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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. True - but it is as effective as abstinence (even then you have the chance of rape).
  2. But you, most likely, have a dedicated graphics device and not an integrated card.
  3. Are you on the Pc or an X-box?
  4. That would be one thing to check. Also, see if other games run on the XP PC, if they do not you might have to get a new graphics card.
  5. That's pathetic.
  6. So what you are looking for does not exist and you admit that, correct?
  7. Wrong. You can sterilize yourself.
  8. Yeah, someone already said that - why do you feel the need to spam every help topic with, mostly, meaningless postings?
  9. I'll look into it and see, I'm almost at the credits with one game.
  10. Really? I am pretty sure there were NPCs of that race who just minded their own business.
  11. I disagree - games should have full and partial nudity where it fits - and, depending on how the game is designed, that could be a lot of places. For instance, do your really think that a Hutt would really have only semi-nude dancers?
  12. Thanks, I'll have to try it!
  13. I edited the mod down a bit - so here it is in a slightly lower quality.
  14. Ok, after having my original post accidentally deleted, I am going to try again
  15. I think I played female and then male - but I am not sure, I know I did both and it's been awhile.
  16. I never found her that annoying... odd...
  17. It's a skin/module that was made for female kotor players that re-does Crath's upper body. Basically, a much better version of the one that was linked to in the first post. It's not very big, I'll PM you my e-mail and you can write me a message so I can send it to you.
  18. I have not had any problems running older drivers with newer games - but I also do not play a lot of newer games.
  19. And probably most of those are simply viruses and Trojans - yes, I distrust torrent and pirated things in general.
  20. I don't think so - but I cannot remember the music either. Where was it? Also, the, so-called, unofficial "patch" changed music (although the most resent releases might not, I use the True patches or the 1.2 patch) in some areas.
  21. Creepy Doll (Thing a week 42) - Johnathan Coulton
  22. i'm guessing not one of you all has a clue as to what OBE really is. I did not know what you were talking about fell under that heading - but, yeah, the concept is not one I agree with (nor do I like standardized tests in general).
  23. What style(s) did you do? Yeah, I think two-feet is the most I've tried to go off of - and that was only marginally successful.
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