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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. *cough* http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/136-my-dantooine-statue/ *cough* Haven't had time to game at all myself, so still at the exact same spot of Batman: AC. I wonder how long it's going to take me with my meager gametime
  2. Nothing we did about that though... :/ The inventory was fine at the start. With the endgame or expansions though, far too much loot... comparing the items was painful too. Hopefully B2 improves that, and not with "more loot per dead enemy"... I seriously got fed of drowning in new dropped items at the end. Story wasn't good, but the funny encounters, quests and varied combat made up for that... Shame my PC died while playing R3, and I lost my save. Wasn't really not in the mood to replay until retaking the general... where I was when it happened. Still aren't. You mean going to Tienn (Atton, T3 and Mira/Hanharr) or the actual Goto Yacht? Since the Yacht is pretty much unchanged. It's pretty much the same at Dxun. Game does that. No more just forgetting about them. Vibroblades? Dead Twilek... no exploit needed. Good thing I remembered that from KOTOR1 .
  3. Yeah, it is. Kinda forgot about it though, and didn't look into it for 1.8... oops.
  4. They didn't... and in the end we had to...
  5. 1) Hololog of the mechanic fixing the droids 2) T3 on camera 3) Asking HK-50 about the above 4) Sion arriving ingame cutscene 5) Kreia mentioning his arrival afterwards 6) Sion's additional lines when meeting him on Peragus 7) The camera system and HK-47 in the hold when the Assassins board the Hawk 8 ) Vibrocutter 9) Heavy Mining Gun 10) Asking Atton about the astro-system and the HK-50 on the hawk... You seriously only saw 1 of these? And then I am probably skipping over a lot too. Anyways, me? I am still playing Arkham City. Finished Zsash side-quest. Still many more to go.
  6. I think they're far more interested to lure people into TOR to give attention here...
  7. I'm fine with the throphy thingies being so (after all, same in AA), but having to reload over and over, getting annoyed, and only online learn you just need a tool you can't have at that time. That just sucks. They could just made the keypad a STRYKER one you cannot hack at that point in the game instead of a regular, so you have the tool by then. Problem solved. As is, it's just bad gamedesign IMO.
  8. Getting insta-killed over and over in a situation which is unwinnable (but made out to be otherwise) is not bad gameplay design?
  9. Getting killed continously in a Riddle Challenge, getting fed up, and looking up the sollution online... "You have to use a gadget you get later"... Well, thank you Rocksteady for making me annoyed and reload 20 times on something I can't even complete yet. <_< Great gameplay design [/sarcasm]
  10. Arkham City... yes, late to the party. Still rather at the start, but I kinda like AA more so far. Batman's AA/AC gameplay doesn't really seem suited for freeform. Antoher proof that freeform isn't automatically better, as a lot of people somehow think, and want in all their games and devs actually listen... *sigh*
  11. Posting the actual issue might help? You wont get help from LA or OE... but we might.
  12. If you have a non-US version first use 1.0a, then 1.0b.
  13. The breaking seems to be related to asking "Forget it, then - just stick to piloting." It lacks the check for global 6, which should give it another line than it currently does (the lightsaber convo). Guess you'll have to use any other means to end the convo for now...
  14. Ehm, the "pay for character options" make sense. F2P MMOs generally make a bunch of many on character customisation options... somehow. Heck even FPS like Battlefield Heroes do so. Asking insane prices, but some are insane enough just to get that look. That's aside from the other stuff they can ask money for. Seemingly transportation, more raids and items and stuff in this case... I don't really care, I'm just going to threat it as (a not exactly up-to-my-expectations) KOTOR3.
  15. It does give you the Visas vs. Handmaiden stuff in the end of the game. So if you want to see that, going back an earlier save undo's that .
  16. I double-checked all paths, everything lead there. :/ So, what did you pick then? EDIT: Just looked through the .dlg and can't find any instance of not triggering it... EDIT2: Hmmm, did you say "All right, I'll do that." and then it stopped the convo? If so, there's a bug in the .dlg editing program... which would explain why it can happen but not appear in the .dlg. (the line lacks it's requirement, as it should, but it's a copy of a line who does have a requirement, just modified. Might be something went haywire there in the program?)
  17. Because apparently there are a lot of people who love grinding and doing the same endgame area over and over. Basically, what kept WoW alive despite being hollow and devoid of meaning. Of course, for us RPG-players it's great that the good stuff is free, and they only charge for the boring grindy stuff only MMO-addicts would want to do :D
  18. Just use TSLRCM. And then later mention what you found jarring and good, guessing what was added and what vanilla. Always nice to hear that, though I barely ever do since most already know KOTOR2. There's also a Skip Telos mod. That video issue sounds annoying. I've got on win7 something similiar, but not totally, I have to alt+tab after each cutscene to get rid of the black screen and see the game again. But that's the only issue I have on 7, and I haven't used comp modes or .dll's or whatever, just a regular installation. Whoops. Can't change it anymore though. Mods?
  19. Yeah, you'd miss the entire point of the game. If that bothers you, don't play it like that...
  20. What's awesome? This is:
  21. http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/downloads/tslrcm-18 (still awaits authentication though) or http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/197-tsl-restored-content-mod
  22. You just now have to live with not getting any other lightsaber again EVER, since they cannot drop above level 40.
  23. I've tried that sometimes with some people experiencing said crash, and it still crashed they said... so, you'll have to find a way to fix the crash...
  24. You do know LA rather forgets it ever made KOTOR2, right? But well, your loss. Bought Deathspank 1 and 2 on the last day. Was 50% off all around, but hoped for a 75% sale some day. But nope, always the same few titles... :/
  25. http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1393-think-the-tslrcm-can-work-on-a-mac/ It's not like Mac-support is common even for current games. So, it's pretty unlikely to happen for older games these days still.
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