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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Huawei has had problems Also in earlier. Not sure why, but there has been several posts in the past by users of huawei phones. If I am not wrong, sometimes those problems were corrected by Huaweis own upgrades. So you have to wait for next upgrade to your phone and hope for the best. Unity game engine most likely use some commands or features that Are not supported by your phone at this moment.
  2. Sending that file would most likely be usefull. At least it will give more clues about what did happen!
  3. Offline Gaming can have issues because the cloudsync... it should work so that when you got Connection it should sync, but there has been information about clitches in these forums.
  4. Maybe. Maybe we will get ad 2. There is not exact info about this matter. The only info is http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/8/entry-204-pathfinder-adventures-rise-of-the-goblins/ After Goblins we will get mini Valeros adventure. So mini scenarios is what to Expect in the future based on above information.
  5. The Goblins... They just cant count http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/93524-bug-goblin-stones-d4-display-wrong/
  6. So it could be ui problem... maybe
  7. Good idea! I fully agree that this kind of option would be nice, and most propably not even hard to do... maybe...
  8. I think that They say They will release ad1 and ad2 for the Goblins. So it will be mini season most likely. But I would not mind if it would continue even longer. But who has seen level 3 Goblin? It would the chief and too lazy to go adventuring himself, or dead allready So most likely the next Goblin set will be the last. The good thing is that we newer have to wait for ad3,ad4 and so on because it will newer happen
  9. Good info! There is quite a long time when I personally played this scenario in legendary. But the movement problems where there then and it sound that in some level even now. Legendary with scenario power etc can be pretty tricky from time to time... it was possible to win but some Luck was needed.
  10. mailto:support@obsidian.net With your pfid. They can check it out.
  11. It is very important to how you move in that scenario in Legendary. You don't want to get stuck in location that has only closed locations around! You have to move so that there is always open location to move. Move spells Are Also very important. If one character is stuck in explored locations, use spells to move him.
  12. The nickname bug was solved in the last update (or at least that is the information). So most likely some other bug is behind that what happened to you. Normally disappeared characters Are because of corrupted save file. But support can check it out in anyway.
  13. Did you use another item in the combat? Like amulet of xxx fist? It preventing using another item later in the same check.
  14. Were you Connected to google play when you did that puhase? All in all in you should contact the Obsidian support. mailto:support@obsidian.net With all the information you put here among the receipt you got from purhace and pfid from the settings.
  15. Many thanks for the Rice of Goblins! I have had fun of seing all new conversation and other Goblin stuff. It is different than season of Goblins and, well maybe even better so, because for a long time i have not had faintest idea what those Little vermins Are upp the next time Really waiting for the next dls with even more Goblin stuff! I am guite sure that I have been a Goblin in my previous life...
  16. "A pach is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means to." old programmers saying. I am sure that They Are fighting the bug at the same time we speak about it. But who knows when it is ready... it affect all the iOs users so priority has to be quite high.
  17. You get more gold with bigger parties, but I personally like more smaller parties.
  18. Good find! I am so used legendary difficulty that these increases seems quite normal or even easy So I would Expect extremely difficult legendary with a lot of characters...
  19. Purhases should be imminent. Contact the Obsidian support. mailto:support@obsidian.net
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