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Sith Lord Urais

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About Sith Lord Urais

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. I agree, he acted way too 'superior' than cool. If I was Dooku I would have killed Anakin & Obi-Wan in the hangar in episode 2, regardless of what my master wanted, I will admit I would have run from yoda aswell. Think about it, if a 2 ft tall jedi master came at you with a lightsaber would you stay or run? It's a no brainer. but yes Dooku is weak, he gives sith a bad name.
  2. The first mistake I made was not making my allies jedi ( or sith ) I wasn't sure of how to gain influence, so I just gave up. besides I still had Visas & Kreia. since then I've been sure to gain influence
  3. Whether I'm light or dark I'd still choose silver for it's originality & the fact that it's not restricted to light or dark
  4. KotOR III: Fall of the Sith Empire KotOR III: The new Beginning
  5. if you wish, you can become almost as powerful as him too and also, if you haven't realised already, you can gain influence over your team members & turn them to the light or the dark side they can also become dark or light jedi ( just in case you didn't know )
  6. I'll take that into consideration next time ,LadyCrimson. oh, & Xard you cant put them on xbox
  7. force crush seems to be everyones favorite, it's no wonder, it's probably THE best darkside power to use just think force kill ( lv 3 choke ) with more.........snap heh,heh
  8. I may have some cheats that 'll help you & everyone else out: heal = Heal your player setcomputeruse xx = Sets Computer Use Skill Level setdemolitions xx = Sets Demolitions Skill Level setstealth xx = Sets Stealth Skill Level setawareness xx = Sets Awareness Skill Level setpersuade xx = Sets Persuade Skill Level setrepair xx = Sets Repair Skill Level setsecurity xx = Sets Security Skill Level settreatinjury xx = Sets Treat Injury Skill Level setstrength xx = Sets Strength Skill Level setdexterity xx = Sets Dexterity Skill Level setconstitution xx = Sets Construction Skill Level setintelligence xx = Sets Intelligence Skill Level setwisdom xx = Sets Wisdom Skill Level setcharisma xx = Sets Charisma Skill Level addexp XX = Add experience addlightside xx = Adds Light side Experience adddarkside xx = Adds Dark side Experience revealmap = Reveals the entire map with M key givecredits xx = Gives Money givemed = Gives 100 Med Kits giverepair = Gives 100 Advance Repair Kits givecomspikes = Gives 100 Computer Spikes givesecspikes = Gives 100 Section Spikes givesitharmour = Gives 100 Amour infiniteuses = All limited Use Items Never Expire invulnerability = Invulnerablilty w_blaste_01 - Blaster Pistol w_blaste_02 - Ion Blaster w_blaste_03 - Field Survival Pistol w_blaste_04 - Sonic Pistol w_blaste_05 - Distruptor Pistol w_blaste_06 - Heavy Blaster w_blaste_07 - Scout Enforcer w_blaste_08 - Systech Aural Blaster w_blaste_09 - Republic Blaster w_blaste_10 - Aratech Droid Oxidizer w_blaste_11 - Arkanian Heavy Pistol w_blaste_12 - Mandalorian Blaster w_blaste_13 - Systech Static Blaster w_blaste_14 - Arkanian Sonic Blaster w_blaste_15 - Sith Disruptor w_blaste_16 - Mandalorian Heavy Blaster w_blaste_17 - Heavy Sonic Blaster w_blaste_18 - Watchman Blaster w_blaste_19 - Zabrak Blaster Pistol w_blaste_20 - Mandalorian Ripper w_blaste_21 - Aratech Ion Master w_blaste_22 - Onasi Blaster w_blaste_23 - Dashade Sonic Blaster