Sith Lord Urais
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Weakest of them all
Sith Lord Urais replied to Darth Exordiom's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I agree, he acted way too 'superior' than cool. If I was Dooku I would have killed Anakin & Obi-Wan in the hangar in episode 2, regardless of what my master wanted, I will admit I would have run from yoda aswell. Think about it, if a 2 ft tall jedi master came at you with a lightsaber would you stay or run? It's a no brainer. but yes Dooku is weak, he gives sith a bad name. -
The first mistake I made was not making my allies jedi ( or sith ) I wasn't sure of how to gain influence, so I just gave up. besides I still had Visas & Kreia. since then I've been sure to gain influence
KotOR III: Fall of the Sith Empire KotOR III: The new Beginning
if you wish, you can become almost as powerful as him too and also, if you haven't realised already, you can gain influence over your team members & turn them to the light or the dark side they can also become dark or light jedi ( just in case you didn't know )
I need dark robes-where can i get? (xbox)
Sith Lord Urais replied to Master_Zarell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I'll take that into consideration next time ,LadyCrimson. oh, & Xard you cant put them on xbox -
Character idea anyone?
Sith Lord Urais replied to Agent sith's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
force crush seems to be everyones favorite, it's no wonder, it's probably THE best darkside power to use just think force kill ( lv 3 choke ) with more.........snap heh,heh -
I need dark robes-where can i get? (xbox)
Sith Lord Urais replied to Master_Zarell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I may have some cheats that 'll help you & everyone else out: heal = Heal your player setcomputeruse xx = Sets Computer Use Skill Level setdemolitions xx = Sets Demolitions Skill Level setstealth xx = Sets Stealth Skill Level setawareness xx = Sets Awareness Skill Level setpersuade xx = Sets Persuade Skill Level setrepair xx = Sets Repair Skill Level setsecurity xx = Sets Security Skill Level settreatinjury xx = Sets Treat Injury Skill Level setstrength xx = Sets Strength Skill Level setdexterity xx = Sets Dexterity Skill Level setconstitution xx = Sets Construction Skill Level setintelligence xx = Sets Intelligence Skill Level setwisdom xx = Sets Wisdom Skill Level setcharisma xx = Sets Charisma Skill Level addexp XX = Add experience addlightside xx = Adds Light side Experience adddarkside xx = Adds Dark side Experience revealmap = Reveals the entire map with M key givecredits xx = Gives Money givemed = Gives 100 Med Kits giverepair = Gives 100 Advance Repair Kits givecomspikes = Gives 100 Computer Spikes givesecspikes = Gives 100 Section Spikes givesitharmour = Gives 100 Amour infiniteuses = All limited Use Items Never Expire invulnerability = Invulnerablilty w_blaste_01 - Blaster Pistol w_blaste_02 - Ion Blaster w_blaste_03 - Field Survival Pistol w_blaste_04 - Sonic Pistol w_blaste_05 - Distruptor Pistol w_blaste_06 - Heavy Blaster w_blaste_07 - Scout Enforcer w_blaste_08 - Systech Aural Blaster w_blaste_09 - Republic Blaster w_blaste_10 - Aratech Droid Oxidizer w_blaste_11 - Arkanian Heavy Pistol w_blaste_12 - Mandalorian Blaster w_blaste_13 - Systech Static Blaster w_blaste_14 - Arkanian Sonic Blaster w_blaste_15 - Sith Disruptor w_blaste_16 - Mandalorian Heavy Blaster w_blaste_17 - Heavy Sonic Blaster w_blaste_18 - Watchman Blaster w_blaste_19 - Zabrak Blaster Pistol w_blaste_20 - Mandalorian Ripper w_blaste_21 - Aratech Ion Master w_blaste_22 - Onasi Blaster w_blaste_23 - Dashade Sonic Blaster w_blaste_24 - Zabrak Heavy Blaster w_blaste_25 - Systech Electric Blaster w_blaste_26 - Micro-Pulse Blaster w_blaste_27 - Elite Watchman Blaster w_blaste_28 - Mandalorian Disintegrator w_blaste_29 - Dashade Sonic Disruptor w_blaste_30 - Freedon Nadd's Blaster w_blaste_x05 - Luxa's Disruptor w_blaste_x20 - Remote's Blaster Blaster Rifles w_brifle_01 - Blaster Carbine w_brifle_02 - Ion Carbine w_brifle_03 - Sonic Carbine w_brifle_04 - Blaster Rifle w_brifle_05 - Bowcaster w_brifle_06 - Repeating Blaster Carbine w_brifle_07 - Ion Rifle w_brifle_08 - Disruptor Carbine w_brifle_09 - Sonic Rifle w_brifle_10 - Repeating Blaster Rifle w_brifle_11 - War Bowcaster w_brifle_12 - Arkanian Blaster Rifle w_brifle_13 - Disruptor Rifle w_brifle_14 - Argazdan Riot Buster w_brifle_15 - Bothan Droid Disruptor w_brifle_16 - Combat Enforcer w_brifle_17 - Heavy Repeating Carbine w_brifle_18 - Plasma Projector w_brifle_19 - Mandalorian Assault Rifle w_brifle_20 - Verpine Droid Disruptor w_brifle_21 - Ceremonial Bowcaster w_brifle_22 - Heavy Repeating Rifle w_brifle_23 - Charric w_brifle_24 - Zabrak Blaster Carbine w_brifle_25 - Slavemaster Stun Carbine w_brifle_26 - Onderon Repeating Carbine w_brifle_27 - Sonic Disruptor w_brifle_28 - Mandalorian Heavy Repeater w_brifle_29 - Verpine Droid Disintegrator w_brifle_30 - Zersium Rifle Targeting Upgrades u_r_targ_01 - Pinpoint Scope Mark I u_r_targ_02 - Accuracy Scope Mark I u_r_targ_03 - Targeting Scope Mark I u_r_targ_04 - Crippling Scope Mark I u_r_targ_05 - Pinpoint Scope Mark II u_r_targ_06 - Accuracy Scope Mark II u_r_targ_07 - Targeting Scope Mark II u_r_targ_08 - Crippling Scope Mark II u_r_targ_09 - Pintpoint Scope Mark III u_r_targ_10 - Accuracy Scope Mark III u_r_targ_11 - Targeting Scope Mark III u_r_targ_12 - Crippling Scope Mark III u_r_targ_13 - Pinpoint Scope Mark IV u_r_targ_14 - Accuracy Scope Mark IV u_r_targ_15 - Targeting Scope Mark IV Power Pack Upgrades u_r_powe_01 - Ion Charger Mark I u_r_powe_02 - Power Pulsator Mark I u_r_powe_03 - Basic Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_04 - Ion Charger Mark II u_r_powe_05 - Power Pulsator Mark II u_r_powe_06 - Standard Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_07 - Ion Charger Mark III u_r_powe_08 - Power Pulsator Mark III u_r_powe_09 - Advanced Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_10 - Ion Charger Mark IV u_r_powe_11 - Power Pulsator Mark IV u_r_powe_12 - Superior Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_13 - Ion Charger Mark V u_r_powe_14 - Power Pulsator Mark V u_r_powe_15 - Pure Rylith Power Cell Firing Chamber Upgrades u_r_firi_01 - Broadening Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_02 - Amplifying Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_03 - Precision Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_04 - Beam Splitter Mark I u_r_firi_05 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_06 - Broadening Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_07 - Amplifying Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_08 - Precision Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_09 - Beam Splitter Mark II u_r_firi_10 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_11 - Broadening Chamber Mark III u_r_firi_12 - Amplifying Chamber Mark III u_r_firi_13 - Precision Chamber Mark III u_r_firi_14 - Beam Splitter Mark III u_r_firi_15 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III g_w_lghtsbr01 - Blue Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr02 - Red Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr03 - Green Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr04 - Yellow Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr05 - Violet Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr07 - Bronze Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr08 - Orange Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr09 - Silver Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr10 - Cyan Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr11 - Viridian Lightsaber g_w_drkjdisbr001 - Dark Jedi Lightsaber w_ls_x01 - Visas Marr's Lightsaber Short Lightsabers g_w_shortsbr01 - Blue Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr02 - Red Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr03 - Green Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr04 - Yellow Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr05 - Violet Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr07 - Bronze Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr08 - Orange Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr09 - Silver Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr10 - Cyan Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr11 - Viridian Short Lightsaber w_sls_x02 - Freedon Nadd's Short Lightsaber Double-Bladed Lightsabers g_w_dblsbr001 - Blue Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr002 - Red Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr003 - Green Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr004 - Yellow Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr005 - Violet Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr007 - Bronze Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr008 - Orange Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr009 - Silver Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr010 - Cyan Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr011 - Viridian Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_drkjdisbr002 - Dark Jedi Double-Bladed Lightsaber Lightsaber Color Crystals u_l_colo_01 - Blue Crystal u_l_colo_02 - Green Crystal u_l_colo_03 - Yellow Crystal u_l_colo_04 - Red Crystal u_l_colo_05 - Violet Crystal u_l_colo_06 - Cyan Crystal u_l_colo_07 - Silver Crystal u_l_colo_08 - Orange Crystal u_l_colo_09 - Viridian Crystal u_l_colo_10 - Bronze Crystal Lightsaber Crystals u_l_crys_01 - Adegan Crystal u_l_crys_02 - Rubat Crystal u_l_crys_03 - Ruustan Crystal u_l_crys_04 - Nextor Crystal u_l_crys_05 - Dragite Crystal u_l_crys_06 - Firkrann Crystal u_l_crys_07 - Phond Crystal u_l_crys_08 - Bondar Crystal u_l_crys_09 - Velmorite Crystal u_l_crys_10 - Sigil Crystal u_l_crys_11 - Jenruax Crystal u_l_crys_12 - Kasha Crystal u_l_crys_13 - Opila Crystal u_l_crys_14 - Eralam Crystal u_l_crys_15 - Stygium Crystal u_l_crys_16 - Damind Crystal u_l_crys_17 - Sapith Crystal u_l_crys_18 - Pontite Crystal u_l_crys_19 - Upari Crystal u_l_crys_20 - Ultima-pearl u_l_crys_21 - Solari Crystal u_l_crys_21x - Qixoni Crystal u_l_crys_22 - Lorridian Gemstone u_l_crys_23 - Barab Ore Ingot u_l_crys_x23 - Hurrikaine Crystal u_l_crys_24 - Ankarres Sapphire u_l_crys_25 - Kaiburr Crystal Personal Crystal qcrystal_1_0 - Very Dark: Level 1 qcrystal_2_0 - Very Dark: Level 2 qcrystal_3_0 - Very Dark: Level 3 qcrystal_4_0 - Very Dark: Level 4 qcrystal_5_0 - Very Dark: Level 5 qcrystal_6_0 - Very Dark: Level 6 qcrystal_7_0 - Very Dark: Level 7 qcrystal_8_0 - Very Dark: Level 8 qcrystal_9_0 - Very Dark: Level 9 qcrystal_1_1 - Dark: Level 1 qcrystal_2_1 - Dark: Level 2 qcrystal_3_1 - Dark: Level 3 qcrystal_4_1 - Dark: Level 4 qcrystal_5_1 - Dark: Level 5 qcrystal_6_1 - Dark: Level 6 qcrystal_7_1 - Dark: Level 7 qcrystal_8_1 - Dark: Level 8 qcrystal_9_1 - Dark: Level 9 qcrystal_1_2 - Neutral: Level 1 qcrystal_2_2 - Neutral: Level 2 qcrystal_3_2 - Neutral: Level 3 qcrystal_4_2 - Neutral: Level 4 qcrystal_5_2 - Neutral: Level 5 qcrystal_6_2 - Neutral: Level 6 qcrystal_7_2 - Neutral: Level 7 qcrystal_8_2 - Neutral: Level 8 qcrystal_9_2 - Neutral: Level 9 qcrystal_1_3 - Light: Level 1 qcrystal_2_3 - Light: Level 2 qcrystal_3_3 - Light: Level 3 qcrystal_4_3 - Light: Level 4 qcrystal_5_3 - Light: Level 5 qcrystal_6_3 - Light: Level 6 qcrystal_7_3 - Light: Level 7 qcrystal_8_3 - Light: Level 8 qcrystal_9_3 - Light: Level 9 qcrystal_1_4 - Very Light: Level 1 qcrystal_2_4 - Very Light: Level 2 qcrystal_3_4 - Very Light: Level 3 qcrystal_4_4 - Very Light: Level 4 qcrystal_5_4 - Very Light: Level 5 qcrystal_6_4 - Very Light: Level 6 qcrystal_7_4 - Very Light: Level 7 qcrystal_8_4 - Very Light: Level 8 qcrystal_9_4 - Very Light: Level 9 Lens Upgrades lspart03 - Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture u_l_lens_01 - Synthesized Kunda Lens u_l_lens_02 - Dragite Lens u_l_lens_03 - Synthesized Byrothsis Lens u_l_lens_04 - Beam Gem Lens u_l_lens_05 - Vibration Lens u_l_lens_06 - Pure Kunda Lens u_l_lens_07 - Adegan Lens u_l_lens_08 - Pure Byrothsis Lens u_l_lens_09 - Improved Beam Gem Lens u_l_lens_10 - Improved Vibration Lens u_l_lens_11 - Ossus Dueling Lens u_l_lens_12 - Pontite Lens u_l_lens_13 - Enhanced Byrothsis Lens Emitter Upgrades lspart02 - Lightsaber Emitter Fixture u_l_emit_01 - Deflection Emitter u_l_emit_02 - Disrupting Emitter u_l_emit_03 - Crude Phobium Emitter u_l_emit_04 - Fencing Emitter u_l_emit_05 - Improved Deflection Emitter u_l_emit_06 - Advanced Disrupting Emitter u_l_emit_07 - Synthesized Phobium Emitter u_l_emit_08 - Improved Fencing Emitter u_l_emit_09 - Expert Deflection Emitter u_l_emit_10 - Superior Disrupting Emitter u_l_emit_11 - Phobium Alloy Emitter u_l_emit_12 - Expert Fencing Emitter u_l_emit_13 - Refined Phobium Emitter Cell Upgrades lspart01 - Lightsaber Energy Cell Fixture u_l_cell_01 - Discharge Energy Cell u_l_cell_02 - Diatium Energy Cell u_l_cell_03 - Ion Energy Cell u_l_cell_04 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark I u_l_cell_05 - Improved Discharge Energy Cell u_l_cell_06 - Improved Diatium Energy Cell u_l_cell_07 - Improved Ion Energy Cell u_l_cell_08 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark II u_l_cell_09 - Superior Discharge Energy Cell u_l_cell_10 - Superior Diatium Energy Cell u_l_cell_11 - Superior Ion Energy Cell u_l_cell_12 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III u_l_cell_13 - Ultimate Diatium Energy cell Medical Items (Non-droid characters) g_i_medeqpmnt01 - Medpac g_i_medeqpmnt02 - Advanced Medpac g_i_medeqpmnt03 - Life Support Pack g_i_medeqpmnt04 - Antidote Kit g_i_medeqpmnt08 - Squad Recovery Stim Droid Items g_i_drdrepeqp001 - Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp002 - Advanced Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp003 - Construction Kit Mines g_i_trapkit001 - Minor Flash Mine g_i_trapkit002 - Average Flash Mine g_i_trapkit003 - Blinding Flash Mine g_i_trapkit004 - Minor Frag Mine g_i_trapkit005 - Average Frag Mine g_i_trapkit006 - Deadly Frag Mine g_i_trapkit007 - Minor Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit008 - Average Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit010 - Minor Gas Mine g_i_trapkit011 - Average Gas Mine g_i_trapkit012 - Deadly Gas Mine g_i_trapkit013 - Minor Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit014 - Average Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit015 - Deadly Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit016 - Strong Flash Mine g_i_trapkit017 - Devastating Flash Mine g_i_trapkit018 - Strong Frag Mine g_i_trapkit019 - Devastating Frag Mine g_i_trapkit020 - Strong Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit021 - Devastating Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit022 - Strong Gas Mine g_i_trapkit023 - Devastating Gas Mine g_i_trapkit024 - Strong Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit025 - Devastating Sonic Mine Grenades g_w_adhsvgren001 - Adhesive Grenade g_w_cryobgren001 - CryoBan Grenade g_w_firegren001 - Plasma Grenade g_w_fraggren01 - Frag Grenade g_w_iongren01 - Ion Grenade g_w_poisngren01 - Poison Grenade g_w_sonicdet01 - Minor Sonic Detonator g_w_sonicdet02 - Sonic Detonator g_w_sonicgren01 - Sonic Grenade g_w_stungren01 - Concussion Grenade g_w_thermldet01 - Thermal Detonator a_robe_02 - Padawan Robe a_robe_03 - Dark Padawan Robe a_robe_04 - Baran Do Novice Robe a_robe_05 - Matukai Apprentice Robe a_robe_06 - Zeison Sha Initiate Armor a_robe_07 - Jal Shey Neophyte Armor a_robe_08 - Jedi Robe a_robe_09 - Dark Jedi Robe a_robe_10 - Norris Robe a_robe_11 - Jal Shey Advisor Armor a_robe_12 - Gray Jedi Robe a_robe_13 - Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_14 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_15 - Matukai Adept Robe a_robe_16 - Zeison Sha Warrior Armor a_robe_17 - Jedi Master Robe a_robe_18 - Dark Jedi Master Robe a_robe_19 - Baran Do Sage Robe a_robe_20 - Jal Shey Mentor Armor a_robe_21 - Ossus Keeper Robe a_robe_22 - Natth Cowling a_robe_23 - Arca Jeth's Robe a_robe_24 - Aleema Keto's Robe a_robe_25 - Sylvar's Robe a_robe_26 - Darth Malak's Armor a_robe_27 - Jolee's Robe a_robe_28 - Thon's Robe a_robe_29 - Crado's Robe a_robe_30- Nomi's Robe a_robe_x01 - Handmiden's Robe I hope these cheats will benefit everyone who has KotOR2 on their PC & I hope everyone knows how to put them in, & I apologise to those who have the game on xbox, I couldn't find any cheats. -
it's simple: bao dur + 100% dark side + dark jedi guardian = one mean ass mutherf****r I absolutly despise the disciple, he thinks he's so cool with his 'history' & 'knowledge of the jedi' & his voice gets on my nerves he makes me sick!
Gunslinger Vs. Lightsaber?
Sith Lord Urais replied to chenwong88's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Lightsabers obviously lightsabers, robes the whole jedi gig unless I'm a consular than I use armour more frequently -
Jedi Outcast vs. Jedi Academy
Sith Lord Urais replied to Alec's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Jedi academy by far, mainly for the fact you can choose your saber hilt & what you look like (plus i've finished it a few hundred times) & cause you can fight Kyle Katarn & the other jedi -
Wouldn't it be awsome
Sith Lord Urais replied to Darth Jarize's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
You may want to buy or find a coloured saber crystal before hand aswell.
I don't know what these guys are smoking. Force deflection works anytime when you are NOT using a lightsabre. It DOES work with blasters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Care to explain HOW one is supposed to deflect blaster bolts with BLASTERS????
One question for you jadenkorr...... Did you buy it over ebay?