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Everything posted by LaSpeakeasi

  1. They may follow the BG1-BG2 tradition, which means PoE2 is a continuation of PoE1: you can import your character, and they will just add level 9-10 spells right on top of the level ~8 ones. I do hope that's the case. I'm impartial as to engine choices. Load time is a problem by today's gaming standards. But it's not intolerable. Idiotic AI and abundance of bugs are. Which brings me to my biggest worry post WM2: that they'll give up on bug support on PoE1 altogether after that. And judging from OBS' track record that may very well be the case.
  2. I tend to agree. Because this is an original IP. The bestiary is somewhat limited. There's no a lot of different enemies to fight. Yet. In the expansion they added in a new type of trash mobs that really forces you to mix up your strategy a bit. Although I still wouldn't say it's very varied.
  3. ...But that's what a real life adventuring party would (probably) have to do. If they had snipers and mages. And it goes back to my original point. The bottlenecking is fine. It's how the game is meant to be played. There it's a bigger problem that AIs friend or foe don't know how to effective navigate doorways than that we lack taunts.
  4. That would be the worst way to implement taunts. Even the D&D 3.5 Barbarian taunt is better than that. We absolutely don't need MMO style tank-and-spank. The backline targeting mobs in WM is good because it forces you to come up with new strategy instead of the tried-and-true bottlenecking that is pretty much without fail in the vanilla campaign. It forces you to look for the sparsely occurring bottlenecks in an expansive maps, and utilizes scouting and traps to direct the flows of enemies. It gives you the feeling of a hunting party, a welcome change from the claustrophobic Od Nua. I'm down for 3.5-style barbarian taunts - 1-2 per encounter, single target, only used to debuff enemy or save a dying backline member. MMO style taunts would be soooo boring.
  5. I humbly present to you: the Spelltongue
  6. Personally, I feel like pallys' dmg potential for the most part just isn't enough to make a sizable dent, especially with burn being one of the more resisted dmg types in game anyway. Not sure what the OP's stats are, but I personally use Pallegina and try to make the most out of her decent perception. Weapon Focus: Knight (morning star) and Interrupting Blow can ensure that she interrupts whoever she hits all the time for an entire second. There is a late-game morning star that lets you drain dmg too. All of those combined makes her a more than potent tank.
  7. There are quite a few unconventional wizards actually: If you've done Raedric's Keep you'll encounter a large number of "spellswords" (they may be in other places too but I remember the keep best 'cuz there were so many of them). They are essentially melee wizards that spell caster-only buffs and attack you with a rapier (IIRC). Spellsword is actually one of the wizard's AI default. Also in Raedric's Keep you'll meet (spoilers) an animanccer who is really a necromancer. Most if not all Laguefeths too have natural mage abilities. They are extremely fast and will rush towards your backline and spam magic missiles. And then of course there are the orge matrons. Actually come to think of it, all but one of the above had a counterpart in AD&D. So even in AD&D the wizard class are not always Elminster-esque old man with a staff.
  8. It happened to me too. Enchanted it with burning lash. After getting it back from the statue it just reverted back to its initial enchantments.
  9. I'm impartial to the idea of taunts. If it's done well. It would help a lot with large-scale combat. But since the game is so reliant on choke-hold combats anyway I'm not sure it'll do much good. Also I don't think you're meant to have characters that can AoE tank being ganged upon by mobs. The MMO tank-DPS-healer combo is really boring and unrealistic if you ask me. I'd much prefer they fix the pathfinding AIs first before they try to do anything that changes the flow of combat.
  10. I enjoy telling her off. And I believe her story is a allusion to the real life pro-life vs. pro-choice debate. I take issue with her manipulation / violation of mothers' minds. And if she's doing it to the rest of my crew I certainly won't tolerate it. Hell, she even tried to feed the PC false memories during her companion quest. The way she explains it it doesn't seem like she does the "caul" thing on purpose though. Her actual words were "they don't see past my caul", which would imply it's just there and people can't see through it. She has no right to do it to people she travels with (or anyone really). Not if she's doing it on purpose.
  11. Sky Dragon is a her. Did you even do the mission?
  12. I'm not entirely sure why you feel the need to adhere to stereotypes when the game almost explicitly tells you not to. Mages can focus in any weapon group so groupings really doesn't mean anything. They aren't penalized to try any of them. Even magical implements aren't in the same group. So pick what you like. If you read the class descriptions you'd find that they almost never mean what they do in D&D anyways. Fighters for instance, aren't regular Joe's with martial training. They harvest soul energy too. It's all soul-based.
  13. 1. It's a known bug. It only affects display not value and upon entering combat will revert to normal. It's fixed in the 2.02 beta if I recalled correctly. 2. It's complicated. There are purple "fine" items that have unique effects, namely the Engwaithan scepter you get from one of the Ondra's Gift quests; Also in Ondra's Gift you'll get into a "gentlemen's club (no, really)" where sell golden weapons that don't have unique effects (but they all look really cool). That's the only occasion where you can get gold weapons with normal stats. Oh, and the last level of Od Nua.
  14. Ok here's something I discovered that many may not know about (but then again some probably do). The Leaves of Essence is grimoire on level 12 of Od Nua. It belongs to a Vithrack vendor and you if steal it will cause the Vithracks to attack you. It doesn't have any unique spells, but it does have a fair number of high level spells. If you intend to resolve the Vithrack situation peacefully, you can actually open the drawer that contain it, right click it as if you will pick it up, and copy the spells as if the grimoire were in your inventory. Afterwards you may paste them onto another grimoire for safe keeping.