w_blaste_24 - Zabrak Heavy Blaster w_blaste_25 - Systech Electric Blaster w_blaste_26 - Micro-Pulse Blaster w_blaste_27 - Elite Watchman Blaster w_blaste_28 - Mandalorian Disintegrator w_blaste_29 - Dashade Sonic Disruptor w_blaste_30 - Freedon Nadd's Blaster w_blaste_x05 - Luxa's Disruptor w_blaste_x20 - Remote's Blaster Blaster Rifles w_brifle_01 - Blaster Carbine w_brifle_02 - Ion Carbine w_brifle_03 - Sonic Carbine w_brifle_04 - Blaster Rifle w_brifle_05 - Bowcaster w_brifle_06 - Repeating Blaster Carbine w_brifle_07 - Ion Rifle w_brifle_08 - Disruptor Carbine w_brifle_09 - Sonic Rifle w_brifle_10 - Repeating Blaster Rifle w_brifle_11 - War Bowcaster w_brifle_12 - Arkanian Blaster Rifle w_brifle_13 - Disruptor Rifle w_brifle_14 - Argazdan Riot Buster w_brifle_15 - Bothan Droid Disruptor w_brifle_16 - Combat Enforcer w_brifle_17 - Heavy Repeating Carbine w_brifle_18 - Plasma Projector w_brifle_19 - Mandalorian Assault Rifle w_brifle_20 - Verpine Droid Disruptor w_brifle_21 - Ceremonial Bowcaster w_brifle_22 - Heavy Repeating Rifle w_brifle_23 - Charric w_brifle_24 - Zabrak Blaster Carbine w_brifle_25 - Slavemaster Stun Carbine w_brifle_26 - Onderon Repeating Carbine w_brifle_27 - Sonic Disruptor w_brifle_28 - Mandalorian Heavy Repeater w_brifle_29 - Verpine Droid Disintegrator w_brifle_30 - Zersium Rifle Targeting Upgrades u_r_targ_01 - Pinpoint Scope Mark I u_r_targ_02 - Accuracy Scope Mark I u_r_targ_03 - Targeting Scope Mark I u_r_targ_04 - Crippling Scope Mark I u_r_targ_05 - Pinpoint Scope Mark II u_r_targ_06 - Accuracy Scope Mark II u_r_targ_07 - Targeting Scope Mark II u_r_targ_08 - Crippling Scope Mark II u_r_targ_09 - Pintpoint Scope Mark III u_r_targ_10 - Accuracy Scope Mark III u_r_targ_11 - Targeting Scope Mark III u_r_targ_12 - Crippling Scope Mark III u_r_targ_13 - Pinpoint Scope Mark IV u_r_targ_14 - Accuracy Scope Mark IV u_r_targ_15 - Targeting Scope Mark IV Power Pack Upgrades u_r_powe_01 - Ion Charger Mark I u_r_powe_02 - Power Pulsator Mark I u_r_powe_03 - Basic Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_04 - Ion Charger Mark II u_r_powe_05 - Power Pulsator Mark II u_r_powe_06 - Standard Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_07 - Ion Charger Mark III u_r_powe_08 - Power Pulsator Mark III u_r_powe_09 - Advanced Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_10 - Ion Charger Mark IV u_r_powe_11 - Power Pulsator Mark IV u_r_powe_12 - Superior Rylith Power Cell u_r_powe_13 - Ion Charger Mark V u_r_powe_14 - Power Pulsator Mark V u_r_powe_15 - Pure Rylith Power Cell Firing Chamber Upgrades u_r_firi_01 - Broadening Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_02 - Amplifying Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_03 - Precision Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_04 - Beam Splitter Mark I u_r_firi_05 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark I u_r_firi_06 - Broadening Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_07 - Amplifying Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_08 - Precision Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_09 - Beam Splitter Mark II u_r_firi_10 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark II u_r_firi_11 - Broadening Chamber Mark III u_r_firi_12 - Amplifying Chamber Mark III u_r_firi_13 - Precision Chamber Mark III u_r_firi_14 - Beam Splitter Mark III u_r_firi_15 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III g_w_lghtsbr01 - Blue Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr02 - Red Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr03 - Green Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr04 - Yellow Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr05 - Violet Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr07 - Bronze Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr08 - Orange Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr09 - Silver Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr10 - Cyan Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr11 - Viridian Lightsaber g_w_drkjdisbr001 - Dark Jedi Lightsaber w_ls_x01 - Visas Marr's Lightsaber Short Lightsabers g_w_shortsbr01 - Blue Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr02 - Red Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr03 - Green Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr04 - Yellow Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr05 - Violet Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr07 - Bronze Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr08 - Orange Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr09 - Silver Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr10 - Cyan Short Lightsaber g_w_shortsbr11 - Viridian Short Lightsaber w_sls_x02 - Freedon Nadd's Short Lightsaber Double-Bladed Lightsabers g_w_dblsbr001 - Blue Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr002 - Red Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr003 - Green Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr004 - Yellow Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr005 - Violet Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr007 - Bronze Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr008 - Orange Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr009 - Silver Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr010 - Cyan Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_dblsbr011 - Viridian Double-Bladed Lightsaber g_w_drkjdisbr002 - Dark Jedi Double-Bladed Lightsaber Lightsaber Color Crystals u_l_colo_01 - Blue Crystal u_l_colo_02 - Green Crystal u_l_colo_03 - Yellow Crystal u_l_colo_04 - Red Crystal u_l_colo_05 - Violet Crystal u_l_colo_06 - Cyan Crystal u_l_colo_07 - Silver Crystal u_l_colo_08 - Orange Crystal u_l_colo_09 - Viridian Crystal u_l_colo_10 - Bronze Crystal Lightsaber Crystals u_l_crys_01 - Adegan Crystal u_l_crys_02 - Rubat Crystal u_l_crys_03 - Ruustan Crystal u_l_crys_04 - Nextor Crystal u_l_crys_05 - Dragite Crystal u_l_crys_06 - Firkrann Crystal u_l_crys_07 - Phond Crystal u_l_crys_08 - Bondar Crystal u_l_crys_09 - Velmorite Crystal u_l_crys_10 - Sigil Crystal u_l_crys_11 - Jenruax Crystal u_l_crys_12 - Kasha Crystal u_l_crys_13 - Opila Crystal u_l_crys_14 - Eralam Crystal u_l_crys_15 - Stygium Crystal u_l_crys_16 - Damind Crystal u_l_crys_17 - Sapith Crystal u_l_crys_18 - Pontite Crystal u_l_crys_19 - Upari Crystal u_l_crys_20 - Ultima-pearl u_l_crys_21 - Solari Crystal u_l_crys_21x - Qixoni Crystal u_l_crys_22 - Lorridian Gemstone u_l_crys_23 - Barab Ore Ingot u_l_crys_x23 - Hurrikaine Crystal u_l_crys_24 - Ankarres Sapphire u_l_crys_25 - Kaiburr Crystal Personal Crystal qcrystal_1_0 - Very Dark: Level 1 qcrystal_2_0 - Very Dark: Level 2 qcrystal_3_0 - Very Dark: Level 3 qcrystal_4_0 - Very Dark: Level 4 qcrystal_5_0 - Very Dark: Level 5 qcrystal_6_0 - Very Dark: Level 6 qcrystal_7_0 - Very Dark: Level 7 qcrystal_8_0 - Very Dark: Level 8 qcrystal_9_0 - Very Dark: Level 9 qcrystal_1_1 - Dark: Level 1 qcrystal_2_1 - Dark: Level 2 qcrystal_3_1 - Dark: Level 3 qcrystal_4_1 - Dark: Level 4 qcrystal_5_1 - Dark: Level 5 qcrystal_6_1 - Dark: Level 6 qcrystal_7_1 - Dark: Level 7 qcrystal_8_1 - Dark: Level 8 qcrystal_9_1 - Dark: Level 9 qcrystal_1_2 - Neutral: Level 1 qcrystal_2_2 - Neutral: Level 2 qcrystal_3_2 - Neutral: Level 3 qcrystal_4_2 - Neutral: Level 4 qcrystal_5_2 - Neutral: Level 5 qcrystal_6_2 - Neutral: Level 6 qcrystal_7_2 - Neutral: Level 7 qcrystal_8_2 - Neutral: Level 8 qcrystal_9_2 - Neutral: Level 9 qcrystal_1_3 - Light: Level 1 qcrystal_2_3 - Light: Level 2 qcrystal_3_3 - Light: Level 3 qcrystal_4_3 - Light: Level 4 qcrystal_5_3 - Light: Level 5 qcrystal_6_3 - Light: Level 6 qcrystal_7_3 - Light: Level 7 qcrystal_8_3 - Light: Level 8 qcrystal_9_3 - Light: Level 9 qcrystal_1_4 - Very Light: Level 1 qcrystal_2_4 - Very Light: Level 2 qcrystal_3_4 - Very Light: Level 3 qcrystal_4_4 - Very Light: Level 4 qcrystal_5_4 - Very Light: Level 5 qcrystal_6_4 - Very Light: Level 6 qcrystal_7_4 - Very Light: Level 7 qcrystal_8_4 - Very Light: Level 8 qcrystal_9_4 - Very Light: Level 9 Lens Upgrades lspart03 - Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture u_l_lens_01 - Synthesized Kunda Lens u_l_lens_02 - Dragite Lens u_l_lens_03 - Synthesized Byrothsis Lens u_l_lens_04 - Beam Gem Lens u_l_lens_05 - Vibration Lens u_l_lens_06 - Pure Kunda Lens u_l_lens_07 - Adegan Lens u_l_lens_08 - Pure Byrothsis Lens u_l_lens_09 - Improved Beam Gem Lens u_l_lens_10 - Improved Vibration Lens u_l_lens_11 - Ossus Dueling Lens u_l_lens_12 - Pontite Lens u_l_lens_13 - Enhanced Byrothsis Lens Emitter Upgrades lspart02 - Lightsaber Emitter Fixture u_l_emit_01 - Deflection Emitter u_l_emit_02 - Disrupting Emitter u_l_emit_03 - Crude Phobium Emitter u_l_emit_04 - Fencing Emitter u_l_emit_05 - Improved Deflection Emitter u_l_emit_06 - Advanced Disrupting Emitter u_l_emit_07 - Synthesized Phobium Emitter u_l_emit_08 - Improved Fencing Emitter u_l_emit_09 - Expert Deflection Emitter u_l_emit_10 - Superior Disrupting Emitter u_l_emit_11 - Phobium Alloy Emitter u_l_emit_12 - Expert Fencing Emitter u_l_emit_13 - Refined Phobium Emitter Cell Upgrades lspart01 - Lightsaber Energy Cell Fixture u_l_cell_01 - Discharge Energy Cell u_l_cell_02 - Diatium Energy Cell u_l_cell_03 - Ion Energy Cell u_l_cell_04 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark I u_l_cell_05 - Improved Discharge Energy Cell u_l_cell_06 - Improved Diatium Energy Cell u_l_cell_07 - Improved Ion Energy Cell u_l_cell_08 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark II u_l_cell_09 - Superior Discharge Energy Cell u_l_cell_10 - Superior Diatium Energy Cell u_l_cell_11 - Superior Ion Energy Cell u_l_cell_12 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III u_l_cell_13 - Ultimate Diatium Energy cell Medical Items (Non-droid characters) g_i_medeqpmnt01 - Medpac g_i_medeqpmnt02 - Advanced Medpac g_i_medeqpmnt03 - Life Support Pack g_i_medeqpmnt04 - Antidote Kit g_i_medeqpmnt08 - Squad Recovery Stim Droid Items g_i_drdrepeqp001 - Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp002 - Advanced Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp003 - Construction Kit Mines g_i_trapkit001 - Minor Flash Mine g_i_trapkit002 - Average Flash Mine g_i_trapkit003 - Blinding Flash Mine g_i_trapkit004 - Minor Frag Mine g_i_trapkit005 - Average Frag Mine g_i_trapkit006 - Deadly Frag Mine