. So hopefully the app, one day, gets there, and can even possibly mimic this. Or who knows, maybe Obsidian have their own ideas on how to incorporate power creep or endless modes, or what have you.
  13. I do agree, beating all of Rise of the Runelords should be possible with any composition. It might take some work. It might take some shuffling of needed cards and grinding for specific allies, spells, and items just to pass certain bottlenecks, but it should all be doable with enough grit and luck.
  14. I agree that this daily quest feature is small and most likely not a huge priority (which I have stated multiple times). However, in the grand scheme of things, this is, in my opinion, another small thing that can be improved upon, and thus, should not be swept under the rug as it all adds up. This thread got so long, because as usual, certain members of this forum think it's ok to trivialize other's opinions if their opinions are negative, vs just letting people post their opinions and be done with it. Either way, the devs have said they are looking into it, and there have been mostly good points brought up on both sides, and multiple people have said they agree or disagree. So it's not like a 1-off issue and a good debate is good for everyone. At end of the day - this is a FORUM. A place for people to discuss anything related to the Pathfinder Adventures App. People who think otherwise, or who think all comments should either be short, positive, or whatever mold they see fit really should realize how the internet and being a consumer works. Yes, we understand, you already pointed out that we as consumers are not entitled to things we want. <link> Yes, we understand we should go play something else if we are unhappy. <link> Yes, our opinions are stinky, and our discussions should be left alone... thanks for that too. <link> This should all be stickied somewhere so people don't come into these forums and try to leave feedback. Can a mod sticky these for newcomers? Please?
  15. The misreading continues. I might need a potion of healing soon if this keeps up. I'm familiar with gold farmers. Daily gold is capped. You can't farm more in a daily system. The challenges are the same. if I am able to do do a challenge on Monday, I'm most likely also able to do it on Tuesday. The gold I get between days isn't what is going to make this "exploitable" (even though it's not even exploitable) You keep stressing these extreme examples as if I have a choice what challenges I get, how hard they are, and how much they pay out, and how much they synergize with each other. Farmers will/already are exploiting the other sources of gold... its irrelevant Farmers will farm anyway, and there is no economy for them to break other than not paying for a FREE TO PLAY GAME It's not more gold. It's the exact same amount of gold I don't even talk about everyone having unlocked everything? i didn't talk about buying a character, or it's relevance? No, i don't want revenue hurt even more... (now that is an assumption) which is why this is a better alternative IF they are losing money, it's not from being F2P, because they decided to MAKE it F2P. They are losing money from bad experiences, like bugs, missing content, slow content, people quitting because there is nothing new, etc, burn-out. (which is all completely irrelevant to this post...) IF they are losing money from gold grinding, it has nothing to do with daily quests, because as mentioned, it's not even the optimal way to get gold! Now the big misguided response Frequently (every 2-3 days) is just as healthy as Daily for an app. Keeping someone in an ecosystem is healthy. There is nothing stopping or encouraging from being in the app daily in both scenarios Daily, especially in a game that is missing content, is less healthy for everyone due to burn-out, except for those who want to be here daily, which is the minority of people, which has been pointed out multiple times And the biggest one: Inaccessibility is the whole point of this post... make the daily challenges more accessible, with a better system, like a queueable 3 quest system. It's called a Quality of Life change. Improving the accessibility of these challenges improves the QOL. The daily challenge system is like, the least priority in this game. It doesn't even require this much discussion. At this point, I'm convinced you aren't even reading anything anymore and just coming up with random stuff lol. I mean, we can keep going forever! Devs are watching this thread, so maybe it amuses them. Just need popcorn!
