I disagree - games should have full and partial nudity where it fits - and, depending on how the game is designed, that could be a lot of places. For instance, do your really think that a Hutt would really have only semi-nude dancers?
It's a skin/module that was made for female kotor players that re-does Crath's upper body. Basically, a much better version of the one that was linked to in the first post. It's not very big, I'll PM you my e-mail and you can write me a message so I can send it to you.
I don't think so - but I cannot remember the music either. Where was it? Also, the, so-called, unofficial "patch" changed music (although the most resent releases might not, I use the True patches or the 1.2 patch) in some areas.
i'm guessing not one of you all has a clue as to what OBE really is.
I did not know what you were talking about fell under that heading - but, yeah, the concept is not one I agree with (nor do I like standardized tests in general).