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Everything posted by magician

  1. Website(s), sure, I have. I uploaded a RAR file there with 8-9 tracks included. I will send the link then near to the CV / Resume and cover letter, as well as the web page link. Thanks again for the help EDIT: Mail sent. Thank you so much for your help Matthew!
  2. Sadly, my mail bounces back
  3. Ok, one final question before I submit. Is there any size limitation to files? Ermm.. When you submit artworks, you can send them in 72 dpi 1000x1000 size etc but when presenting sound, it has to be in good quality which increases the file size... Considering that I would submit several tracks at least... You know, it would be a disaster to have an issue like "Some idiot sent 60mb rar file *pheeww*... there, gone" while on the other end of the line, I am like "ermm, did they receive it, I wonder..." lol...
  4. Ah, ninja'd Thank you for your reply Matthew. I will send a promo package there then .
  5. Usually, the lesser the resources, higher the creativity. Usually the most creative moments are those where there is little to do in obvious manners, pushing one to think out of the borders. /me remembers MacGyver
  6. Greetings; I am willing to send Obsidian Entertainment a demo reel of my music soundtrack works and previous work details for consideration and for archiving purposes in case of future referencing options. However, as music stuff in game biz is usually a contract work, there are no information to be found regarding how to apply for such a reference at Obsidian's website. Usually, especially in music business, you need consolidation first to send in a demo tape due to copyright issues and overwhelming applications etc. I am wondering how that works with Obsidian and willing to make this "applicational process" work out without having managers or client representatives to do buzzing calls or e-mails and so. So, any help is welcome.
  7. Well, I am not much of a poster in these forums, I rather prefer to read from time to time but this topic picked my interest and as a follower of Obsidian, as well as good old Black Isle and BioWare releases, I thought it would be nice to write some stuff as well. It was discussed so many darn times all over the net that it does not make much sense anymore but I have to admit, the 3D system still looks fuzzy / irritating when it is compared to good old Infinity Engine. If you check KOTOR II or the new comer of BioWare, Mass Effect, this 3D stuff is absolutely good, and it pulls you in directly to the game but when it is games like NwN or BG or IWD (etc.), the atmosphere is missing somehow. Perhaps they don't show that colourful feeling of Baldur's Gate II (due to still background paintings? etc, I dunno). I am not telling that people should turn back to Infinity, at this point, I don't think that it would be profitable (at least not for people who are willing to see everything in 3D) but I definetly believe that a "visual" revision is necessary to re-gain that colourful feeling with a better application of new tech elements that come with a 3D engine (zoom, cam view etc -> this will be "hard" to implement with still backgrounds perhaps, I dunno, you are the experts, I am only a customer and follower hehe) Also, the user interface of KOTOR (1 & 2) and Mass Effect and Jade Empire etc (the games in that fashion) are quite "friendly" when compared to Neverwinter Nights stuff. So many times I feel lost in the game menus that I want to go back to desktop and find some easier game to chill out after a long hour at work. It is NOT because of the storyline and intellectual properties created, it is NOT because of long/detailed/various dialogues but seldomly because of a chaotic user interface. Baldur's Gate II (and I, if you set aside the graphical disadvantages of it's production year) was a WAAAY better design in means of accessibility and ease of use. I don't know if I am an oldfashioned fool (perhaps I am lol) but as you know, RPG games like NWN or BG are based heavily on storytelling and user reactions, so we actually don't need a full 3D application new menu designs etc to get into it. It does not help us to get into it better, it pushes the user out. I believe, it is something that has to be taken care of in future designs. I also understand that publishers, consumers are demanding new looking stuff even if they are actually willing to see the quality of a stationed release but just for the sake of having it re-designed, a designer does not necessarily need to make it complicated. This feels like having the versions of a program with all the menu locations changed. You KNOW that what you seek is there but "seeking" becomes a "sickness" after some time. Enough of NWN / BG kinda games, lets focus on KOTOR (2nd installment particularly). We all know about the missing content bla bla thingy and we discussed it here and on other forums for years now. Yep, we all want a bigger and a "complete" content but we also kew that this was NOT a doing of Obsidian. So, how woud I want KOTOR kinda games (KOTOR II focused) to be improved as an average user? Hmm, the good part is, it is EASIER to play the games in means of menu design etc and due to the "lesser content" of those games, when compared to games like NWN (lots of spells, etc). Dialogue's were a bit problematic but it seems that it has moved a step forward with BioWare's Mass Effect (I especially liked the idea of disabling certain options in reflection of your general character behaviour) and Obsidian is a company that understands and evolves the outcome of games. So, I am very fond of dialogue and interface options. The part that can be improved is (as some people stated), the influence system. You don't necessarily need to see "+5 influence for the alien chick" kinda messages, it can be smoother with face expressions or a small change in the music. Also, certain "different approaches" should change more than a few dialogue options and a video or two. I know, what I ask is NOT EASY but you know, we consumers love to consume and ask for more, constantly and increasingly :D. Anyway, Obsidian (after BioWare is sold to EA) is the ONLY company that I follow with true passion (I don't even check my own company website that much lol) and I just wanted to share my opinions regarding Obsidian games and genre in general. Have a happy new year Obsidian people
  8. Leonard Boyarsky is at Blizzard? A month ago he was idle... hmm, i missed that part i guess
  9. leonard boyarsky... (only a suggestion)
  10. Greetings; As I am a musician myself, I always wanted to ask this to developers; How do you people choose musicians/musics for your games/projects? Do you accept applications and or demo tapes? Do you need the composer(s) to live near you or you accept people from different cities, countries? I am planning to form a studio soon with some cutting edge technology (and quite a sum of money to dump ) and willing to learn about the business of computer game musics. I had some small dialogues in the past with indie developers but nothing solid came out (ok once it did but the company had suffered a bankrupt) Also, any written text advice (books, good sites etc) are welcome. EDIT NOTE: Typos EDIT II: I wrote this here as I am asking this to Dev.s. I am sorry if this was supposed to be in some place else. If that is the case, I would be more than happy to see the mods. to chew me off
  11. If you have the add-ons and time/knowlede, it is. Im no 3d designer but I have seen tremendous things done with Maya by one of my collegues of my company.