g_i_trapkit007 - Minor Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit008 - Average Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit010 - Minor Gas Mine g_i_trapkit011 - Average Gas Mine g_i_trapkit012 - Deadly Gas Mine g_i_trapkit013 - Minor Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit014 - Average Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit015 - Deadly Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit016 - Strong Flash Mine g_i_trapkit017 - Devastating Flash Mine g_i_trapkit018 - Strong Frag Mine g_i_trapkit019 - Devastating Frag Mine g_i_trapkit020 - Strong Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit021 - Devastating Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit022 - Strong Gas Mine g_i_trapkit023 - Devastating Gas Mine g_i_trapkit024 - Strong Sonic Mine g_i_trapkit025 - Devastating Sonic Mine Grenades g_w_adhsvgren001 - Adhesive Grenade g_w_cryobgren001 - CryoBan Grenade g_w_firegren001 - Plasma Grenade g_w_fraggren01 - Frag Grenade g_w_iongren01 - Ion Grenade g_w_poisngren01 - Poison Grenade g_w_sonicdet01 - Minor Sonic Detonator g_w_sonicdet02 - Sonic Detonator g_w_sonicgren01 - Sonic Grenade g_w_stungren01 - Concussion Grenade g_w_thermldet01 - Thermal Detonator a_robe_02 - Padawan Robe a_robe_03 - Dark Padawan Robe a_robe_04 - Baran Do Novice Robe a_robe_05 - Matukai Apprentice Robe a_robe_06 - Zeison Sha Initiate Armor a_robe_07 - Jal Shey Neophyte Armor a_robe_08 - Jedi Robe a_robe_09 - Dark Jedi Robe a_robe_10 - Norris Robe a_robe_11 - Jal Shey Advisor Armor a_robe_12 - Gray Jedi Robe a_robe_13 - Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_14 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_15 - Matukai Adept Robe a_robe_16 - Zeison Sha Warrior Armor a_robe_17 - Jedi Master Robe a_robe_18 - Dark Jedi Master Robe a_robe_19 - Baran Do Sage Robe a_robe_20 - Jal Shey Mentor Armor a_robe_21 - Ossus Keeper Robe a_robe_22 - Natth Cowling a_robe_23 - Arca Jeth's Robe a_robe_24 - Aleema Keto's Robe a_robe_25 - Sylvar's Robe a_robe_26 - Darth Malak's Armor a_robe_27 - Jolee's Robe a_robe_28 - Thon's Robe a_robe_29 - Crado's Robe a_robe_30- Nomi's Robe a_robe_x01 - Handmiden's Robe I hope these cheats will benefit everyone who has KotOR2 on their PC & I hope everyone knows how to put them in, & I apologise to those who have the game on xbox, I couldn't find any cheats.
  9. it's simple: bao dur + 100% dark side + dark jedi guardian = one mean ass mutherf****r I absolutly despise the disciple, he thinks he's so cool with his 'history' & 'knowledge of the jedi' & his voice gets on my nerves he makes me sick!
  10. Lightsabers obviously lightsabers, robes the whole jedi gig unless I'm a consular than I use armour more frequently
  11. Jedi academy by far, mainly for the fact you can choose your saber hilt & what you look like (plus i've finished it a few hundred times) & cause you can fight Kyle Katarn & the other jedi
  12. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. You may want to buy or find a coloured saber crystal before hand aswell.
  14. I don't know what these guys are smoking. Force deflection works anytime when you are NOT using a lightsabre. It DOES work with blasters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Care to explain HOW one is supposed to deflect blaster bolts with BLASTERS????
  15. One question for you jadenkorr...... Did you buy it over ebay?
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