  16. Well, it seems we are at an impasse. You misread almost every point, and came to your own conclusions that are in no way what I am saying. So I'll save my time and just argue in bullet points: Exploit - it's not Encourages it's player to log in less - it's doesn't Translates bad - it doesn't Daily Quests aren't even the best way to get gold, so not relevant even as an argument Temptation comes from rewarding content and things to unlock (see: every popular game ever + psychology) Buying gold is always an option in all aspects of the app, not relevant to daily quests Revenue is hurt more by 20 more important things still MIA than the daily quests (bugs, missing content, missing deadlines, etc) burnout and inaccessibility kills games faster than less frequent logins (see: every popular game ever) Daily quests legitimately have a MAX payout for people who can claim them 100% of the time... the devs know what this is... it's not some magical exploitative number that makes them lose money
  17. Hearthstone has a more successful business model because the IP is larger, and there is a competitive scene built around it, which provides a hook for needing/wanting/getting more cards. But they also offer similar gold sinks as well. I can't stress that there are many more games with similar systems, who have learned that respecting a users time is pretty important to both avoid burn-out and to give realistic expectations to free time. However, Obsidian decided to copy the F2P aspects of similar systems instead of just charging for content, so they should copy the best parts of those as well. The whole worry about 'too much farmable gold" is not a real argument, because they set what this is. Again, the math checks out, and even if a person queues up 3 daily challenges, they get the same amount (not more) than someone who logs in daily. Obidian also can just create more uses for gold... like releasing more content (see other threads), but they can also easily lower it, or raise prices, or find even more unique things to throw into treasure chests for collecting purposes. (That is what the dice is, a gold sink and another reason to get treasure chests). Now you are getting it, nothing is stopping a person from doing this, that's the whole suggested point. There is nothing broken about this scenario because you'd get the same amount of gold, if not more, doing it on separate days. Plus, it feels good when the stars randomly align and you get synergy... like the actual game when you get items, etc that have synergy saving 20 minutes... and the game respects your time and allows you some freedom to do this. Win. Win. win. This is a whole different conversation... but literally everything you do in the game gives you gold, and daily challenges are not the fastest method to earn gold in this game, so it's not even something that is a factor. It was their decision to make the game F2P, so it's up to them to monitor how much gold is being earned daily. And they are, as they've previously shown. If you want to worry about gold farming and them not making money, blame the speed of content. it's not that gold farming is too easy, is that ways to spend gold are too slow. (Obsidian has acknowledged this as a goal). If they released content on a more frequent, bug-free, and on-time basis, even F2P players wouldn't be able to keep up and be forced into choices as to how to best spend their gold, and these choices would eventually force some to pay to keep up, or resist and miss out on new content. Obviously, they've missed their mark on this, but they have said they are trying to improve it, so keeping fingers crossed on that. Less logins are fine. I'm sure Obsidian has realistic goals on this. Any app that has frequent usage is considered successful. their major KPIs (key performance indicator) I am sure is not daily usage, but overall engagement on a whole... and I am sure the stats that they will check on the most will be how the sales of each adventure path taper off, how often players drop out of adventure paths, how far people get in quests, etc. As long as they see users staying around and doing things, that's a win for them... which is why accessibility is really important! Daily is pretty extreme, especially for an app that's still missing 50% of it's base content, lacking multiplayer, lacking features, has bugs, and is not competitive, etc. Obviously the amount of money they make is their biggest KPI, and i can only say that I believe making the daily challenges better is something that will help with that. However, it's not even a top priority. I'd love to see them address 40 other things before they fix daily challenges... if that gives you any perspective on things.
  18. I have answered WHY 20 different ways. Just read, and reread what is being written. It doesn't make getting gold any easier, because Obsidian controls how much gold gets released anyway. The point of DAILY challenges is to get people back into the app frequently, if I had to guess. That is Obisidians main reasoning for doing it, while also offering new ways to deliver unique content. The reward for people who do so, and completing the challenge is gold. But the CAP on gold is the same in both systems - At Max, it's 365 days x Daily Reward. That's true if it's 24 hours, 48 hours, or 72 hours. You keep putting down my very sane and logically suggestions with just something that's not even true, but that's ok, right? How is it punishing players who play every day? Two examples: A person logs in every day, spends 120 minutes total on challenges, gets 700 gold in a week. (how it is now) A person logs in every other day, spends 120 minutes total on challenges, gets 700 gold in a week. (how it could be) There is no difference here for the hardcore. The amount of time spent on challenges is the same. The amount of effort is the same. The reward is the same. Where is anyone getting punished in this scenario? People have even said, multiple times, and I agree, that the challenges themselves aren't that hard. How is your 120 minutes spent total any different than my 120 minutes total spent? It's not, other than which 24 hour period you do them in. The only difference currently is, if I have a real life engagement, I'm screwed, but if you have nothing to do, you are rewarded. So, based on your logic, assuming everything you said is true (it's not) customers who have more free time are more valued customers than those who do not?? That is literally the only argument you are making. If that is how Obsidian actually sees customers (I don't believe it is), then I would stop using their app immediately and never support them again. But you can! Go for it! The truth is, Obsidian values all customers, wants to make money, and wants a mechanism that keeps people playing in the app frequently. Upping the daily challenge system to mimic other SUCCESSFUL games would be a great start. I believe they'll do it. And I'll keep putting up the fight for them to do it.
