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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Not exactly the MP I was hoping for I understand the limitations of a large scale, turn-based strategy game like that, with fights that can take up to 45 minutes. But I'd totally be game for playing the GC of a Total War game with a friend.
  2. Will do. I imagine this might actually make "Forts" more useful to boot!
  3. Unfortunately all I had was legionaries. Which isn't really that bad of a problem In other news, I was able to take Carthago by surprise. I happened to have a spy inside, and his 40% chance to open the gate paid off. Clearly Carthage wasn't expecting this, as all he had was a garrison of 80 Sacred Band Spearmen. As a result, I was able to take Carthage the same season I got there. A crushing blow to the Republic of Carthage no doubt!
  4. Meh, I think this is one of the few times that I'll say never, at least with respect to this particular card. The bottleneck is already outside of our computer (router jumping). Sure it's nice that it prioritizes game packets, but unless you're maybe doing something like downloading at a high bandwidth, I doubt that that will make a difference. This card will be doing what most cards do....waiting for the internet to send it the next packet. Like some guy on Slashdot commented, unless the thing is some how able to construct a LAN between two remote computers, you're not going to see a difference. I already get a latency of 0 ms when pinging my roommate's computer, so clearly my current NIC (which is onboard) is already capable of really low latency. If one of us is pinging 5 in a LAN game, then that's hardcore lag (or poor netcode in the game).
  5. I noticed those abominations too! Almost as bad as our omission!
  6. Rubbish. If someone is so PC gaming that they'd be boycotting Bioware if they stopped making PC games, probably isn't getting a console to play their games anyways. I fail to see how "Oh look, we're still making a PC game" has any real bearing on "coaxing" their PC fans into buying consoles. Why would they do that? The influence Bioware has with making people buy consoles is the games they release on the console. Are you actually suggesting that the false promise of a PC game entices people to buy consoles and their console games, under the assumption that people will do this to somehow help fund the PC game in development?
  7. What is that? I'm not talking about an alliance....
  8. Some feels it's just a front to appease PC fans. Which is kind of funny. If Bioware had plans to abandon the PC market, there'd be no sense in even humouring us. The opinion of PC gamers wouldn't matter to them anymore, because they'd no longer be customers of Bioware.
  9. Ahahahahahaha. I just had a wierd bug with a siege Tower where guys would get stuck at the bottom and just run around (getting shot by arrows). I was able to work around it by setting their move target the ground, followed quickly by the wall, as this would allow a few extra people in the tower. However, at one point the tower had opened up top, and for some messed up reason, they all went running off the side of the wall killing themselves. I reacted in time to save 9 of them (who fortunately opened the Gatehouse), but it looked very interesting seeing a troop of 80 men go running off the side of the wall and kill themselves.
  10. I'm ignorant on the issue, but is that in any way grounded in reality? I know they can be used as anti-vehicle weapons, but I was under the impress that we're talking Humvees and whatnot. Could you actually take out an M1A2 Abrams with a bunch of .50 cal machine guns?
  11. As long as their machine gun fire doesn't slowly wear down the tank... I remember playing a demo of Act of War a long time ago, and felt it really wasn't a whole lot different than other games in this regard however. I also love the "wearing down of armor/hp" that typically happens in these games as well. In actual reality, a WW2 Sherman isn't going to dent an M1A2, but most video games allow players to use 20 of them, and together they can cause enough damage to the superior tank. I've been sold far too much on games like Combat Mission and Close Combat that it's really hard to go back.
  12. Pffft. I call bunk. I already get sweet pings when I'm on a LAN, so it clearly is not an issue with my network card. It's obviously capable. Local MP servers also give sweet pings. I'm not sure what this NIC is going to do for the actual problem, which is latency that comes from going through many, many routers, which you're going to do unless you're sticking around close to home. And even then you might not be. I remember tracing my net connection to a local server, and the thing took a pitstop down in Los Angeles. Unless the NIC is going to make those things run faster, I call BS. As for offloading CPU performance....well...perhaps if running a network required more than tiny fractions of your CPU power that would make a difference. Maybe this would help more in a server, which may (I have no idea) use more CPU power, it's not going to make a difference. People that buy this = sucker.
  13. alanschu


    I guess Lokomitiv is filing suit against the Oilers for Mikhnov.
  14. what'd they add? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now that I have played the first two missions and gotten my butt kicked in the third I can say that they have added several new units a full new campaign, unfortunately not with any FMV's though. The difficulty seems to have racheted up a notch or three as well. Although I swear it's cheating. .50 Machine Guns with armour piercing rounds are great, but one can only take on so many M1A2 Abrahms at once... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> snipers vs m1's? Run like heck! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not snipers. New unit, two troopers holding a machinegun mounted on a tripod. Can switch between anti-personnel ammo and anti-tank ammo. Although Heavy Snipers still work quite well versus M1's as long as they don't try to squish you. I'll try and get a screen shot of them at work for you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know the .50 cal is a good AP round, and I know in WW2 a .50 cal aiming down on the roof of tanks could get some penetration on occassion, but I'd be very surprised if any two-man .50 cal team would think about trying to take on an M1A2 Abrams, unless they were directly above it and it was completely oblivious. The biggest turnoff for me in these games is when guys survive shots from 120 mm tank guns.
  15. What? It's not like they suddenly went "Yay, we have a whole bunch of outside financial investment, go go total mismanagement."
  16. There's always a chance any company will belly flop. What's your point? If there was ever a time that they'd be concerned about the belly flop, this would not be it.
  17. I am 6' 1" As for my looking like the Tobey Maguire, I'm the one who agrees the most with people that say I don't. Sometimes I can see a bit of a resemblance in certain situations, but it's everyone else that tells me. THough I didn't get as much from the second movie. Perhaps a lot of it has to do with his mannerisms or how he speaks or acts or something?
  18. Yeah, they were bought Elevation (with Pandemic), and literally have more operating capital than they have ever worked with before, with opportunities galore. Clearly they are down and out.
  19. The Commandos games were a lot of fun! The new FPS one didn't thrill me, but I loved the older ones, especially the second one (which did a good job of getting rid of quirks from the first one).
  20. Doesn't Rush for Berlin have a demo out? I think Blitzkreig is another one that's more about the tactics than the resource management. Here's a link
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