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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. but since in the past there was no law, that would mean boards that were equal had women that were qualified to be there. the new law forces companies to hire people, women, regardless of their qualifications. this will not create wealth, but it will create resent. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It will also knock down systemic, sociological barriers.
  2. Only if he can find a civilization that naturally makes an association that increasing something is actually decreases it.
  3. Yeah, the Apple IIs were huge in the education arena. Especially if you were in grade school in the mid to late 80s.
  4. If you have trouble counting down or subtracting single digit numbers, I can't help you there. Besides I can easily say the same thing that the only reason why you find a 3e CRPG easier than a 2ndEd one is because you are used to the fact that in most other console/PC RPGs ACs go up as they get better not down. Is it that surprising that you would find counting up more intuitive? With that said, it is still a trivial matter to convert AC in 2ndEd to 3e style (just subtract from 20)so that you can count up or forego THACO completely if that is your wish. Here's the point that YOU JUST AREN'T GETTING. Of course YOU have no problems with it now. You've already played it for so long. Stating that the 2nd edition rules are intuitive is akin to saying Hitler was a benevolent pacifist. It does not matter whether you think it's better or not. And of course you wouldn't have problems learning SPECIAL. It's an intuitive (i.e. Increasing something makes it better...OMG what a concept!) system. This is exactly what WotC claimed.. Almost certainly a marketing strategy to get more sales. I have yet to see the statistics. Get some people that don't know it and teach them the games! It's what I did! Then you are not a valid authority to talk to me about rule systems. Don't talk about something you know nothing about. If you are not familiar with them then you are wasting your time.. as well as mine's. I'm basing my statements on the CRPGs which have utilized the rule systems. Go ahead and be all elitist. You're just crying because an unintuitive ruleset that you prefer isn't the default ruleset anymore. All moot, when we're discussing CRPG games. And even though I don't actively play in PnP games, it doesn't take much to see which one has the basics that aren't contradictory to basic human interpretation. Seriously, go down the street and ask people at random. Ask them "This item has an armor rating of 4, and this item has an armor rating of 3. Which one is considered better armor?" Then come back here so I can call BS when you state that anything other than an exceptional minority (if any) say that an armor rating of 3 is better than an armor rating of 4. You CANNOT win this.
  5. Macs I remember when I was in school. Our first computers where Macs that used some sort of DOS type software. No GUIs back then. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No GUI on a Mac? Are you sure you were using a Mac? Or was it an old Apple II?
  6. Except modern RPGs aren't very good at rolepaying, wouldn't you say? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No worse than plenty of older RPGs. What "roleplaying" options really existed in Baldur's Gate? You could "play" evil....if you didn't mind fighting hordes of guards. Certainly didn't see much difference between classes or even gender however. Sounds like the Odyssey.
  7. I highly doubt this. If this was the case, you wouldn't be griping about a 30 hour game, because it'd be much longer than that for you. I'd almost be willing to call you on this bluff, except that I know it'd be a boring game of NWN for me, plus I'm still working my way through Bloodlines to make some werewolf videos for you. Unfortunately there's not much I can do to prove otherwise, except that it puts your game completion times to question. I find it exceptionally difficult to believe you'd take 10 minutes to walk from the Empire Hotel to the Anarch bar. Your game time for NWN should also have also exceeded 30 hours by a pleasant margin....unless you skipped half of the game. Of course, it is an easy thing to say. Maybe you forgot to turn run back on in your Bloodlines game.
  8. And wouldn't it be metagaming to run everywhere?
  9. I think most of them are dead already! The horror documentary guy still lives, but I suspect not for long :D
  10. Why are you stating all of the Mac stereotypes? What on Earth do you have against it? Are you trying to imply something about my Father, since you posted it in a thread where I mentioned that he was a Mac user?
