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Luma Akasha

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Everything posted by Luma Akasha

  1. The Devil and Zahua are good examples of "zero sum" use of IEMod. You don't use it to turn tem into demigods. You simply use it to put them back on equal footing with the other companions.
  2. Indeed. That is exactly my issue. Maerwald was two sides of the same coin. If those two personalities and their memories washed over you in equal (and equally overwhelming) measure, then yes, one would be hard pressed in to integrate them into a fully functional whole. The game does not really give you any sense that there is any internal conflict within the Watcher. "To be, or not to be--that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them." -Hamlet, William Shakespeare That would have made it much more compelling.
  3. Doctor Chakwas was fun to get drunk with.
  4. Perhaps I misspoke if I implied that it is inevitable. I don't think that it is. I think that is the point of it all - to not just maintain your identity, but re-write it as you chose. I should have said that I think the game should continue to test you, to simulate the interplay between the id, ego and superego. That may be asking too much of the medium, but I feel that the premise of the story is one that really lends itself to that journey.
  5. I'd love to see a scene where Eder goes to bed with Iselmyr, but wakes up with Aloth. I get the sense that Eder would probably be his normal unflappable self. Aloth on the other hand... I suspect hilarity would ensue.
  6. I think men on average absolutely are, whether they realize it or not. I suppose most men do. Personally, I dislike heels, but I do like some of the designs. I just wish the more gorgeous designs were more available in flats. You can always tell when someone's been wearing them most of their adult life from their gait or even just the way they stand. You know, Wonder Woman is one of my favorite characters. I love the stories about her social and political views, such as when Lois Lane spent 24 hours with her. I cringe when artists draw her boots with heels. I much prefer the flat-soled boots. Chucks forever! Though a pair of these might be just as good.
  7. My first thought was that it was the barkeep, but the more I think about it I think it was the mayor who said that part about it being a point of pride.
  8. I think this would be my biggest criticism. There needs to be more clarity about the different states, but much more importantly, the narrative really just absolutely needs to emphasize your slow slide towards the precipice of insanity.
  9. The bow is pretty great. I took Hiravias out of the party to give some one else some face time. I kept wondering who was casting those massive lightning strikes. Sagani procs that thing constantly.
  10. Given time it will be. Every moddable game eventually get multiple nude mods, and subsequently sex mods.
  11. I thought they sprouted multiple heads when struck down, like a hydra. Those two are not mutually exclusive.
  12. He comes equipped with a "monk outfit", which is basically "hobo who got attacked by rabid badger" clothes. 0 armor, 0 recovery.
  13. I don't think they'd even need that. Set up A Song of Fire and Ice (Rime +Thrasher) on all of them, give them weapon and shield, Ancient Memory + Beloved Spirts, turn on summon AI and go make a sandwich.
  14. Priests are good at what they do, but are by no means irreplaceable. If you find them to be, that's because of the playstyle you've adopted. A wizard and/or a cipher can just as easily make battles just as trivial if not more so. Aloth and Grieving Moher working in tandem can easily make it such that no one in your party gets so much as a scratch, negating the need for buffing and healing altogether. It really does just come down to playstyle and priorities.
  15. I like the Devil. The contrast between her "backwoods hick" accent and vocabulary versus the robot voice and body is something that I still find amusing. That and her wicked laugh. One expects an android to be sophisticated or have a foreign way of thinking/processing, but she's really just a simple village girl with simple motivations and drives. It makes for a surprisingly pleasant twist. I do agree somewhat with the "metal body" complaints. She's not inside a combat chassis so I'm not expecting Battle Angel Alita. However, she and Galvino have had 13 years to work out the kinks that hinder her movement (40‰ penalty) and he does send her into combat situations to... aquire... a constant supply of new test subjects. She should be a bit better. I haven't played with Zahua, mainly because this current playthrough is a monk PC, but I will give him a spin soon.
  16. I feel like you don't really get it. This isn't an MMO, it's not an FPS, it's not a tactical simulation, it's not The Witcher, etc. I believe that the vast majority of people aren't playing this to "beat it", top the leaderboards, find the best race/class/talent tree/etc combo, snipe some guy in the head, or whatever. Maybe I'm wrong. It doesn't matter because even if they are, this isn't that kind of game. This isn't that kind of game. "Common sense" means all wizards studied in a white tower, all elves are archers from the forest, and there's no such thing as soul power. This isn't that kind of game. This is a computerized version of a table-top role-playing game. Let me say that again: This is a computerized version of a table-top role playing game. I'm not trying to be a pedantic jack-a**. Honestly, I'm not. I trying to suggest the correct mind set to you. No one is disagreeing that your ideas and assertions aren't correct in certain contexts. What we're saying is that this isn't one of those contexts. I could probably write a multi-page post explaining what the developers are trying to achieve, the target demographics, financial and marketing concerns, the historical development of the series and it's predecessors, the history of table top rpgs and subsequent evolution of crpgs, but neither I, you nor anyone else likely wants to read that. I certainly would rather play my estoc wielding barbarian instead. So, I'll just say this: This isn't that kind of game.
  17. I have to agree with gkathellar. At some point you have to acknowledge that this is not intended to be a historically accurate combat simulation of feudal Europe circa 900-1400AD. This is a throwback/shout out to that time when we gathered around the dining room table and cut off the plastic wrap on that blue box with the 2 books and 5 funny shaped dice and 1 normal one (and all the versions since then.) In any case where 'realism' is pitted against fun, fun is going to win. Every time.
  18. If I can make a suggestion: Don't try to figure out what's "the best" or "most powerful". If you like rogues, play a rogue. Once you suss out their skills and assemble a party that plays to their strengths your rogue will really shine. Yes, cyphers are powerful. So is every other class in the right hands, and more importantly, with the right team backing them.
  19. Least liked? Durance. Far and away Durance. He's a text book sociopath, except most sociopaths have the good sense to hide it. It's almost like his writer was copying straight from the DSM IV, making sure he ticked every box under Antisocial Personality Disorder. I cannot imagine even the darkest character wanting to travel with him. Even my Aggressive/Cruel Barbarian who punches babies while kicking pupies is like "Dude, reign that **** in." Conversely, I really like Sagani, and I cannot tell you why.
  20. I always use fast scouting unless I am backtracking over an area I have thoroughly explored.
  21. Really good to know. I hadn't considered that. I like having Kana as a tank, but my offensive line almost always obliterate the opponents before his invocations come online. Longer lingering chants would help offset that, making it more palatable.
  22. Indeed. Any information would be nice. "Soon" is terribad. "Probably late this year" is preferable even if it has to be pushed back even further.
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