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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I would think the GPUs are entirely too specialized to simply have them become the general purpose chip to be utilized for the FPU performance. Furthermore, if GPUs were that versatile and powerful in their FPU performance, I doubt CPU manufacturers would worry about having strong FPU performance if they felt developers would utilize the GPU instead. GPUs are exceptionally powerful, but they're still one trick ponies. Their entire deisgn is around graphics. Worrying about all the geometry, transformations IS floating point extensive, and it's finalized with the integer-intensive rendering. But the instruction set and design is specifically geared towards graphics. If it was as easy as you indicate to merely offload the instructions, then they'd already be doing it for Physics. Physics is also floating point extensive, and as we get to game environments with destructable terrain (like Company of Heroes, which is going to be excessively destructive), then the physics load could get quite expensive. But they don't talk about offloading that stuff onto the graphics card. It's why there's design plans for a Physics Processing Unit (coined PPU). If they could just offload onto the GPU....they would. It also makes an assumption that the GPU has resources to spare, given the state of graphics today. Hence why CPU manufacturers look to improve it. Also, analyzing how much of the code is integer and floating point does not tell the entire story. You are correct in stating that a floating point operation take more cycles. If you have a game with 20% of its code floating point instructions and 80% integer instructions, and I work some magic and create a silly scenario where those 20% are all division, and the 80% are all addition, you'll still get a CPU load that spends way more time on floating point instructions rather than integer instructions. Of course this example is a little far fetched, and the same can be said for integer division (divison sucks....it's like 39 clock cycles per division). I also think it's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy with floating point and integer performance. Simply stating that code for games is X floating point and Y integer could very well be a reflection of the CPU. With all the work done to help improve floating point performance through SSE/3DNow! as well as architecture approaches such as allowing non-related floating point operations to be prefetched prior to instruction to keep the FPU in use, I would bet that games today feature far more floating point operations than they did 10 years ago (ignoring graphics). As more FPU performance becomes available, the necessity to abstract a floating point problem into an integer problem becomes less necessary. They also would allow for better machine learning (i.e. statistical AI). Analyzing Probability Distribution Functions and their implementations for decision making is not just "simple choice strings." Go to an AI conference and make that claim. It'd be like going to an Astronomy conference and saying how much you like Astrology. And besides....isn't AI really just making realistic choices? And even still, he still said the PS3 is more powerful. "There's no question about that."
  2. I think all the ones that one the big ships are compensating.
  3. OMG taht wud B teh r0x0rz! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I award two thumbs up for this post :thumbsup: :D
  4. In Lucasarts' case, I don't think it was so much profits, but mere capital to stay alive.
  5. I think there's some sort of association with AO and explicitly not being able to sell to minors or something to that extent. Kind of like the infamous NC-17 rating in movie theaters.
  6. Sorry, but what's GI? I can't put a name to it.
  7. By judge perhaps I mean more "ass-monkey" that convinced the ESRB to buckle and change GTA's rating.
  8. I remember hearing about all the hoopla of Alberta's eugenics history. Interesting stuff, and certainly walking the highline of controversy.
  9. I would bet that if a society existed that favoured homosexual relationships, and only used heterosexual intercourse for procreative purposes, then I'd say we "choose" to be straight, in that it's affected a lot by the environment. Just speculating...although I do remember reading up about tribe that used homosexual relationships as a rite of passage to manhood. I won't get into the details, it is "colourful"
  10. I dunno. I don't think taking on Electronic Arts is a good idea. They have huge money, and have friends like Sony and Microsoft that also have huge money. EDIT: Good thing the Judge ruled in favour of Thompson. Now he can go on a moral crusade against anything he doesn't like. Training pedophiles, my GAWD!
  11. Actually I bet it would, as there'd be strong sociological and psychological influences from the environment to make you think like that. Of course there's always exceptions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hah! Fair enough. You'd need to get into mind-reading to know that one for sure. I mean, aren't we missing something, which is that personality has a huge part to play in attraction. I know i can't be getting dates on my looks alone! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't be so hard on yourself. Until we meet the person, I'd say that physical attractiveness is pretty paramount. I can't think of anybody that willingly went up to a person of the opposite sex that they felt was unattractive with the purpose of getting a date. What can I say...we're all shallow :D
  12. Mario, Mike, and Mr. Greatness. Coaches are definitely not my strong suit in hockey.
  13. Actually I bet it would, as there'd be strong sociological and psychological influences from the environment to make you think like that. Of course there's always exceptions.
  14. Ah, the book is quite new. I'll probably pick it up. I guess now that I think a bit more about it, it probably wouldn't be too different from transexuality, since I'd wager a good chunk of homosexual men are transexual in nature, and consider themselves to be a woman (TV and movies certainly fulfills this stereotype). And I do remember one of my professors talking about the possibilities of genetic traits causing the "woman inside a man's body" situations. In between the goofiness and whatnot, I actually don't mind this thread. I was making an attempt at serious discussion, but I probably should have known better than to bring up a subject like this :D
  15. Heh, much like a counterstrike forum will have a ton of firearm "experts," seems as though this does too
  16. I found that to be more in IWD2 than in the first one...although I haven't played the first one as in depth.
  17. I was mentioning that the phenomenon was not just restricted to humans. The predispositions exist for other mammals too, so it would seem that there would be more than just them all moving to the big city, although the large concentrations would be affected by that as well.
  18. It is rather verbose, and gets off to a much slower start.
  19. Would be nice to finally get some youth on that team!
  20. You'd have to analyze their situations while growing up. I never said it JUST happens in large cities. There are certain conditions that are highly related to overpopulated areas, and those conditions can still be replecated elsewhere through other means. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You sure did emphasise it, either you need to get better at expressing yourself, or I need to check up on my understanding of English. (damn Anglo-Saxons) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Here is what I originally said: I merely mentioned an increased predisposition. I certainly don't consider that to be an emphasis, since it just mentions one correlation.
  21. Ultimate Fighter is neat because it's not really "reality" TV. It's a bunch of teams of guys trying out for UFC pretty much.
  22. Is it just me, or did Florida get royally screwed?
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