  11. Well, ignoring the fact that it's a multi-purpose machine. Otherwise, honestly, what's the difference between a PC and a console? For the record, it is possible to buy video cards and all that jazz for a Mac as well you know
  12. I don't remember him saying that. I should do some investigating with respect to adding more to my sig.
  13. He's not a gameplayer or anything, and we've gone a bit our separate ways with respect to he's still a Mac man, and I moved to the PC (for gaming). But it is fun talking with him about computers, that is for sure
  14. It wasn't a TRS-80, but a Kaypro II:
  15. I don't recall the original being all that unoptimized.
  16. Yeah that's it..You figured me out. I am soooo old. I am a full 27 years old! More likely, I think it is the newbies that never played any of the PnP versions of previous incarnations that get into 3rd edition and praise it just because that is the only thing they know. You can't blame them, though, they just don't know any better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you're too dense to understand that my "oldies" comment had nothing to do with actual age, then I guess that explains a lot. Funny thing is, right afterwards you reaffirm the point I made, and you quoted. AD&D may be better (at least in your mind), but don't even think about comparing its "intuitiveness." Especially not with your OWN experiences. You had already had experience playing the previous versions. A new version that is different is naturally going to seem less intuitive to someone that is intricately familiar with a previous version. Take two people that have never played either version (or even seen D&D), and all else being equal, I guarantee that the guy playing 3rd Edition will be able to figure out way more stuff on his own, without much coaching at all. It doesn't matter if you found it less intuitive....your expectations were already tainted the second you picked up a previous version of D&D.
  17. Pretty bad when the basic AD&D rules aren't as simple. eh..No. I found Baldur's Gate much easier to learn than Neverwinter Nights. Even with BG being party-based and NWN being with one PC. Regardless, playing a CRPG is not the same as playing PnP. The computer handles AoO for you. Honestly, have you ever GMed/played both tabletop 2ndEd and 3e? You get brownie points if you have GMed/played Basic D&D. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Probably not much of a surprise you found BG easier to learn, given how much knowledge you seem to have had about the 2nd edition rules. I'm talking about getting my friends, that have zero D&D knowledge, to play the game. It's not much of a stretch that people that played tons of AD&D found a game based around AD&D more intuitive. Which is exactly what I tried to highlight in an earlier post. Also, I was under the impression that we were talking about CRPG games. I've exceptionally little experience in either game, PnP, because they don't particularly interest me. The explanations I was talking about were explaining people to play CRPGs based on D&D. Not one person I have ever explained BG2 or PS:T to has ever NOT said "That seems dumb" when explaining that better armor decreases your armor class and bonuses to your weapons decrease your THAC0.
  18. Yeah. Considering I don't think you could legitmately use a memorized level 9 spell (just from scrolls) in BG2 due to level constraints, it's not really an issue.
  19. Hmmm, you know....I think my Dad overclocked a TRS-80 back in the day....I'll ask him and make sure
  20. You were the one worrying about your memories being tainted. If playing a bad game in a series taints your memories of previous, excellent games, then I guess that's your loss. I still love Ultima VII despite the dung that was Ultima 8 and Ultima 9. And I still love Fallout 1 & 2 despite all the spinoff games that came out. Appreciate the games for what they are...not for the games that come after it.
  21. Fallout 3 isn't your game. And since you have never played it, you won't have any memories of it. Actually, if you're talking about the timeframe of Ultima Underworld, then FP did not dominate over the Top-Down perspective. Two games made by the same company (Ultima 6 and 7) came out just before and just after Ultima Underworld and were definitively top-down. You'd also have to ignore every other JRPG out there (which was a time long before anyone disputed whether or not they were "true" RPGs...so don't go playing that card). When Ultima Underworld came out it was a decided different approach to game design for Origin in recent years.
  22. I think that that has a lot to do with it. Because a lot of the "oldies" were used to it, they see it as inferior. And because all the nuances made sense to them with all of their experiences, they'd find it less intuitive as well. Few people like change, especially if it's with a system they like.
  23. I've done that before. And I'm pretty sure, in very rare circumstances, the board itself misplaces threads. I've had posts that were replies in a different thread, complete with quotes and everything, end up in a different thread before. I've only had it happen to me twice on this board though.
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