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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I know contests in Canada automatically exempt you if you're from Quebec. And I think there is a stipulation that requires a skill testing question too (which is hardly challenging and usually negates basic order of operations to boot!)
  2. Were those sites monetizing the content? THAT is what I am talking about and your paragraph here doesn't address the point that you were responding to. Most people don't monetize their pirated content, which is why I was pointing out the issue with equating this purely as equivalent to piracy. I personally have lets play videos up, particularly of a game from Ubisoft (whom is one of the companies scrambling to whitelist their games, according to Total Biscuit) and I was completely unaffected. I have had plenty of "you have licensed material" notifications on my videos that I simply was asked to acknowledge, which was simply me going "Yes, I acknowledge that this video contains licensed material and the license holder you identify is the correct one." So youtube has detected that my videos contained licensed content, specifically from a video game. My videos still work with no effort on my part since all this has started happening (I did all the acknowledgements as I posted the videos). Why? If this was exclusively a "no unauthorized sharing of the content" should I have been caught too?
  3. It wouldn't surprise me. I mean, I doubt any garage band that happens to cover a song in a bar has licensed said song. It might depend on if they record the song and look to sell it, compared to just covering a song during a live show. Emphasis mine: Perhaps I'm just cynical, but I get the feeling that many also don't because they simply couldn't be arsed. Possibly many of which are the same people that Total Biscuit points out as being a part of the problem, which are the Day One lets players that are clearly doing their lets play for the revenue because it's a buzz game at the moment.
  4. Hmmm, the computer/console might be a better analogue to the guitar. The game is probably the song. Though bands certainly cover other songs a lot. If a cover band becomes big, do they owe anything to the original artist? I've always wondered that.
  5. Actually I don't think it is. I think it's simply a matter of "check this box to monetize your youtube." I'd be very, very surprised if even a slice of most of the people that did Let's Plays (i.e. NOT people like Total Biscuit) actively went out to get permission for a lot of them.
  6. if I'm understanding Total Biscuit's video, the issue is not with "piracy" of the content and that there's no issue with people that are sharing the game footage. The issue is coming from the monetization of the content. So for the Lets Players that don't just share the content, but actively seek to make money off of it. If we're going to use your piracy analogy, this would be akin to not going after those that actively distribute for the sake of distribution, but rather going after those that seek to profit off the distribution of the content (although in general I would say that the piracy analogy doesn't work all that well). Again, the issue isn't with "illegal sharing." What's interesting, however, is that according to Total Biscuit, a lot of developers/publishers are just as surprised by this. The real question is who's impetus is behind this? To be fair, neither Angry Joe nor Total Biscuit are doing this so that you, the viewer, have access to the videos and so forth. Both have their livelihoods attached to this, and despite Total Biscuit underselling it somewhat, I do think he'd feel a decline in viewership if he just moved on to only showing smaller games and not the bigger titles (that is, assuming the big publishers of those titles actively block him, which it sounds like they are trying NOT to do).
  7. LOL. Well then >.>
  8. Did you opt to monetize your channel at all? (mostly just curious)
  9. LOL well now I'll just wonder what you are going to say! In any case, I also "don't know any better" because aside from the odd inbox message (which I think I still got emails for lest I probably would've never saw them XD) based in direct PMs (as opposed to comments), I am not familiar with anything else and thusly, can't be upset that I am missing certain features.
  10. Well, Gmail automatically set up the "Social" tab for their inbox, so it already wasn't particularly invasive for me. If it was though I could set up labels and whatnot to filter it easily.
  11. Alpha tends to mean "all features we intend to have in the game are now in the game." That often does NOT mean that the game is in a particularly playable state.