  15. Ok here's the deal. The spirit that teaches you the password is the one that is loyal to Od Nua. You'll find him in the study at the Northeastern most part of the map. But the first time you speak to him, he won't teach you until you've spoken to every spirit on the map. So you need to backtrack to him after clearing everyone else. There's another possibility. One of the spirits you encountered at the dead center of the floor will materialize in the middle of your fight with some Animats. If you accidentally hit her with an AOE attack she may end up hostile to you, disabling the quest altogether. In that case you might need to reload the entire area.
  16. Hi Derek, I've had that issue happened in the past. Does this mean PoE doesn't work with Steam Cloud? I do own multiple computers and require Steam Cloud from time to time. Please confirm.
  17. Here's another one: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DDAA988220A0C4F!151&authkey=!ACWNVnPL3kMmubQ&ithint=file%2csavegame
  18. I must say I don't dislike this idea at all. The arena in BG:EE was a lot of fun, even though party fights weren't as exciting due to the nature of AD&D. Here the sheer number of build variations lends itself so well to an arena.
  19. I set Hiravias on Shapeshifting because that's the least disruptive. He doesn't cast spells = still better than casting all the wrong spells. In 2.01 he would insist on casting charm beast no matter the enemy type faced if I set him on support or crowd control. So Shapeshifting is the least useless.
  20. Guess what, entitlement generation are the ones buying games now. Times have changed. Taking consumer feedback isn't just a cool thing to do. It's an absolute necessity. Why do you think PoE was on Kickstarter? Do you seriously think you can develop a $60 game without giving people like OP what they want? AAA gaming isn't high art. If you are that specific about your vision and goal of antagonizing players. Make a $20 indie game. Plenty of people love that (myself included). You make a $60 game. You make mass market adjustments and try to satisfy everyone. And you start acting like you care. As a consumer of course I'm going to be stand on the side of another consumer. Even if I don't want what the OP wants, his demands as a fellow consumer empowers me. And so should you. Because you are as much as a consumer as we are. And you don't know more about "visions and goals" more than any of us. You don't work for OBS. Or you would've been fired for belittle the OP, aka people who put food on your table.
  21. Well staves are peasant weapons. So they share accuracy bonus with hunting bows and unarmed, two of the most used weapon types. They can serve as backup weapons for characters that use those as main. There were a couple of staves with useful spell bindings. Like the one with healing spells. I give it to Zahua to supplement his, well, obvious needs to heal all the time. But only as backup weapons for obvious reasons. Shapeshifting Hiaravias can also kind of use staves. As most shapeshifting druids would boost their unarmed strikes anyway, and there aren't many good singlehanded hand axes and spears to compete. But you'll most likely not melee with them, just use them for the spell binding.
  22. I have a similar thing. My PC is an older death godlike (I imagined him to be an imperfect soul twin of Thaos) and I sort of came up with this party concept of him adopting troubled young godlikes in Caed Nua, Professor X style. I'm even toying with the idea of naming them after X academy students. I didn't get a chance to take them out for a spin yet because the premade NPCs are maxed level yet. But I'll eventually get a full party of godlikes and no helmets.
  23. There are quite a few hints of romantic subplots, as shown through in-party banter. Surprisingly, some of the most waifuable candidates are snatched up by, well other waifuable candiates. These 2 pairs are quite cute: - Pallegina <3 Hiravias: Hiravias has always been a flirt. When asked, he (TMI!) comments on Pallegina's supposedly extant cloaca (Google it). Pallegina at first sternly halts his advances. But they kinda became fast friends. They are both naturally skeptical of the gods. Both have authority issues. Pallegina the feminist is quite sympathetic to the racism Hiravias grew up experiencing, and the 2 bond over. I'm rooting for these two. If nothing else, just for "the beauty and the beast (or more like the bird and beast)" factor. - Eder <3 Aloth / Iselmyr: Eder is smitten with Iselmyr and he's barely hiding it. Who's Aloth to stand in the way? It just seems those 2 (3) will get along beautifully. I just really really really want the dumb blonde love / bro-fest of Eder to have something nice for once. You know? On the other hand it's kind of a bummer 'cuz my priest PC was hoping to waifu some of them, namely Pallegina or Aloth. But the game itself keeps throwing hints that they were onto somebody else. Oh well. What did you pick up?
  24. Well here's my case: - Barring the gloves the only way you can get to that skill level (rk.13 + resting bonus) is to have a rogue dedicated to nothing else but mechanic, and level the rogue to lv.11. - The rk. 15 traps are placed in WM. Meaning you do them at lv. 7-10. - To even get the rogue companion you need to first get through that dungeon riddled with rk.13+ traps. Or you'll have to possibly game the RP system by making a skill slave rogue you otherwise won't use. - If you go to the dungeon without a skill slave rogue that are no less than 2 instances where you may walk into an otherwise undetectable instant-death trap. On POTD difficulty that means your playthrough is DONE. So yes the gloves are pretty essential. It is doable (I did it) without gaming the system. But the whole experience felt unfair to me, because the game deliberately didn't give me all the necessary tools to get through it.
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