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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I disagree. It's a much more cynical comment if mild is not emphasised.
  2. Well, make sure you pick up Tie Domi, Donald Brashear, and Georges Laraque. They are the biggest up and comers in the NHL and I expect them to have 40-50 goal seasons. THey just have the natural talent. People are hyping up this Crosby chap, but he's really just a goon. So what if he also plays with Mario Lemieux (also an overrated plumber who is historically lucky to have a 20 goal season). Joe Sakic? Stay away. If he's even healthy, he never gets more than 40 points or so....a total bust and waste of a draft pick personally. Now Wade Belak! Future Hall of Famer. Just tears it up and will probably lead the league in Goals and points this season.
  3. I believe my CPU is a 60 Watter! And it doesn't even give off light energy like my lightbulb does, so it must be even warmer
  4. Not a fan of foosball. Sorry If you're interested in some Fantasy hockey however :D
  5. The subtitle of the thread. Am I the only one that thinks they'll always be hot?
  6. Errr, last I heard Sam & Max & Kumquatq3: Hit the Road was an FPS hack and slash!
  7. At first I thought you were actually quoting the Hoobastank song, which just didn't seem like something you'd do.
  8. I'm worried if Bertuzzi might end up being a bit too much of a distraction for Vancouver. I suspect a media gong show following him and scrutinizing his every move.
  9. SportsNet had posted an article about Sean Burke going to Pittsburgh, before it was actually confirmed. They ended up eating their words a practically minutes later, with the annoucement that he was going to Tampa Bay.
  10. I don't think so. If they did I bet it's not for very much money. I'm still half-on half-off about a Messier sigining. I see a player like him being very useful to players like Stoll, Reasoner, and Horcoff in terms of growth. Since he's getting old, it's hard to say what the year off did for him. He could be fully rested and ready to go, staying in tip top shape for this season.....or he could just be a year older which means a little slower, and so on. Edmonton would have to change their slogan to City of Captains if he does get signed. As for SportsNet, I'll admit I have some reservation about going there after their Sean Burke confusion. TSN has been more reliable IMO.
  11. Only that there's a press conference :D WHere'd you see the Moginly signing? TSN.ca didn't seem to have it.
  12. Brodeur, with Luongo and Hasek as backups would have a hard time winning in the Leafs/Flyers series last season :D
  13. I've always been more impressed with the bumpmapping, increased polygon counts, and so on. I never play with FSAA, as I don't consider the "improvement" in image quality to be worth the hit. I'd much rather crank up pixelshading and ansiotropic filtering.
  14. I doubt they could use Steam to distrubte Half-Life 2 to consoles. They need a publisher. And EA is huge.
  15. I personally felt as though Joseph had already proven himself as a stellar goaltender in Edmonton. I wouldn't consider Joseph to be an average goaltender personally. I certainly wouldn't consider Belfour to be an average goaltender either.
  16. I watched every Toronto game in the playoffs last year. And I actually have Game 5 vs Philly on tape, although I remembered the McCabe giveaway anyways. A quick scan through the tape showed me the other horrible breakdowns by Toronto's players. I don't blame Belfour when Philly was getting clean looks at every shot. Ottawa was getting the same looks but Eddie was on fire. I also don't think shutouts skew the result, at least not as much as 6 goals in 18. The guy stopped 37 shots in one game...that's phenomenal. And I don't consider them to be simple shots he stopped either. Belfour was absolutely standing on his head in the Ottawa series, and you're the first person I've seen that has said otherwise. A shutout can only skew a result if there's a ton of shots....but in that case the results aren't skewed at all. The 6 goals in 18 shots would do far more for his save percentage than the shutouts. I'm surrounded by Edmonton fans, who by default hate Toronto, and we were all impressed with Belfour's play, and wholeheartedly agreed with Cherry's statements. At many points Belfour was stopping 2nd and 3rd rebounds because his defense forgot how to secure a rebound and seal off opposing players, and still came up with the big stops. Toronto did not get eliminated from the playoffs by bad goaltending. They got eliminated because they just played bad period. I guess at this point we'll just agree to disagree.
  17. He was average against Ottawa (in my opinion) and below average against Philadelphia. I remember Belfour having a couple of shut-outs in the Ottawa series, but he was also below .900 several times. Yes, he stopped 40+ shots one time, but he still lost the goalie match-up against Lalime in that game. Also, a great goalie is consistent and Belfour isn't. I disagree. In that game it was 44 saves to 27 in favour of Belfour. I also don't know how you can knock a guy for having "several" games below .900, when his save percentage for the series was .954. There was also the game where he notched 37 saves in a shutout. Toronto was hideously outshot that whole series. The team forgot how to play defense and Belfour totally bailed them out. There's a reason why Don Cherry made the comment that all the Toronto players should just give Belfour their playoff cheques in the middle of the series. Even then, he faced an average of 34 shots that series. Belfour pretty much single handedly stopped one of the most potent offenses (and powerplays) in the league. It was actually game 5, but whatever. Getting 11 shots would have more to do with being horribly outplayed. Giving up 13 shots in the first period to the Leafs 2 would likely set a tone. And don't forget McCabe's turnover to give Recchi the first goal of the game. Primeau also had a short-handed breakaway goal, in addition to another breakaway at the beginning of the second. I won't fault Belfour for giving up breakaway goals, two of which should never happen (McCabe's give away and the shorthanded breakaway). Toronto didn't get only 11 shots because of lack of faith in their goalie....they only got 11 shots because they stunk up the joint that game. They were just horribly outplayed the entire game. And they certainly shouldn't have had a lack of faith in their goalie prior to the game, given that he had the highest save percentage in the playoffs. Even with the 6 goals in 18 shots, he still had the highest save percentage in the league.
  18. Those darned Rouges. I never did like Red ^_^
  19. Maybe I'm just old school, but I don't find resolution to be that big of a problem past 1024x768. While in the middle of a game, I've never paused to notice "oh my, this game is all pixelly!" at anything other than 800x600 or less. Even then, I can tolerate 800x600. Maybe it's just because my monitor can't do 1600x1200 very well (only 60 Hz), so I have just never bothered. It probably doesn't hurt that I only have a 17" monitor as well, so those pixels are a little smaller.
  20. You should tell her about Jacko's crusade. It'd be interesting to hear what her take on it is.
  21. I think I saw a different one too...but I do not remember exactly. I don't want to be too big of a jerk
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