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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. I doubt it, Windows 7 will get delayed...
  2. The triggers are there, but I cannot remember where they are - and that was almost fully finished, making it seems that it was one of the things that was only cut due to the time constraints and not because it did not work.
  3. De-evolution maybe...
  4. The only games I really ever play on-line are run through STEAM (in fact I am bringing a game with two other members of SoDOFF up as I type), and it has all the options of X-Box Live unless I am very much mistaken. I press a button, I get voice-chat - another enables me to easily see what me friends are playing, and so on and so forth. Sure, I might enjoy playing on-line - but it still gets boring rather quickly and I return to my single-player world. Sure, multi-player might be fun for a few battles, or whatever, but for story you either need a small LAN team, a MMORPG-ish game (something I abhor), or a good single-player campaign.
  5. Woah, wait a minute... are you sure? Because it would make *way* more sense to me for that to happen if you didn't choose to romance him but chose Mical instead... you know in a Tale of Two Cities Sydney Carton kind of way... So, I guess I'm just wondering if it's just speculation or if you have a reliable source for that notion... Look at the cut dialog or the TG Restoration Mod logs.
  6. I really do not care about the "vendetta" - I am a liberal independent because I choose to be, not because I am mad at one major party or the other. That is not to say that I love either one, especially after the Republican decision to pander to the radical-right, religious-right, and neo-con agenda. As for Billary, I simply do not like her or her husband - who I believe should have been impeached for making false statements to a grand jury. Sure, his affair should, most likely, not have been an issue at all - but once it was brought to light he should have simply admitted he got his **** sucked and moved on. I respect neither one, and thus my opposition is more personal than political. As for her sex, I do not really care - as long as someone is doing a good job, his or her sex and race should not be issues.
  7. Nice, I'll have to try that some time.
  8. Oh, I didn't know that was a quad-core. Yeah, you might want to get a Core 2 Duo instead.
  9. More S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Playing with full shadows is a lot harder...
  10. I've been able to run Kotor II on both my Vista and XP PCs without trouble.
  11. You can install the content on another PC and cut-and-past it to your Vista PC - that worked for me with the one DLC I have (It was the one they gave away for free).
  12. No idea - maybe forty or fifty. It mainly depends on the person.
  13. Either one looks good - although I do not know what the system specifications of Fallout 3 are. Oblivion pushed even very powerful systems, and its engine is what is being used for Fallout 3.
  14. But if one were getting a new PC, I would suggest that they might want to consider going with Vista.
  15. Vista is not that bad - you just need a better system than you would for XP.
  16. Only because you're a tecnophile.
  17. Not quite - you have to buy things, like graphics cards, that are Mac compatible as they do not use BIOs- and these cost more than the PC variants. You can use regular parts in a PC - even an Alienware.
  18. Of course you could build it cheaper, but if you, or I for that matter, were to buy a pre-built gaming PC, Alienware would the company that I would buy from - and, unlike macs, their PCs can be upgraded.
  19. Well, Dell is ok and, if you like them, you might want to get another one. As for Vista, I use both 32-bit (86x) Vista and 32-bit (86x) XP and have not had problems with either one.
  20. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - I turned up the graphics and the game got a lot more interesting -not that it was not before the change-, I'm not sure why the brightness was so high and the quality so low before this though.
  21. Wow, I always thought you were in your yearly-to-mid-twenties.
  22. I've bought from them before, as have several people I know, and know that the quality and customer service is good - and they are not that much more expensive than other makers.
  23. I'm in the 18 - 22 range.
  24. I you are getting a premade system, I would go with Alienware myself.
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