  12. This is something I haven't given too much thought on. I personally don't monetize my youtube account/videos so the most I have seen on my videos has been "This uses an audio track. Do you wish to acknowledge this license?" (For the DXHR soundtrack - I have always said yes). It's interesting that TB points out that content creators ARE a part of the problem, in that people create lets plays of brand new AAA games specifically because people want to see it and it WILL make them money. The problem being that many of these lets plays are poorly done and reflect poorly inaccurately on the game which could be a bad thing for a game (in an unfair/unjustified way). One thing TB points out is that it's not the game that matters, but rather the person. Although I'm not 100% sure if this is fair, in that people may turn into HIS channel regardless (still, 80k less views, roughly 30% less, doesn't sound trivial to me), would people have noticed Total Biscuit if he started by doing lets plays of small indie games that had limited fan following? That said, I don't really consider Lets Plays harmful. I'd be a hypocrite if I did, since I have started doing Lets Play videos myself. Although I suppose I am different than who this targets, since I haven't monetized anything I have done on youtube. I don't know. I thought I remembered seeing that ultimately they were less successful for the artists. I may be mistaken, however. EDIT: I think it's just that Trent returned to using a major record label.
  13. I get emails when people comment on my videos. Didn't artists like Trent and Radiohead basically recant on this position (music freely available)
  14. Some people just move on too. It's easy for me to not notice that it's the anniversary of my brother's death now, given that it's been almost 20 years since it happened.
  15. If you cannot think of any other considerations in making the voting choice, does that not mean there aren't any? I will conclude that people that voted RTwP did so... because they like RTwP. A poll like this doesn't do much to indicate what their motivations for doing so, coupled with their understanding of the potential consequences for such a decision, opportunity costs and so forth. The same goes for the people that voted for turn based or even "don't care." I know this wasn't written to me, but personally I don't consider the poll scientific and feel it doesn't say much about anything aside from "some people would prefer RTwP, others would prefer TB." I'd effectively conclude the poll was valueless. Anything beyond an extreme response in one direction or the other doesn't mean very much. But online polls in general are dubious, since you get people doing things like making this thread to rally votes. So you're going to get some people voting opposite just to troll. I mean, the OP basically says "if you want turn-based, then please don't vote at all" which is kind of mind boggling.
  16. It's a bit presumptuous to assume that the results of the thread were skewed specifically because of a call out onto Obsidian's board. Regardless, anyone taking conclusions from either this participation of this thread or the poll itself haven't really done enough to qualify whether or not the results are statistically valid from a variety of metrics (the various types of bias, statistical significance, and so forth). At this point it's just a pissing match. Lets wait for the game to come out and hope that we enjoy it for what it is because ultimately we want games we can enjoy.
  17. Lexx did. His words:
  18. He might not actually be allowed to do that. (I have no clue)
  19. It still won't work unless you somehow got 100% buy in, which you won't. Some company somewhere will be presented with an offer that is excessively beneficial for not buying in, and it'd only be bad business to not accept it even if they were encouraged to do something else. Why would it matter what one company does in an economy as big as China's? Because you're taking the one company far too literally. And if that one company ends up becoming a far and away competitive leader by exploiting a competitive advantage denied towards other companies, then they're going to be increasingly influential. But it won't just be one company. Others will see "Hey, that guy is posting significantly bigger profits than us because of China." This goes both for money into China, as well as money from China. The only way to get this to work would be full on regulation. As it stands now, companies are already free to not invest in China (or accept investment from China) based on ethical considerations.
  20. I remember loving it at release, but oh man do I not care for it now.
  21. Firkraag face stomped me the first time, and the two other times I played through the game I just deferred and immediately came back later.
  22. But can you spend hours crafting custom ammunition for it!?
  23. Played some more EU4 over the weekend too. Russia is pushing down into the Ottoman Empire via the east, am pushing down on taking Korea from Japan, and colonizing what I could beyond normal Russia (Taiwan, Philippines, a bit of Java and also most of Australia).
  24. It's crazy because I don't feel as though I've been "grinding" but playing through things co-op has definitely jacked up the SL. I think I am sitting at 75 or so. But then I guess I do get 50% the souls of helping someone out. I don't know if we've done more optional content or not too (did do the Catacombs and some Valley of the Drakes. Did do a bit of grinding in Sen's and Blighttown for equipment and materials.
  25. More a symptom of playing most of the game co-op. And evidently helping the odd person out in NG+ (which I didn't even think would be possible!)
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