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Alvin Nelson

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Everything posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Smart
  2. Welcome and congrats on becoming an Obsidianite, Matt! You made me laugh at our Obsidian Movie day, so you'll do fine here. Oh, and play WoW on your work comp if you stay late, tis much better than a laptop.
  3. No one knows for sure. ...Hope he doesn't read my post...
  4. Link isn't working...
  5. Haha! I'll let someone know, thanks!
  6. From an fellow by the name of kepakiano (all credit goes to him): Please let me know if this works for you guys. I'll be sure to let kepakiano know too!
  7. You'll never win! Or lose...I'm so confused...
  8. I love Voice Acting in games! Though i never mind that Mario never speaks.
  9. I think Michael Thorton will not have time to stick around one place for too long... nor watch TV. Or maybe that's all he does?
  10. We likie the airsoft guns...at least, i do...
  11. Hurry, make him a dev! He's got a bat!
  12. This...this is MADNESS!!
  13. "The name's Thorton. Mike Thorton." And no, it's not my fault. I actually like the name Mike Thorton. It moves us away from all the JB's, which i mean, come on. EVERY spy is named some JB? Annoying...
  14. I would win. Enough said.
  15. damn those crates...
  16. Everything is Alvin's fault. Ok, who are you talking to at the company?
  17. So, i just want you all to know that this particular thread was a dev favorite today.
  18. Oh, another part of my job is to quell strikes.
  19. You have failed your final test, Alvin. I'm sorry. Aww...i knew this was a trap...
  20. Desert Eagle for the Win!
  21. I am Adam Sandler. Ignore the name Alvin Nelson
  22. Jazz Jackrabbit FTW!! I was SO stoked when i heard he worked on that.
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