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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. What? My suggestions are as valid as the "I hope you can dual-wield saberstaves" and "I want to hump Bastilla in KOTOR3!!!! " fanboys'. And yes, I do want to dual-wield saberstaves. That would be AWESOME. Zooooiiik za za chooof tsssk za chuuuuuu. Imagine the animations
  2. I think Malak should make a comeback in KOTOR3. Imagine the surprise as the Exile meets up with Revan, only to find out that Malak has also been at their tail all along. Only, having 5 yrs to reflect on his actions, he's realized that he's been wrong, and chooses to atone by teaming up with Revan and Exile as they go fight the True Sith, who turn out to be Time-Travelling Lizards - a previously unknown species from the Unknown Regions.
  3. Just popped in some Doritos just now.
  4. Score! I'm looking to, er... gameplay improvements in terms of extreme volleyball, er... gameplay.
  5. Hmm, speaking of DMing, I'm pretty tempted to just focus solely on DM mods for NWN2 with Nick. I'm wondering if making the singleplayer mod is worth it. It's a shame I haven't DMed more with NWN. I've only made one mod, and we had pretty good but short run on NeverwinterConnections. We only really did for around a month, and ended up in 3rd place re: DMs for that month with limited effort. We kind of stopped DMing after that, but I don't imagine it would have been to hard to get in the DM Hall of Fame if we tried. I really miss DMing. I should definitely DM more in NWN2. I'm kinda torn, really.
  6. Finished another bag of Doritos.
  7. In that case, I nominate Sephiroth!!!!11!11!1!111
  8. Cheer up Lonewolf! We all love you here. Every single one of us. Really, we do. Really.
  9. A sad one.
  10. 1000$ on someone already taken? Not sad
  11. Someone sticky this thread.
  12. Surreptishus <3 Hades YAR YAR HUMP HUMP
  13. By yes, Magical Volo meant that they died trying.
  14. I'd agree with Magical Volo if NPC AI in RPGs weren't mindnumbingly stupid. Combat in the Call of Duty series is infinitely more 'immersive' to me than any combat system any RPG has ever tried.
  15. I bought myself some Doritos.
  16. "a third-person game with "RPG" stat advancement, responsive and visceral melee combat, and deep character interaction" using the Revolution controller would be quite appealing, hmm? *hint hint*
  17. I agree. KOTOR2 with Jedi Knight series combat would have been really fun, come to think of it. REALLY fun.
  18. The computer is the Dungeon Master. Whatever the Dungeon Master doesn't accept doesn't exist. I can imagine myself roleplaying in Fallout 3 right now, but that doesn't make it relevant.
  19. Then again, the "TIME-TRAVELLING LIZARDS, SUCKERS" punchline would have made it all worthwhile
  20. Chuc Mung Nam Moi indeed. Jerks.
  21. Some Doritos.
  22. I think there's another reason why Hades would want to go visit Magical Volo. *wink wink nudge nudge*
  23. Well, it had potential, but that would been too much effort just to make something, then go "TIME-TRAVELLING LIZARDS, SUCKER" Then again, it was tempting. Make the game long enough to enthrall him, then throw in the greatest plot twist of all time. The comedic value would have been priceless. Wait, didn't Bioware do that already? Wait, does that mean I would take a direct stab at Bi... never mind :D
  24. Screw order lists. Dak'kon - Balance, in all things. Morte - Kreia - the teaching sessions were some of the most enjoyable parts of the game. Atton Rand - I don't like sarcastic characters HK-47 - Actually, I even preferred the first HK-50 you meet in KOTOR2, hehe. Jolee Bindo - Go senility! Mint (Threads of Fate) - World domination, baby! Democratus (Anachronox) - It's a freaking planet, how can it NOT be hilarious? PAL-18 (Anachronox) - Wanna see my batteries? Jessica & Kyle (Lunar) - Priceless dialogue between those two Sheryl & Lutz (Arc the Lad III) - ditto, I love Working Designs ;_;
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