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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Many game companies claim to be "keen" on AI. Here's hoping it works out
  2. What is this, Condemned, you speak of?
  3. Most of them leave me wanting more. The thing about most sports games is that I've long since given up on the games (particularly hockey and basketball) being anything like their real life counterparts, but I am very interested in the dynasty modes. Madden was the first one to really catch my interest for its dynasty mode, it sounds like the upcoming NHL game will have some improvements upcoming as well.
  4. What is this "Over THere" that you speak of?
  5. I did get anesthetic when the teeth were removed. I was out like a light. And everything was fine (except my mouth was frozen solid, so I was drooling and talking like a moron. It was interesting to need a mirror to have a drink for the first few hours). I didn't happen to have any anesthetic with me at my parents home where the dry socket occurred. All of the really painful stuff happened a week after my wisdom teeth were removed. And they weren't going to give me anesthetic for the 5-10 seconds unholy, excurciating pain that it took for the dentist to put that strip in the nerve cavity. He was kind enough to warn me that it would hurt...a lot.
  6. Sounds bunk. I see the dentist about as often as you, and have never had to go in for multiple cleanings (though sometimes I can get some nasty stain along the molars, so I'm sure the hygenist loves me. Though my most recent visit (a few years ago) had them using some tool that shot water, and vibrated exceptionally fast and it cleaned stain off relatively easily. Though I think I'm a bit of an enigma. I have never really had strong brushing habits, nor do I visit the dentist regularly. Yet, I have never had a cavity. Go figure. As for those talking about wisdom teeth, I had all four of mine pulled. My two top ones were coming in fine, but my bottom two were fully impacted, and were literally coming in horizontal, and would have eventually been pushing against the roots of my back molars. I opted to be put under, because to remove the teeth, they had to cut my gums, chisel into my jawbone, and then proceed to break the tooth and pull it out, a chunk at a time. To make things even more fun, the blood clot in my lower right socket came out, leaving the nerve fully exposed, and giving me the infamous "dry socket." The pain was nigh unbearable. The only thing that felt worse was when the dentist put in a strip to help cover the nerve. The pain was so unbearable that I actually passed out. I would seriously rather get kicked in the testicles. The almost as great part was that a week later, I had to have the strip replaced. Fortunately, the socket had started to heal so it wasn't quite as ungodly painful. Just exceptionally agonizing. About on par with a kick in the groin. It was certainly the happiest time in my life
  7. How is the reform to Democracy doing in Russia?
  8. Depends on what you call "medium quality" graphics.
  9. Well this would make sense, as you've started to change other variables.
  10. There was a lot of Destroyed Squads over there. It's too early for the Soviet Human wave to come into effect though...right? I mean, you can't have THAT many reinforcements.
  11. Hahaha. I'm just playing it all by ear, trying to remember what my plan was. I'm pretty sure it involved siezing a ton of land on the South Side, which ended up not happening hahaha.
  12. Yeah I know. But I didn't really want to move them. Though now you could have a billion AT teams in the area. I didn't think it was still contested. You must have had a lone guy running around (or hiding around) in the south area. The funny thing is that there is a small rectangle that I can definitely deploy guys into. If I was interested in putting guys into a position where they are immediately cut off that is.
  13. Errrr, I get the feeling that I totally got screwed over on the drawing of the border. Half of my units are "behind enemy lines." I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that it ended in a cease fire rather than just the end of the round. EDIT: That can't be it, because there's definitely a place where I lost ground (on the North side of the map where you were making your push. I wonder why I didn't claim any. Maybe it has to actually be infantry moving there, and not just vehicles? But I still have infantry behind enemy lines. Plus I have a wierd box in the middle of your territory that I don't even remember coming close to. Very wierd.
  14. What exactly does the nVidia "SLI" do? Back in the old days, the Voodoo 2 SLI kicked the crap out of any single Voodoo2 at any resolution. I imagine nVidia's isn't the old style Scan Line Interleave, as video cards have so much more to do than just render textures now-a-days. It makes no sense why two cards would perform slower than a single one, unless there implementation philosophy is different, or the product just isn't running optimally. Bandwidth limitations? Though it's not like the old PCI bus that the Voodoo2s ran in were super fast either...
  15. The reason why it outperforms at higher resolutions is because it has enough fillrate and power to make graphics less of a "bottleneck." If it's not winning at lower resolutions, it's because something else is the bottleneck. Unless the game has capped the framerate.
  16. alanschu


    They don't have to accept until 48 hours after their last arbitration hearing.
  17. I'm thinking it sure would be cool to not be sick!
  18. I think I have since forgotten how to play this game. It's a unit placement phase is it not?
  19. Ok... don't they already have that? Because I have a dual core 3.2 Ghz processor from Intel, and it wasn't even the best one. And I heard the AMD dual core ones were better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Raw MHz doesn't mean very much. AMD's processors for the most part could perform as good as Intel's despite being at a lower clock speed. It's more a difference in design philosophy though. Intel made a chip that they could ramp up the clock rates with.
  20. How fast would an external graphics solution be? Would they just be using an existing interface like Firewire. It just sounds like another potential bottleneck. I can't imagine it being easy to compete with a PCI-E 16x connector attached right to the motherboard.
  21. Sounds a bit like Eve Online. I haven't given it much thought though. Eve was a fun game, and I have since used the WoW Gateway drug to MMOs.
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