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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Are you more convinced that this is the case? Before you just said you thought it was (which was kind of funny, given the lengthy discourse about wanting proof and citations). Especially when you admit to pulling the 1 billion dollar value out of your own ass. Hyperbole for effect? I'm sorry, but why would the treatment for the junkie be much different than that of a heavily intodxicated alcoholic, whom could also theoretically drown in their own vomit? As for even the "really underestimated" $60 cost, Switzerland started an experiement by prescribing heroin to those that had a hard time on withdrawl programs. It cost $13 per dose. http://www.drugpolicy.org/library%5Ctlcnr.cfm
  2. As a final slight aside about Something Awful, I will give their board credit. If someone were to say "FFS I had it with this game I'm out of here" for whatever game, failure to adhere to such statement can result in a ban :D
  3. alanschu


    The only way Crosby's lead won't last forever is if he misses more game. The guy is a beast, and I'm starting to think he may actually be the best player in the league right now. I think Hossa will lose steam. Art Ross is going to be between Jagr and Crosby.
  4. I ignored the portuguese. Though they didn't like my warmonger scots on their borders after I took France. They crushed the Moors and the Spanish though.
  5. There are some bugs in M2TW. The biggest one is sometimes the AI is passive and just stands there. Some people seem to have it happen to them an awful lot (I have heard numbers as high as 70% of the battles), but I've only had it happen twice. Some of the chaps over at Total War Center made some mods to take care of some of the bugs. It seemed as though some last minute changes during the crunch broke some stuff. But it seems like the patch is due to be out soon, so that's good news. Even with the bugs, I'm having a blast playing the game. Captured the Holy Land with the Scots!
  6. Actually, I'd bet it's probably not as difficult as you may think. Though I'm just going for memory. I could see PST being difficult, because they tended to have a multitude of dialogue options on a large variety of dialogues.
  7. No. I'm saying that they're a joke because of hideous mismanagement of their financial assets (such as syphoning money out of the company for other interests), and that they (as far as I can tell) are a high risk investment. I can't imagine them having much operating capital at all. And I consider them a joke because of this, not because they made some games I didn't like. I certainly don't consider EA to be a "joke," and I could question where their focus in game development is.
  8. alanschu


    Ah. Too bad. His lead would be even more dominating then!
  9. I won't dispute that they're a bit of a joke at the moment. But that has more to do with the hideous collapse due to financial mismanagement and arrogance, rather than thinking Brotherhood of Steel was a good idea.
  10. It's not really a riftfight (well, Kirottu's post is a bit more aggressive). Just a comment about how open of a game NWN truly was.
  11. It's been a while since I last played NWN, but I don't remember it being that open of a game. Baldur's Gate takes the cake, followed by probably Fallout (when discussing games with a large variety of maps. Oblivion and Morrowind are also wide open games, but they're more sandbox games with less focus on story IMO). I always remembered there being some stuff on the side, that was still related to either the main quest, or a side quest found near "home base." Baldur's Gate literally had "Hey, what's this area? I think I'll take a look." I never really got that impression from NWN.
  12. Aren't they also the same people that thought Baldur's Gate, Fallout, and ROCK AND ROLL RACING were a good idea?
  13. Rather, both KOTORs were designed so that the primary option was to control one character while your companions ran on autopilot; the other, slghtly less supported option was to pause and control them all with autoqueues. The camera and so forth made it difficult to control everyone in real-time, which was my point. It was exactly the same as NWN1; it wasn't designed to control a large party like you did with IE, it was designed for pause-and-cumbersome-control or letting them autopilot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Unfortunately the action queues didn't work, because the moment you switched characters the AI would overrule your choices. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember finding it somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes the AI would override, but other times not. The thing is though, is that NWN2 strikes me as not being a whole lot different, so I'm not sure if it should be held to a different standard than KOTOR or NWN1. I don't think the original NWN is really a great example of this. I still found the OC to be rather restrictive. I never really felt like there was much random exploring to do. The Fallouts, or the original Baldur's Gate are much, much better examples. Not that I minded it in NWN, as I typically don't care for random exploring.
  14. I was never really bothered by the linearity of the games. I am currently infilitrating Kalinatek.
  15. alanschu


    I remember TSN actually commenting that on a points per game basis, Sid the Kid has had the lead for quite some time this season. He hasn't missed any games has he? The difference is purely based on the number of games the team has played?
  16. alanschu


    Jagr has also played three extra games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought it was 4. Sidney Crosby is a really, really, really good hockey player.
  17. Who says it hasn't? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, obviously it hasnt since we're so vigorously discussing what a pancea "free drugs" would be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't recall anyone vigorously discussing what a panacea it would result in. You're taking things as an absolute extreme to strengthen your position. However, since you think this already exists, dig up some simple crime statistics. Curious where you got the 1 billion dollar value from? How frequently does someone sue a liquor establishment during a vehicular homicide under the influence of alcohol? What about the circumstances. You're assuming that the clinic that provides this would allow people to just go off driving away. It's not like it's a for profit organization where a bar owner sees monetary benefit for continuing to serve alcohol to someone that has already drank too much. The bar gets more money, and by not ratting out a regular customer, continued money. That's what that can be seen as a problem. There's no financial interest in a clinic for people with drug addictions to allow someone to drive intoxicated, or to continue serving them drugs beyond what they need.
  18. I think that that is a large part of the issue. It seems many people go in with the goal of roleplaying a Lawful Good (for example) character, so if they get any Chaotic/Evil points, they overanalyze the circumstances and start complaining, because their lawful good character should apparently never get evil/chaotic points.
  19. KOTOR is also game where you have party members, without any sort of Select All or drag boxes.
  20. Except I hadn't been spotted the entire game! It's right at the beginning of the level too.
  21. Err, we're talking about the prospect of providing these drugs to drug addicts, through government channels. Just now you decide to bring this up? Besides, you make it sound like heroin would become available at your local drugstore. Unlikely.
  22. Except that the fact the substance is illegal inflates its price. I'd imagine the $60 a day, like a lot of drugs, involves insane markups.
  23. Perhaps you should look at the definition of persecution that metadigital provided again.
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