Update (or "Second Impressions"):
Had to replay a while, but this time no hardlock (thank god) and everything wen't pretty smoothly onward. And when I made it outside I loved the view distance and such... less the fact enemies just spawned behind me out of thin air and than whacked me in the back. Silly me got back into the first visible dungeon again though (oh why oh why are Oblivion Dungeons so boring? Some Dungeon Designer at Bethesda MUST be slapped!), rebringing my "first impression" hatred. Better stay outside from now on...
Anways, some further "issues" I have:
Lockpicking (again); Any lock more difficult than "very easy" is impossible. Reason? You CANNOT move the pick left or right untill the complete up AND down animation is done... then how can you have 2 or more on the same time up? Hopefully this is something for Low Level Lockpicking only and not some very stupid porting issue...
Magicka (again); Even the most dangerous enemies seem easy with this. Only have 0.1% health left? Just spend 2 minutes and you have 100% again, due to the healing spell you get at start and the regain rate... what the hell?
Fighting (specific blocking); If you clicked "attack" (left mouse) several times for a Flurry attack it will NOT note when you click the right mouse for blocking. Thus making blocking useless since if you really fight you can't block! (only sissies block/hit/block/hit/block can use it )
End second impression...