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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Liars all of you. You SO understood what he was saying.
  2. I went to a pistol range for shytes and giggles one day, and want to know what me l33t training in the murder simulators did for me? It let me jam a Glock 9mm on my very first shot. Never had that happen to me in CS.
  3. I figured this was some bizarro quintuple post...until I realized that they all had different times
  4. I was wondering that too. I'm surprised he didn't just put me on his ignore list. I'm sure he gets soooo many emails, he probably wouldn't even recognize me. I'll make sure to send him something at least every once in a while. I'm just being [very] optimistic, but it would be kind of cool to get a reply back from one of those places I sent an email to :D
  5. Players understand that trades are part of the league. And you can't fire someone in the NHL. The contracts are guaranteed so if they let that player go, they still had to pay that player unless a different team picked up the contract. It still doesn't change the fact that it's a bonehead idea to sign someone to a long term contract that has a history of holding out and not honouring the contract.
  6. Errr...are you saying you liked Resurrection better than Alien or Aliens???
  7. Adam Sandler movies are much better than they used to be. Much less of the crude humour.
  8. I think I'm flattered. Bring it on I say! I've played so many murder simulators over the course of my life, no one stands a chance. In fact, in one of the murder simulators I took on 100:1 odds and still came out breathing. It's hopeless! :D
  9. You spelled it wrong. Schumacher! I'm not worried, since I already posted my name in a different thread when someone asked where my forum name came from I think it was And I did also send it to my local newspapers, the Edmonton Sun and the Edmonton Journal (oh noes, you know my city!!)
  10. I sent it to TV stations as well. Only two video game sites listed.
  11. Here's basically the email that I have sent out to Gamespy, IGN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox, as well as Canada's Global, CBC, and CTV.
  12. LOL. I tried continuing my civil conversation with Jacko, and he immediately responded with a copy and paste of that same spiel. So I said: "So much for civil conversation then. Have a nice day." To which he immediately replied (like seconds later) with the exact same copy and paste message. Although he has the subject heading "not interested. get lost, or else" How should I respond? :D :D :D
  13. Hahahaha. I sent him a reply stating that I am trying to have a civil discussion about information that is inconsistent between his sources and my sources. I love how he said I should go out an talk to the media and whatnot, like it's easy for an average joe that's not on a crusade and doesn't make his living by his crusader to go out and spend all his time talking to the media. Ironically, his crusade has made me have more violent urges than any video game has ever done. Fortunately I have played these murder simulators which have taught me that stabbing someone will kill them. Otherwise I'd be at a complete loss as to what to do.
  14. Wow, all I basically did was ask him why the millions of other owners of GTA haven't gone on murderous killing sprees, and pointed out that violent crime was on the decline according to the Department of Justice, and he sent me this: For the record, I have never threatened his life nor is First Amendment Rights.
  15. Define "natural," because homosexuality does occur in other animals in nature than just human beings.
  16. Looks like he put out a fire with that shot. I say we have firefighters use that sort of stuff to control fires
  17. What do you mean not the issue? Couldn't you have romances more like the BG2 ones in new games?
  18. " Unfortunately though, I don't know a solution to your problem
  19. That's still optional though. You don't miss out on anything but not having any romances in Baldur's Gate 2.
  20. LOL! I'm just curious what his response will be. Something Dogmatic no doubt. EDIT: I should say, that if you do email the chap, to resist the "Fark you and die" type messages, because he uses that stuff to further justify his actions.
  21. Which game had the 280 MB Patch? I know Battlefield 1942 had some pretty big ones.
  22. I don't think MacLeod was saying we'd get a free content update.
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