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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Here's hoping Ubisoft releases mountains of revolutionary RPGs. And yes, the Splinter Cell games (particularly Chaos Theory) are exceptionally polished and well done games.
  2. For the record, I just said "Good luck, you're gonna need it" to squeeze in a Star Wars quote, and to wish the dude luck because ambitious campaigns with teams formed over the internet can sometimes be...questionable at best.
  3. It is a nice looking engine, and would greatly speed up development time. If they want to get Halo out for the PS3 launch, they wouldn't have much of a choice IMO, unless they went with a different engine license.
  4. Read up on it here Not a big deal for me personally, but I remember other people mentioning the game so I figured I'd bring it up.
  5. I agree with my roommate that Edmonton would probably benefit from a decent offensive centerman...but those are becoming scarce. The only ones I can think of that are remaining are Allison and Lindros. And the rumors have Allison going to Toronto, as well as possibly Lindros (although I think I'd have mixed feelings about Lindros personally). But perhaps it will be the Maple Laffs this year?
  6. Word on the street (or in the papers) is, after signing our RFAs, Edmonton is still expected to have around $5 million to shop around with. I believe they're hoping for a $33 million payroll this season.
  7. Only if they weren't planning anything particularly impressive with Halo 3. I suspect they weren't working on Halo 3 while working on Halo 2. Unless they license an engine, they're probably going to build a new one. I can't see them using the same engine.
  8. Well stukas were designed for bombing, and a few well placed bomb hits could be devastating. Although I would think that most battleship bombings from dive bombers would have required a larger amount of dive bombers...so much so that you couldn't really credit a single guy with the kill. Now a torpedo bomber on the other hand...
  9. I never thought I'd ever see a Resonance cascade...let alone create one!
  10. They're waiting for you Bungie....in the tessssst chamberrrrr.
  11. Well then Bungie better get their asses in gear. I wonder if this is what Bungie expected when Microsoft acquired them.
  12. I think the difficulty with multithreading is just multithreading itself. I think once you have a program to support multiple threads, getting it to run on 2, 3, 8, or 20 processors is just a bit of tweaking. From what I understand, the bulk of the difficulty is just getting the application multithreaded to begin with.
  13. Good for fergie! Just got back from lunch, and that Sun article is exciting. It was cool listening to all the player's reactions, and like how you said Pronger just wants to play (I'm sure the responsibility of "just" being a marquee player will be enough :D) and lead by example and not step on any toes. At the same time, Jason Smith commented that he recognizes the experience that both Peca and Pronger have with the 'C' and has stated that he has the utmost respect for them and has no problems sharing the leadership role with these guys. Reading the paper got me all excited
  14. Yeah, looking forward to it. I'd imagine there can only be so much deviation, because he does want to have a strong story. But the elements and perhaps some of the conclusions and decisions that are made along the way are more malleable.
  15. The Bruins seem to be solid, assuming they'll sign Joe Thornton (and I think it'd be mighty unexpected if they didn't sign him).
  16. People can have bad seasons. There's also other considerations such as the type of system that is played and other stuff like that. He is getting old and his 40 goal days are probably behind him...but don't forget that the league is supposed to be opening up the offence a bit more.
  17. Spellmar is everywhere. Surrounds us he does....flows through us.
  18. Quake IV has some interesting visuals too!
  19. Amonte is a natural goal scorer in my opinion. And if he shares a line with Iginla, he'll be more open with all the focus Iginla will receive. I think it was a good pickup for Calgary. And kudos to Roenick for waiving his no trade clause to make room for, in JR's words, "the best player in hockey today."
  20. Meh, what do I know. I thought that that was a lot of the hoopla about George not respecting the EU in Episode 2. Of course I'm sure Episode 2 had a history of Boba that didn't go along with any of the EU, but meh....it's his creation.
  21. I think Half-Life 2 is a very RAM intensive game. I know my roommate and a friend of ours have the exact same computer, barring RAM (my roommate only has 512 MB compared to 1 GB), and Half-Life 2 seems to run a lot better on our friend's machine.
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