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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I think the explanation is that god created stuff like the light from stars millions of light years away, already en route. I remember reading a debate transcript between two scholars on the topic, and that's pretty much what the creationist said. The (dis)advantage of having an all powerful god is that you can explain any contradictions or inconsistencies simply on acts of this god (I'm pretty sure this is what Pidesco talked about). Though I tend to abstain from conversations such as this because I have my beliefs and other people have theirs, and when it comes to stuff such as this no one is going to give up any ground (which is why I avoided the topic when you wanted to bring it up in a different thread Blank). In any case, I'll return to the shadows.
  2. Too bad nothing similar to that happened to me when delivering pizzas " If porn has taught me one thing, is that sex is an acceptable payment for pizza
  3. The biggest problem with HOI2 is the fact that our foresight lets us all metagame. Though the fact that you were able to crunch Germany in the 1939 scenario (which means you don't get the huge buildup advantage) is still impressive. What difficulty level an AI level were you playing at? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> actually it was AI vs AI. I was britan <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You didn't do anything to help France though? If that's the case, that would be the first time I have ever heard of France holding off Germany on their own in that game. How far into 1940 did you get? Where exactly did France end up?
  4. This assumes that many of their "roots" didn't follow them over to the consoles to begin with.
  5. Heh, I thought you were talking about Falcon's Eye for a minute there.
  6. I'm conquering Gaul (and now Germania) for fun's sake. The only other war I have is with Macedonia (I have heard they are unbalanced, but in my first RTR game, they got waxed by Thrace and the Greek Cities). As for public support in Gaul, it's not too bad actually. They have such low populations that squalor is a non-issue, and I just keep the tax rate at low. They help fund my army and are relatively easy to conquer. Besides, I'm planning on total conquest anyways. Plus, I need to conquer Central Gaul (Aleria) as part of the Roman winning condition anyways. Since Carthage hasn't declared war on me, I'm going to leave them until I finish conquering Western Europe, and sweep down and crush them and the Numidians along a large front. I don't know how to take a screenshot from the campaign screen though. I have just been using print screen for the battle shots, but that's not working from the campaign screen.
  7. Yes, I have found all that. Fortunately, your absence taught me to be more self-sufficient Though I'm not sure how you played as the Scipii in RTR, unless there was an older one! As a small update, sure enough, the very next turn I played the Germans declared war on me, so I counter attacked with a small stack and took one of their towns. They have a very large army nearby, so I'm a bit worried of an impending offensive from them, but so far nothing. But I now have access to the English Channel. But I see a ton of huge Rebel Brigand stacks nearby. Should be "interesting" to say the least. The war against the Gauls is going pretty well, took two more towns near the Iberian border. The Macedonians took heavy casualties in two fights, but still seem to be growing faster than me from a military perspective (thank god I did those two fights....what would be the case otherwise! ). Though I have taken the rest of the settlements surrounding the Adriatic Sea (which has resulted in a nice increase in trade income to boot!.
  8. This is why Roman Conquest is a good thing. If you look closely, you see he is not proposing anything. Just saying "Accept or be attacked!!111!1" I told him to piss off, I just killed half of his army! It's too bad that the diplomacy is so poor in a game so great.
  9. The biggest problem with HOI2 is the fact that our foresight lets us all metagame. Though the fact that you were able to crunch Germany in the 1939 scenario (which means you don't get the huge buildup advantage) is still impressive. What difficulty level an AI level were you playing at?
  10. Feed the addiction....feed the addiction. I keep telling myself that one more turn in Rome is okay
  11. alanschu


    The few times I've seen Nash live up here in Edmonton he was usually far and away the most threatening player on the ice for Columbus. I remember one barn burner where it went 8-5 or something silly and he chipped in with 4 points, including 3 goals in the losing effort.
  12. Did people actually think the Earth was flat? Pythagoras felt the Earth was round in 600 BC, and I think Aristotle proved it. EDIT: In fact, according to good ol' Wikipedia, the circumference was measured in 240 BC. There were people that refused to believe it, but by the middle ages it was widely accepted as being true. EDIT 2: My good friends Eldar and Hurlshot are Johnny on the Spot with this one
  13. Few things are sadder and depressing than the Counterstrike community!
  14. Well, cirumstances of this game has lead me almost straight north. I'm not at war with Germania (nor do I intend to be at the moment), but I suspect they won't like me along their borders. The northern approach has allowed me to get access to the Gauls from the North and the South. I actually haven't even touched Sicily or Africa yet either. I'm hoping to keep the fronts limited for now. But I have won some key battles against the Gauls, using my diciplined Legionnaires to take advantage of the inferior troops of the Gauls. Two battles have seen me get a net gain of over 1000 troops, and their military potency has dropped off significantly as a result. However, Macedonia has just crushed the Greek States (along with the Ptolemic Empire), and they declared war on my by sieging a city in the Veneto region. This forced a mass militarization of Latin Rome, and I have ferried troops across the Ionian/Adriatic Sea region into Albany to take the fight to the Macedonians. I hope to cut off Greece and capture the statue of Zeus! If I'm lucky, the Carthaginians won't be too aggressive as long as I stay out of Sicily, and hopefully I can sweep around to capture the Iberians, and then get Carthage from both sides. I'll also likely take Britannia Superior when I'm in the Gaulish region, as there's no sense keeping those unoccupied. Plus they have ports which means $$$$$. I suspect a war declaration from the Germanians soon, as I have likely encroached on lands they would like to conquer. I think I expanded up north fast enough though that I have cut off a lot of their potential expansion. Many of the regions around them are still under independent control, so they won't be benefiting too much. They do seem to have lots of money however. I am slowly reinforcing the region with some garrisons, as well as the odd governor. Though the governor is more there to recruit mercenaries as necessary, as the RTR mod makes it more difficult to start recruiting armies with new cities. Have to build up the Auxillaries first.
  15. I prefer something a bit more action oriented. Typically a First Person Shooter. More instant gratification. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I prefer Resident Evil Shotgun Decaps ftw! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To each his or her own. There's something really satisfying about listening to someone accuse me of cheating in Counterstrike. And then telling me that he can tell from my Steam account ID that my account had been banned once before. It's the bestest compliment I can get in that game As for my BG and BG2 experiences, I can't really remember any bugs outside of Jaheira's romance looping. I played the games patched. It's been a long time though so I may have just forgotten. But if that's the case my experience with the bugs couldn't have been that big of a deal.
  16. I wouldn't recommend seeing it alone. I just saw it with my roommate. But we knew full well what we were getting into and it was good fun
  17. Yeah. It was pretty barren in our theatre as well. Which is good, because it allows for comfortable discourse about the movie while it happens, without annoying anyone
  18. I prefer something a bit more action oriented. Typically a First Person Shooter. More instant gratification.
  19. Penn (from Penn and Teller naturally) has stated on his show many times that he is biased. He's just doesn't try to hide it. From watching the show it seems he really hates it when civil liberties are infringed upon.
  20. Uh.. Yes, yes and yes. Just sign it up under Vologic, I'm not going to defend my absolutely idiotic statement. I just felt it belonged in here together with Volourn's usual idiocy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then I'd say that's as foolish as openly playing a game that you don't like 3 complete times. Are people just gluttons for punishment that they actively participate in activities that they don't like doing? I had no idea masochism was so popular.
  21. It turns out that the "problem" was because in older versions of RTR, the Imperial Palace could not be in Rome (I believe this is because the SPQR would trigger it significantly earlier in the game). With the new version I have, it got trigger the second the palace was built.
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