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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. BioWare does still make games for the 360. As far as I know, BioWare was never interested in making KOTOR 2, nor KOTOR 3. So I don't buy the "show respect for half of their audience" argument. As for people that bought XBOX 360s to play KOTOR 3. All I can say is that is their own fault. What about people buying N64s to play the next Final Fantasy, and so forth? Never buy a console for a game you HOPE might come out. You're just asking to get burned.
  2. Actually in the 20s, the world was doing quite well. Roaring 20s and all that jazz. The 30s was the Great Depression. It's also when Hitler took power. The Weimar was going in the right direction, as Europe got to experience the second half of the roaring 20s as well. According to Wikipedia though, the Weimar leaders started ruling not through parliament, but presidential decree (i.e. they were becoming dictatorial). The Weimar was spinning downwards, and it was through its corruption and increasingly autocratic ways that Hitler was able to obtain total power. When the Great Depression hit in the 30s, suddenly the Americans came calling on all of their debts loaned out to help out an impoverish Germany in the 20s. Coupled with war repayments and other stuff, Germany ended up being absolutely devastated by the Great Depression.
  3. How do you define brilliant? He took a country that was dirt poor, that had been shat all over by the Treaty of Versailles, during the Great Depression and helped restore it's power and influence in the region in rather short period of time. I don't think anyone here means "brilliant" in the idea of he was a shining example of awesomeness, but rather that he did a very good job of taking advantage of the situation. Maybe you need to get your head around the fact that no one here said anything of the sort.
  4. For some reason Hitler really stressed the importance of capturing and holding cities at all costs. It ran into trouble in Stalingrad, as well as Kharkov. I think it did for Kiev as well. Unfortunately those that were his biggest yes men ended up getting the majority of his commands towards the end of the war. Not that I blame him. He had his ideas and he was the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces so you can't really have people that are outspoken against you leading your armies, but as a result it ended up with the replacements of his best generals that had helped garner so much success at the earlier parts of the war.
  5. There's a KOTOR 3 discussion sticky here: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=50531
  6. No they haven't. You've made allegations like this in the past, and have been demonstrated to be so grossly wrong about them. In fact, they've been pretty good at conveying the message that many aspects of Star Wars Galaxies is not what they are looking for for the game. They have talked up the "heroic" nature of their game and how they don't want to make a game universe where you carve out your own little niche in the universe, being a moisture farmer and trying to make ends meet.
  7. Hardly the first time discussions about reviewers being on the take has come up here.
  8. User reviews = Fanboys & Haters. You will never get a fair average score/vote. You're looking at one. Both games have as many fanboys, haters and neutral voters as they could get in that place and in the time the voting was open. In fact Oblivion has a slight advantage because its there longer. So what's not fair about it? Obviously the Witcher inspired more people and Oblivion less. I remember doing some reading up on user online polls and it seems on a poll from 1-10, the most frequently picked values are: 10, 9, 8, 7, and 1. I'd suggest you stop using words like "obviously," because you use them in situations where things aren't really all that obvious. Here's a fun little tidbit for you: Logic is fallible. It's been demonstrated to be wrong over and over again. Because you have made a logical assertion of "Games I think suck get high scores, therefore reviewers must be bribed" doesn't mean that your predicate applies to actual reality. This is why scientists use empiricism over logic. Stick with Kane and Lynch scandals over what you think is the case.
  9. Medal of Honor did come out before Call of Duty. Call of Duty was such an intense game though. I'd pick it every time! The only bad parts were the solo SAS missions. I loved holding the town of St. Mere Eglise...so intense!! Pavlov's House was amazing too.
  10. The Soviet Union invasion probably would have gone a lot better if Germany did go and bail out Italy in Greece. Though I don't know if waiting would have helped. Stalin was building up his forces as well, and catching the Soviet Union flatfooted resulted in the destruction of several hundred thousand in division casualties.
  11. Failing to ahve competent Allies was a bit of a handicap for them haha.
  12. Well, according to Germany's most famous generals like Manstein and Guderian, some of the decisions from the Commander-in-Chief were absolutely baffling. I believe Manstein wrote in his book that he felt a couple of key points in the Russian battle could have gone much better (i.e. Stalingrad). Continuing the attack in the winter and stuff like that. Hitler was also surrounded by some loonies. Goring was more interested in showing how awesome the Luftwaffe was, rather than actually winning the war, for example. Germany had some brilliant tacticians that often were denied requests, or relieved of command, because Hitler was being too idealistic though.
