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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Be very careful with believing "documentary" movies about controversial subjects. I haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth, but I've seen Captain Spindoctor himself convince many people with his "documentaries," despite the horrible amount of editting and behind the scenes baloney.
  2. the GW hypothesis IS warming, not change. and warmer poles (where most of the warming is supposed to take place) means less temperature gradient between the poles and the equator, which means LESS severe weather. This is what I was curious about. Water is a fantastic temperature regulator, so I was curious how more water would lead to more extreme temperatures.
  3. alanschu


    Yeah, I knew better I keep helping him out with his homework assignments :sad:
  4. alanschu


    That probably has to do with a lot of them being out there.
  5. What exactly do you mean by "craptacular?" I think it's supposed to look like crap, as it's probably a crappy shield.
  6. Since the basic idea around the global warming trend is rising CO2 emissions, how exactly does the increase of a greenhouse gas result in "cooling in other places." Enlighten me.
  7. No, I laughed when I saw your comment, and felt it was rather obvious. I'm just curious what Pop was talking about.
  8. Which is precisely why looks can be deceiving.
  9. I am suing you for irreparable eye damage.
  10. As someone that has his roots built with the Macintosh, nothing irritates me more than the annoying insecurities that they have when it comes to Operating Systems. It's always a slough of "OMG they copied." It makes me ashamed of my Mac roots. All I have to say is so what? If your OS has good ideas, you'd have to be a complete fricken retard to not think it's going to be copied in another commercial OS. Microsoft would be doing a disservice to their customers by not including this sort of stuff in Vista.
  11. I agree. As I said I had no issue with the pacing of Half-Life 2. It probably didn't hurt that you were flying solo for most of the game. And I agree that it's a significantly slower paced experience than Painkiller or Serious Sam (of which I had only playing the latter, and only in MP.....if you haven't done this...you should! :D) Constant nagging is annoying. The issue I tend to have more is when the game insists that something is insanely urgent, and then does nothing to indicate that it is.
  12. I wonder if it'd have it's own AC adapter plug in.
  13. What does that necessarily have to do with anything? Her "hurrying up Gordon" could easily have made sense from a story standpoint. I have no issues with the pacing of Half-Life 2, but there are many times that the amount of "freedom" a game will give you takes away from the urgency of the whole situation. "Oh no, it's a big giant meteor coming towards the planet! I'm going to hang out at the Golden Saucer in the mean time." I was enjoying Final Fantasy VII (and still did enjoy it), but when I realized that the urgency was all just a facade, it lost a bit of its lustre. While I may be a decent enough "twitch-reflex crack-speed FPS player" (given the large number of games I play, it couldn't really be helped), I certainly don't consider myself to have a short attention span. One of the things I really hated in the original Splinter Cell is when I lost a mission because I was responding to Lambert's urgency that some event not be televised. Because I didn't bother hiding the odd body, I "set off alarms" (which was a retarded mechanic in the game), because I figured that rescuing the hostages was of the utmost priority. Seriously, simply labelling someone that might not hate the urgency as having a "short attention span" would be like saying people that don't want it have ADD or something.
  14. What game is that Meta? :confused: I'm not interested in yoo loot - I want zee bounty. I commin' to getchu, Night-suken! Succinctly put!
  15. A friend of mine is trying out Eve Online....so I am too :]
  16. alanschu


    I laughed at that too!
  17. Meh, no one else has started a different topic.
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