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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Well, I think Lost Planet looks prettier as far as 360 games go, but the GoW presentation at E3 looked really nice. Nice game mechanics.
  2. Wow, I had a challenging time and I ended up getting everything. I can't imagine what it must have been like without using magic all that time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was very fun having a limited amount of Ultima/Meteo/Flare/whatever to dish out a decent amount of damage, and then have the boss shatter it completely. 'Jolly crap, you destroyed my Ultima'. Hehehehehe. This was especially cool given the direct link to stats. Using up the powerful magic linked to Strength led to pathetic physicals and so on. Very cool.
  3. I enjoyed FF8 except for a few things - "Drawing" magic from your enemies, Guardian Force summons and the "grade" system at the Academy. Drawing magic was probably the most annoying thing out of all the FF games I played, even more so than watching the lengthy summons over and over. FF8 had a good story and the soundtrack was the best of the series. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Those flaws, despite being what they are, probably made FF8's final boss the most enjoyable one in the series for me. Since I had barely drawn any magic and was relying too much on summons, it was really neat to have the roles reversed as the GF's were being decimated and put on the role of last-minute shields for my characters, as I tried to actually deal damage with the limited amount of magic I had - all while the boss was destroying my magic *and* stats at the same time. In that context, having the extra boss forms was pretty neat. That redeemed the game's battle system for me. I would not, in a million years, replay it, though.
  4. But no other FF game got a perfect score in famitsu. So it's on par with Nintendogs, whoopdeedoo. This still makes me groan.
  5. Hahahahahahahaha, Hades.
  6. Square's been dead to me since they passed on bringing Front Mission 5 to NA or Europe. So.. no. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Them Bastards! Well, look at it this way, FM4 sucked so you probably didn't miss much with 5. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I actually liked FM4. Anywho... from what I've heard from those who have played FM5.... it's the best one of the entire series. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, on the bright side, they're remaking FM1 for the DS.
  7. I loved the Dark Messiah singleplayer demo. I *hated* the multiplayer beta. It was so stale and unenticing
  8. Don't put words in her mouth, Muso. That's not what she said.
  9. My main objective is to covertly make a few forum members disappear. I mean, NWN2.
  11. He also hates consoles. This is proven by the fact that he owns more consoles than I currently do.
  12. Heh. I've always used the topdown view. Never found the others useful.
  13. I could never get the lockpicks to work in DX too. Please help me.
  14. Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday is awesome And some Advance Wars: Dual Strike and Phoenix Wright on the side. Also replaying KOTOR2. And a long batch of wargames to go through, that should last me a few years.
  15. Wait, are you done with your role on the game until it ships?
  16. RIP Clover http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=c...d=3994&Itemid=2
  17. Man, life is sad when you want the attention of Hades and Gabs.
  18. <3 JE Haha, I already like Sand. Jerks. GOTY.
  19. Okay, so how would you compare it to non-NWN Bioware fare?
  20. How would you rate the writing/story from a scale of 1 to 10 - 1 being Bethesda and 10 being MCA?
  21. Yeah, that kinda looks like Oblivion on min settings :D
  22. What if they do?
  23. What about if Obs announces titles for PS3?
  24. I was expecting the girl to die
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