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About Blunderboss

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  1. There are 2 opinions on this forum that does not matter at all thats Boeroer and Thelee’s these guys clearly have **** taste since they keep playing average deadfire game for 55 times, and they keep derailing every topic with their ilussionary world beliefs where deadfire is the best game ever created. It isnt wake the **** up. Im glad you two loved this game so much that people saying truth about what this game did wrong butthurts you two so deeply. However it is clear that excluding 50 fanboys on this forum majority of players thinks deadfire is average or below average and sales represent it perfectly. I bet obsidian is happy that thelee and boeroer love this game so much sadly they cant buy another half of million coppies so there wont be deadfire 3
  2. You do realise that all the issues with the game adds up and that causes low sales or not ?
  3. I get it , you played trough this game 50 or more times you think this is one of the best games ever made and everyone else who doesnt agree with you are just making things up and dont understand anything Thats it for me keep believing whatever you want to believe
  4. You are talking about “sales predictions” when we are living in time post fact that deadfire did not sell well. Just because you or someone else has jumped into direct sequel without playing the prequel does not mean anything, this is still off-putting to many customers. And this is just one example of issues people had with deadfire and there are plenty of those to go arround and they all add up and that results in lower sales overall, this is not that hard to understand.
  5. Dude, without any respect to you : you are clueless you compare deadfire to mainstream bethesda titles like oblivion and fallout .
  6. cRPG’s Is niche genre people dont just blindly buy these type of games they look up info about them and then decide, by the way fallouts and oblivion are not direct sequels so Im not sure why you mentioned them
  7. Well Deadfire is direct sequel to PoE, so why people who did not finnish first game would buy the sequel , why would new player buy this game if at very intro of the game you have to choose your legacy from first game and this is not even optional, especially since this is obsidian game where story is big part of it
  8. Honestly if you look at PoE1 completion rates very few players even finnished the game and then deadfire is like direct sequel that does not improve that much from original and even fails at some things PoE was great at(like that thing called main quest). Also these cRPG games sell by word of mouth mostly(and im not talking about shill 11/10 goty reviews) and deadfire had plenty of issues that people disliked and even if those issues alone are minor but they add up into bigger picture which results in lost sales. Also at the start of the Deadfire player gets dropped into beraths intro where you have to choose poe1 history import your character etc, i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of players who bought it refunded right after that intro as they thought you have to play first game to understand whats going on. Also its important to realise that stuff like full voice acting increased production costs by a lot and then deadfire needed to sell much more copies to cover the costs which it didnt, i think moving forward devs should really consider if costs of Voice Acting are worth the sales they will get from people who bought game just because its Voice Acted(obviously it does not), and maybe that money could be put to better use enriching existing game features and adding more content .
  9. Single class rogue is second most broken build right after priests with BDD+SOT+Brilliant , and much easier to pull it off than priest combo since u click 1 skill and with right build you auto attack everything in the game while being invisible all the time, its by far easiest build to solo the game
  10. Meanwhile i dont agree about difficulty of the game, i totally understand the frustration about Armor and underpenetration, introducing this system and leaving it the way it is was epic failure by the developers and they never acknowledge how broken DR and PEN system is, basically there are no ways to penetrate enemy armor reliably late game, i mean even my SC assassin build has issues penetrating out of invisibility and assassins have constant +4 penetration...also it doesnt help that there are very few unique weapons to chose from especially when dual-wielding considering you will need to equip more than one character.
  11. Backstabing with arquebus is game winning strategy and everything else is just a flavor 3 Con 3 Res is more than enough for melee assassin, however melee assassins should always be single class Assassin Ascendant is not the most synergetic combo but it will be good enough troughout the game, you can assassinate with Kitchen Stove+thunderous raport enchantment and you will instantly ascend and enemies will be half dead already, if you need to ascend more than once you can backstab with some op arquebus and you will ascend again pretty fast Take a priest with you so you can prolong the ascended state with Salvation of Time , also it might be worth getting No Time for the Lost watcher skill for the same purpose of prolonging your ascended state
  12. Sure there is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritual_successor
  13. You are the one that had no counter-arguments and went for cheapest strawman “its just your opinion” . I am being very respectfull now when i am pointing out that you are a Strawman and a parrot who does not contribute anything to the disccusions
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