  19. Nice try... a failed one but still nice. Yes, DAILY crosswords/Sudoku don't disappear the next day and you can still solve them but if they are also tied to some reward you MUST complete them that same day or you're not eligible for reward. Also, we're talking about Daily CHALLENGE... with challenge being completing the task inside 24 hours. With that being said, none of the challenges given out so far take longer than 30 minutes to complete if you meet the prerequisite for it (unlocked character/scenario). Hell, the last one, evading banes could be done in under 5 minutes! Failed at what? I failed at nothing. The challenge is the thing you are doing. The daily is the frequency of which it opens up. There is nothing implied about it's length to accomplish that adds or subtracts to the challenge difficulty itself. You even say it yourself... the challenges themselves take up to 5 minutes (and I agree, most are super easy). The length of time it's accessible has nothing to do with it's difficulty to do, only accessibility to do them. The only suggestion that is being put on the table by me is to open up the accessibility of said challenges like other popular games do. That's it. Instead of requiring us to log into the app 7 times in a week, let us log into the app 2-3 times in a week. Let me queue up a few quests and get them done in my hour of playtime, instead of forcing 5 minute chunks. It'll take the same amount of time either way. So fracking relax with saying I'm right or wrong, or that I've failed. It's a suggestion, and one that I think would BETTER the game (which we all want). and is one which is seen in MANY other games. Respecting a person's free time goes a long way. Again, FOR EXAMPLE, other games solve this easily by giving you buffer time to enact said daily challenges. Hearthstone - Daily Quests - 72 Hours Clash Royale - Daily Chest - 48 Hours World of Warcraft - Daily Quests - 7 Days of doing many different dailies to hit max points Daily Crosswords - You have forever to do them I can add about 20+ more popular games/items to this list. Just because you have a single interpretation of what "challenging" is, doesn't mean that there aren't others. People trivializing a suggestion to make the game better and more accessible to others are just being defensive to good game design for no reason. It doesn't affect you. It doesn't make your ability to log in every day and do them in 5 minutes any less possible. But for those who it matters to, it makes a better game. And again, using stuff that's not even relevant. Do we not understand that there are MULTIPLE definitions of many words, especially in conjunction with other words AND context to how they are being used? Do I now have to explain every combination in existence when I merely proved examples that the version of DAILY quest/challenge/task/bonus/etc exists in many places that people were trying to say doesn't exist or is not a possibiltiy? No one is refuting that there exists cases where daily can be strict to an exact 24 hour period. Even in Pathfinder, we have the DAILY GOLD option. That one makes 100% sense since it's not tied to gameplay, and they are giving the reward for coming back every day. And even in your doctor instance, the DAILY has to do with the FREQUENCY. IF the value of the frequency only matters in it's context then no, a Doctor can't just wait and do it tomorrow, because in that context, the whole point of the daily rounds is to make sure something is being done every day. There is no value like that in these challenges. It's a single player game. They could literally have released 31 challenges listed all out for you to attempt at and time and the difficulty of these challenges would remain the same, and the time spent doing them would remain the same. Obviously Devs made it DAILY to get people back in the game. There is nothing wrong with asking for a compromise to make it a bit more flexible for some. If the game had leaderboards tied to the challenges, then it ***might*** matter, but even then, the only part that matters there is that all players have access to the same rules, so if it was a flat 24 hour period, or a queuable quest system that allows some buffer like 72 hours, as long as all players had access to the same thing, it would be fair either way.
  20. It's called "Daily Challenge"... how long do you expect it to be available for completion? A week? Or maybe even longer? As red said, the "DAILY" part has to do with when it's given out, not how long it takes. Just like the DAILY news, DAILY crosswords, DAILY Sudoku, DAILY Quests (hearthstone), DAILY Chest (Clash Royale), etc. These are all things I can get only the day of, but I can take a bit time to complete on my own if needed. The DAILY crosswords does not disappear or become irrelevant or easier if i take an extra day(s) to do it. The challenges difficulty themselves have nothing to do with the 24 hour part. The challenges don't need to be made easier. We want them to be hard, or time-consuming, or fun. And with a system similar to hearthstone, if I am away from the app for too long... then I still miss out on most of the daily challenges. But at least it gives some buffer time to catch up or finish what you started if real life prevents me from logging in daily. Having a daily challenge system like this only betters the game. Those who want to/are able to log in every day still can. Those who can't get a small buffer time to catch up. Win for everyone.
  21. No one is saying to change the challenges themselves. We of course want them to be challenging. People are suggesting to change the delivery mechanism of the challenges to accommodate real life. The mere fact a challenge exists for 24 hours doesn't make it difficult, it makes it inaccessible. Me being unable to even attempt a challenge on Friday, 8/19 because of real life commitments has nothing to do with how difficult the actual challenge is. Having a reasonable and slightly looser delivery mechanism that still requires commitment of the player base to return to the app on a weekly basis, that is tested to be tried and true, to give people some flexibility as to when they can attempt the challenges, within reason is better than a 1 and done daily timer. The developer literally copied a board game and put it into an app. That's irony for you. Most people can't play games 24/7. it's not rocket science. There isn't any innovation needed here. Hell, most people even sleep 8 hours a day. A strict 24 hour window on anything is just silly. Most games have some rollover element to accommodate different time zones, schedules, etc. It's not like the daily gold where all it requires is to log-in and press a button.
  22. I'm a customer. I'm allowed to apply feedback and want things. This is how capitalism and being a consumer works. The game would be better if they implemented this.
  23. Once again, people on this forum defending something because Or build a daily challenge system that's been proven to work for people with varying schedules and flexibility to keep the interest of the majority rather than the minority. If you have the time to play every day, then it doesn't change your situation at all.
  24. This is just another thing that didn't need to be reinvented. Just adopt a daily challenge system like popular games like Hearthstone. You get a new daily challenge daily. You can store up to 3 of them for as long as you want. As long as all slots are filled, you get no new ones. You can choose to drop a challenge you have no interest in doing, and let a new one pop up on the daily timer. Problem solved.
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