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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Well, I got the impression that that was just scripted, and only if you didn't have your weapons out. Mind you, I didn't have skills in awareness, so.
  2. I think Galactic Battlegrounds did ok AFAIK. Nothing spectacular.
  3. And could you even detect the Mandalorians on Kashyyyk anyways?
  4. I still think we need some more polygons. Polygons has always been the focus for me. I can look past jaggies and whatnot (even at 1024x768 with no FSAA, I only notice them if I'm looking for them). But when someone has a blocky face or something, then ugh.
  5. Awareness was screaming for dialogue options. Don't know wtf it even did in KOTOR 1. Detect mines? Which isn't an issue anyways?
  6. I'll agree. I've seen some people do some absolutely insane things with Photoshop. Some of my favourites are animated gifs of this guy that kills himself. Basically he'll be sitting at the computer screen or something, and suddenly another version of himself will come in and snap the original's neck. He'll then sit down and look at the computer screen, and the process repeats. They look damn funny. On a side note, I always love how no matter what, in TV and movies its always possible for them to use a computer to increase the resolution so that they can see that defining trait on the bad guy or the piece of the license plate to give them the big lead they're looking for.
  7. Hehehe. I always love the look in Mace Windu's eyes in Episode III when they're in that saber lock. It's a focused, determined scowl, and I can't help but think he's thinking "What are you doing?? I'm a bad mutha ****er"
  8. Gramps. Little kids in diaper don't have the years required to make a man as bitter as GoD
  9. It was gold when they were usable in dialogue. I loved how my Computer Use knowledge would let me know if someone was trying to BS me about their computer skills or something.
  10. I would think that if they were to officially "force" a sex on Revan, it'd go with the Lucasarts Canon of Lightside Male.
  11. The beauty thing of the upgrading though, is that it isn't really essential. I loved playing with the upgrades, and it made the skills much more useful and applicable....something that was not the case in KOTOR 1.
  12. It'd be a tight quarter battle to say the least. I'd suspect vehicles will have less than stellar performance. I doubt it'd be much different than fighting in Vietnam :D I wonder what the special bonuses of the planets will be.
  13. I have heard no such thing...at least not optically. You can have really, really, really huge "telescopes" by having an array of many dishes scanning the sky for radar waves. While you can't have a single dish that big (it gets crushed under it's own weight), but you can create an array of many telescopes that, when arranged correctly, perfectly simulate a telescope with much larger aperture. These telescopes check for radio waves, which have a much lower frequency and are not really affected by the atmosphere at all. As far as I know though, the Hubble Space Telescope is the biggest telescope that checks in the visual spectrum.
  14. Heck, in Superman 2 you can see the Super Criminals attacking the guys on the moon.
  15. Well, you didn't even need a prestige class really. With a master I can still beat up on guys with my lightsaber. Why go Weapon Master? :D
  16. It is neat that no matter where Hubble points, it finds clusters of galaxies. It'll point in one area, find a cluster of galaxies. It'll then take that same area, and look between galaxies in that cluster, and find another cluster. No matter how many times they repeat, they'll still find clusters of galaxies. Universe is BIIIG
  17. I'm pretty sure it's all the same, because it's all about moving air particles. Although it does look like temperature has something to do with it (which would cause airflow as well) Why do stars twinkle - I'm feeling lucky Google hit.
  18. Ah yes clearly. Still, I'm not sure what "BBS" he's referring to.
  19. The home page says "40 ground and space locations including Yavin IV, Tatooine and Dagobah - each has its own specific advantage and/or resource." Now, they could easily be using the "funny" math, and considering each ground and space location to be a planet, so I'd say 20 is a safe bet.
  20. Are you confusing Ender with me again???
  21. Basically, there's an absolute maximum resolution from the surface of the planet, because of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is also why the stars twinkle, which makes them much more noticable. Stars in space are just mere points of light. Coupled with a very bright moon, I don't know why anyone is really surprised that there aren't stars in the sky in the moon photos.
  22. Seeing anything fine from the earth would probably be tough, given the atmosphere getting in the way. Hubble would be able to spot it I bet...but it'd probably be too expensive to reposition it just to take a picture of the flag.
  23. That's because you look at the rules within a vaccuum.. You need to look at the rules within the context of your particular gameworld's setting. The setting will always impose restrictions on who or what you can be ... no matter what. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The setting is malleable. In a Forgotten Realms game, I could only be a human Paladin in AD&D. But in a 3rd Edition D&D game, I don't HAVE to be a Human Paladin. So I'm not sure what the setting has to do with it, given that now suddenly there are Paladin's of all sorts of races and whatnot.
  24. It's better cos that's where it comes from. Some of K2's good points come from the feedback of K1 - so if K2 didn't have those enhanced features (like Influence or quick-weapon switch) then...welll, it would've said something bad about Obisidian and LucasArts. Granted, they don't seem to listen much now anyway - <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sure they're listening. They just aren't talking ^_^
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