  13. You're probably more dealing with people that have already heard you say the same things several times over. You should have seen the fun when some Star Wars Galaxies people said they wanted to have lame stuff like moisture farming in the game. As someone that works in the games industry, this is always a two-way street. I'd hold Lucasarts more accountable than Obsidian myself personally, but the onus is still on Obsidian to deliver the product. As far as the characters and whatnot of KOTOR 2, while I prefer the writing and characters of KOTOR 2 a lot more than KOTOR 1, Nihilus was not a very interesting nor particularly developed character. As for story driven, the doctors have been pretty insistent that they want to be an MMO that really stresses story since that's what they are good at. I disagree that we all get shafted. I loved the first two KOTOR games, and I hope that SWTOR is a good game too, because I like to play good games and the more good games there are out there, the better they are.
  14. It has always been "it" for the KOTOR series. KOTOR 3 was canceled a long time ago and there is really no reason to have assumed that eventually it would be coming out.
  15. A mixture of sense of entitlement, as well as disappointment because BioWare had mentioned doing more DLC in the past. At the same time, people complaining about a lack of DLC probably means they enjoyed their gaming experience.
  16. I've never really be bothered by map errors to be honest. The slow downs are an issue for sure, but I haven't had as bad as you (or people on the forums) seem to be indicating. It seems a bit random as some people with significantly better computers have bigger performance issues than others. My computer is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ (2.2 GHz) with 2 GB of RAM on WinXP 32-bit. I have turned off trees and multisampling just to reduce the load. When I first boot up it's usually really good, so my guesstimation is that there is memory leaking out somewhere.
  17. It takes a bit to get used to the new unit hierarchy, but I am starting to appreciate its level of detail. If you're a geek like me, managing your Corps/Armies/Army Groups/Theaters is a lot of fun haha. Sounds like setting your troops on AI is actually pretty effective. If you're uncertain about putting them ALL on AI control, what people have been doing is taking a corps (up to 5 divisions), and setting a goal for them.
  18. Yes probably. Or Stony Road I'm just messing around as Germany, and so far having a good time. The game does have performance issues, but alas. I'm still having a good time haha.
  19. Haha, it'd only be a handful of people if I do it
  20. No I haven't. Unfortunately they are a bit more streamlined this time around, so you don't get as much flavour text with them. You'll get a title and applicable bonuses. Sounds like Japan faltering is an unfortunate new bug in 1.1 that causes an error in consumer goods demand, requiring Japan to spend all of its IC on consumer goods. Sounds like the game is much more ahistorical than the previous ones. This is good and bad. Good in that it's variable. I can't just leave a front unprotected because I know the Soviet Union won't attack it for 2 years. Bad in that it likely won't proceed like WW2 haha. Oh wells.
  21. Yeah was thinking of that. What I was thinking on doing is actually assigning some people to be equivalent of my various ministers. So they can decide where the area they are responsible for is set to focus. Of course, I am also the Power Hungry Demagogue, so if I don't like your decisions I may overrule them But an update of troop makeups will be neat for sure. If I feel really ambitious I could create the hierarchy via links haha. That sounds like a lot of work though.
  22. Sounds like there are some issues with the game (not at all surprised...Paradox game on release haha). Influencing nations seems particularly powerful (it moves very quickly). A lot of people are seeing the Allies having a lot of people in their faction at earlier stages. Also, sounds like Japan has industrial issues. Not sure how that got past testing, but to start the game it seems like they don't have the ability to sustain their own intrinsic demands, meaning that they're kinda SOL to start the game off in 1936 (all industry going into consumer goods, meaning no supplies/production/anything, even with trade routes for resources still established.
  23. LOL I find as long as I am getting downloads >100 kB/s I'm happy. So the fact that my theoretical cap is 15 Mbit (but through crappy wireless router...) doesn't bother me a lot I tend to get 5-7.5 Mbit on speedtests
  24. I went Gamer's Gate. Downloading it at work is funny because it's so slow today
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