  12. Lots of fantasy/sci fi books (2 big cubboards x 6 shelves (30 books) in each). + lots of technical books about management/financial management and such (investment, corporate finance etc.) + LOOOOTS of books about music. Theory, singing, business etc and some about web and graphical design and drawing Lots of books to sum up.. They, the government, said we will have a n-gas problem so we may suffer from cold, I was keeping those books for days like these...
  13. It may not be very wise to demand proper education of children and proper acts from children while living in your home country, under the supervision of "democratic forces". And I wish I had the chance to "meet in person" with the commentator to further discuss the details of that video. Beating children, imho, is a bit sadistic, which only shows the weakness of an individual and trying to prove that one is overwhelming to himself/herself. only an opinion.
  14. the CP i am using now states that I have talked over it +350 hours for the last 1.5 year. This is my 6th.
  15. Err, this may be a bug but I got that HK47 love dialogine in my first game. If you are mentioning that "What is love... bla bla" dialogue of course...
  16. Layer + placing it with a small code should do the trick. However, with layers, when you forget to write that placing code (like layer should always open at bla bla pixel etc), things can go messy with higher or lower resolutions.
  17. rock, metal (spec. mainly but not only -> progressive rock/metal, nwobhm, symphonic, dark) 80's pop, classical, ethnical, some tango, opera and so.
  18. Due to the nature of my work and my schedule, I need it a lot and it was a problem when I didn't have one in the past. Also, a month ago, my car broke down... The radiator cracked and had to call a friend of mine to literally pull the car to a garage... It was late night and my cellphone (thanks to God I had credits loaded) saved my freezin "lower back" parts that night (-15/20 C something) So, yes they are necessary additions to our communication arsenal EDIT: typos.
  19. Nowadays; Kotor II, Rome: Total War, FEAR, Fable, GTA 4. Also planning to re-discover my Space Quest series...
  20. Getting a new apartment in Downtown also depends on your performance in the "Elizabeth Dane" quest for some clans like Malkavian. If you do it as LaCroix wants (quietly, in secrecy, without blood and without being seen), he gives you the apartment. Else, you have to go to Santa Monica and back...
  21. I go for the option "K". Perhaps the PC can be someone that Revan found on his search of the dark power, etc, whatever he is really doing there. PC can be a rather ordinary force sensitive guy/gal that hooks up with Revan due to his/her force appealing or by a pure coincidence. We can think this as if we are that little girl who d entered to Ebon Hawk in K1. Someone, without any true connection, appeared at a wrong place in a wrong time. imho, playing either as Revan or Exile or both would result as a bad "escape route" from creating a unique 3rd scenario. The script should evolve around all the key characters of K1 and K2 but it must be something new, something that brings a new point of view to this story. Only an opinion
  22. To Aes Sedai; Judging from your nickname, I suppose you are into Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time and, perhaps, fantasy fiction in general. I wasn't able to see what position/profession (I worked for 30 hours and still don't have the time to sleep, sorry) you are willing to take on the field but I presume you are willing to give out innovative story/conceptual/application ideas of yours. Anyway, have you tried to write a story/conceptual description or so and applied to some side sectors like pen&paper role playing industry, book industry and such? Wizards of the Coast usually helds that kinda contests and such and publish the stories in a collected book, near to some acclaimed writers and so. I am a musician myself and I always had the passion (I still have ) to compose music for games. Most of the known developers I contacted, suggested me to compose and freely donate my music to new indie developers from 3rd party countries who are pretty much new into developing their own game industry. Guess what? I still couldn't get anything to hold on from gaming industry but now I am composing a symphonic rock cd for a world wide known opera singer and I will use this in my application next time. Oh, and I never had a proper musical education. Had to work hours after school (I studied banking and finance, near to marketing at university and science in lycee) in order to develop my skills. You DON'T NEED a degree or something, but as almost everyone else stated, near to professionals here, you need the passion to do it. Not just the passion of announcing your will and intention but the action. If I were you, I wouldn't even waste time reading forums but work on shaping my ideas and making them concrete, then applying to the right people. I work in music industry and, I don't know it is similar in gaming, having a communication network pays a lot, I must say. This, I can advise. Hope to see you working on what you wished friend.
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