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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. A new update has been posted at IGN. It mentions a February 7th, 2006 release date, and has a 2 minute trailer. It's a neat trailer, and I can't help but be reminded how much I love the John Williams Score.
  2. Do you not have an Internet connection? With Half-Life 2, the Internet Connection is only required the enable the game. You can set it to "play offline" mode.
  3. A thread that is a horrifying testament to the wierd sexual fantasies people have towards video game characters
  4. But then you'll get the babies that disagree with some sort of interpretation, about how Luke used a green saber but was probably more Guardian than anything else. And you'd also get lightsiders using Red Crystals just because it gives them more strength.
  5. Nah. I don't lose my lunch when I play Jedi Academy or when I watch Star Wars movies. I doubt it'd be dismemberment to the point of Monty Python blood. But even still I didn't lose my lunch when watching Kill Bill. Nor do I even lose my lunch when playing games like Resident Evil or Clive: Barker's undying. I don't lose my lunch when watching Jason go nuts in Friday the 13th movies. But I digress.
  6. I'm blaming both. But jerks prey on the sensitivities of others, and they aren't going to stop, because they are psychologically reinforced, via classical operant conditioning, to continue doing it, given they get pleasure from bugging the piss out of others. It gets the point where you can't say anything without pissing someone off. And once you cater to the "victim," then other "victims" that weren't catered to get upset and press for their own voices to be heard. Admittedly, I speak as a white male, so I haven't experienced large scale oppression. I do however feel sympathy to the institutional prejudices that exist in North America, and I can understand the merits of various affirmative action plans, as well as understand specifically what they are trying to accomplish. I'm not asking for the sensitive to mask their sensitivities. I'm asking for them to not be stupid with their sensitivites. The biggest group that pisses me off are those that "champion" the sensitivities of others. For instance there was a hockey dispute where Don Cherry said "The only people that use visors are Europeans and the French." However, many MANY people, that do not qualify as Europeans nor French [Canadian] cried out to "protect" some people that didn't even need protecting. Ironically, upon further analysis, it turned out that Don Cherry was correct...the majority of people that wear visors were in fact European players and French players. I hate it when other people, in their self-righteous journey, come out to protect someone (or some people) that don't need, nor want, protecting. I even remember when my neighbour was complaining about our busride home, which required about a 5 minute walk home for me (and about a 1 minute walk home for her). However, her "support" for her complaint was "Think about Allan, he has to walk so far" when in fact I didn't mind the walk. Crap like that pissed me off too! Anyways, enough ranting for now.
  7. Errr, where did he deviate from it? I guess he made the movie analogy, but it was an analogy to video games. According to who? Even the links to the US Department of Justice indicated crime was dropping. Unfortunately they only go to 2003, so where can I find information that says otherwise?
  8. I don't think they should give bonuses. They're just a colour. It's not like you really need MORE bonuses in a game like KOTOR anyways.
  9. I'm not sure how the dismemberment would work, as you don't have direct control over where your character attacks. It would probably make the overly sensitive and protective mommies (and religious fanatical activists) cry out about how this game will turn little Billy into a monster!
  10. However, I feel that the "jerks" prey on people's sensitivities. If you're not so sensitive, the jerks don't bother you :D
  11. The biggest effect would probably be loading times, since that's when a lot of information would need to get swapped in and out of memory. Even then, the game shouldn't necessarily run badly (assuming a good CPU and Video Card), unless it actually exceeds the amount of available memory while within a particular level and you have to go into virtual memory. And even then, it's possible to streamline the memory by making sure that the most important and frequently used calls remain in memory (or better yet cache, although cache isn't very big) so as to minimize the extent that you have to dive into virtual memory.
  12. You sure don't mind talking about a game you're bored of.
  13. I like Greg Ellis. Another guy that I see has quite the repetoire of video game voice overs. He was awesome in 24.
  14. I would not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Easy to say when that ending isn't there.
  15. Simply say "giggity giggity giggity" really fast, and you'll get the jist of it. You don't really need to know about family guy, "giggity giggity giggity" stands on its own.
  16. I think you completely missed the point. I wasn't trumping the wizard or the specialist mage, in any way. I don't see what the point is of your "specialists suck" rant here, because it doesn't address my concern. I think it's dumb that given equal or even better attributes, the Gnome was restricted. I find it silly that a Gnome is able to learn the magics of the illusionist specialty class, but no way jose to just being a normal mage. "That's just silly." The Human can dual class if he prefers. And the multiclassing/dual-classing junk just makes AD&D more nonsensical IMO.
  17. Some AotC reference or something. He seems a good sport, and not overtly powermongering while locking something down. I find many people take a lock down of a thread they created to be some personal insult or something. Which reminds me that people should be less sensitive.
  18. Why is that? (Although I never heard it in development for the PS3 either)
  19. I'd get used to the idea of connecting to the net being a requirement for even single player games.
  20. I suggest a change in avatar then.
  21. Last night actually I had quite an enjoyable game, with a decent commander and a good bunch of guys in my squad. Because I had been in the server for a while, I eventually became the squad leader, and the commander agreed with most of my requests for offensives, UAV recon, and artillery strikes. And since I was usually in a tank, surrounded by the men in my squad, I switched over from engineer to medic in order to help them stay alive. It was actually very very fun.
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