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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. This is true.
  2. Makes sense to me that TB would 'easier' to design than RT. Any moron can make a system similar to chess, though of course, the beauty lies in design and balance.
  3. D&D can't be real-time either, right?
  4. And Bethesda-quality writing!
  5. Well, 'good game' can mean many things. Just depends what your expectations of one are.
  6. None of that is going to change the fact that it's still being made by Bethesda.
  7. Actually, he will be, because he's Hades.
  8. The point of the MMO part is that half the team is trying to make your team fail. This is a griefer paradise.
  9. http://pong.flash-gear.com/ This game is GODLY.
  10. I like storydriven games. By storydriven games, I mean actual games, that provide actual interactivity within storytelling, not just crap that pretends to introduce 'interactivity' by having combat within a completely linear story format. This refers to CRPGs for the most part. I'm very unimpressed with JRPGs nowadays; I'd rather just watch anime than have to suffer through what ends up being inefficient storytelling segmented by random combat and dungeon crap. I like strategy games. Real-time or turn-based is irrelevant. My favorite example right now would be Hearts of Iron II (which is, incidentally, real-time). Conventional mainstream 'RTS' do not count - strategy, my eye. I want games that actually focus on strategy, featuring warfare on an operational level. If the focus of the game is on microing crap, dancing individual units, or memorizing building queues that require no actual thought, then the game has failed. I like tactical games, games which aren't compromised by 'action' or 'twitch'. Real-time or turn-based is irrelevant. Combat Mission comes to mind. The upcoming Tactica Online should be promising as well. I like military simulators, otherwise known as realistic FPS, such as Operation Flashpoint or the upcoming Red Orchestra: Ostfront. Crap like Counterstrike that pretend to be are eliminated. I want tactical teamplay, proper coordination and communication, not stupid 1337 skills, to dictate victory. This is what I like.
  11. What do you mean, when?
  12. Oh yeah, M&B has pretty awesome combat, including horseback. And from a indie company. Oblivion/NWN2 = pretty pathetic in comparison.
  13. Basically, the only thing that *has* to matter (and this isn't even absolute, you can change it afterwards, if that's what you want) is appearance. Namely, race and gender. Class and attributes are irrelevant if you're not using the default system.
  14. Actually, no, because you're stuck with Magical Volo
  15. Cheer up emo kid!
  16. This is definitely possible. Yes. It doesn't have to be an awkward compromise, either, you could have it as extended as your system needs it to be.
  17. I'd say it's possible, but that depends on what 'manipulate' implies, like alanschu mentioned. In terms of casting a spell on a target that makes a spherical special effect and neutralizes the target, making it susceptible to commands (via dialogue, items, etc) could indeed be done. As for character creation, to look at it in a simplified way, basically, let's say there are two paths: lockpicking vs archery, as you mentioned. If the player takes path 1, you give him +1 in lockpicking, or +1 in archery if the other path is chosen. This can be done via the default in-game DnD system, but that can be a bit awkward in terms of balancing and limitations (being stuck with the default crap is kind of sucky). Otherwise, you could play with variables. Say, have a variable named 'lockpicking', and one named 'archery'. You can just add them up as they increase skill-wise, without having to rely on the default system. This allows you to balance it with YOUR game as well, the way YOU want it.
  18. Chances are, someone in the community will probably make some. Heck, for NWN, there are modern D20 tilesets. I've played through a Star Wars mod, etc.
  19. Oh, it's definitely possible to implement, even with current NWN scripting (of course, NWN2 won't be that different anyway). Not necessarily difficult, either, just requiring lots of scripting (just, lots of it, but it doesn't actually have to be very complex). In any case, I'm through and done making a RPG system just for its own sake. I don't care if my mod ends up a 'RPG' or an 'adventure' game or whatever crap in-between. Its goal is simply to promote storytelling through its every facets. Heck, it will ooze storytelling out of every orifice. I'm sick of all this 'lol if i wanted a story i'll read a book, because i'm closeminded and a stupid moron lol'. Interactive storytelling > u. It should be something that ANYONE with any appreciation for storytelling should be able to enjoy, not just 'gamers' (hence, gaming conventions out the crapper). Yeah, I'm repeating myself EDIT: In reply to RP's character creation stuff.
  20. Haha, no worries. It *is* a good idea, so I'm glad someone is doing something about it, instead of letting it simply rot as nothing more than just an idea. Good, good. There's a lot of potential here, but it'll also be a buttload of work. BTW, is that prison ship thingie the tutorial you were pondering?
  21. You jerks should get a succession game going!
  22. When I was first reading about the game, I didn't particularly care whether the religions were different from each other or whatever. In hindsight, though, I realize how much more they could have added to the game if there was actually incentive to adopt a certain religion depending on what it actually provided gameplay-wise. Too bad.
  23. Voices and planes, hahahaha. You should have named it Project Volo, dawg :ph34r: In any case, my sp project is currently back to the drawing board. Strayed away from it for a while as I was pondering with Nick how to assign priorities when it comes to, say, making DMed mods instead. So, basically, currently, I don't have anything concrete storywise, though in terms of design philosophy I already have the plans ready from the previous projects (in terms of being storydriven, the narrative interface, etc).
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