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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. It's useful against bosses or otjer enemies with very high DR because it inflicts a lot of raw damage
  2. It's great if you have a tank with high defense values so he doesn't get hit by the detonation. )
  3. Exactly my stats. War bows are also good. But I think a cipher will work nicely with every ranged weapon (even on PotD) because there are some really good uniques in every weapon group. Wendgär for example is a really nice superb crossbow. Then there is Persistence, a nice hunting bow that you can get very early at lvl 4 of the Endless Paths. Later you can change that to Lenas Er, a superb rending hunting bow. Combine the faster (but weaker) weapons with Vulnarable Shot. Pistols are also very nice. So basically you can't go terribly wrong if you just pick the coolest looking. ) I like arbalests because of the nice range and the huge damage - and they are not superslow. I use Aedrin's Wrecker and Lead Spitter on PotD and have no problems with focus generation. Most of the time it stays around 50 while I shoot and cast. Most fights are over after 10-15 seconds anyway... Keep in mind that you can also use very slow guns like arquebuses or blunderbusses effectively together with the Quick Switch talent. You can fire, switch, fire, switch and so on. That burst generates a tremendous amount of focus and damage at the beginning of the fight. Best used together with Island Amaua (third weapon set) and the talent Arms Bearer. Then you get four weapon slots which you can switch untill you have to reload. That's quite devastating and works with every class.
  4. Yeah, I use phantom foes (PF) a lot because i have two melee rogues with deathblows and I combine the long lasting and very large PF with some other debuff that enables sneak attack - amplified wave for example. This way deathblows get triggered all the time and the Stalking Boots add a nice litte bonus on top. Without rogues I would't need PF I think.
  5. I have two ciphers and I use tactical meld and borrowed instincts on both. Helps a lot against bosses like the adra dragon and can be combined with a marking weapon. So you get +50 acc when you target the same enemy with the two ciphers. They both also work with ectopsychic echo when you use the same ally to cast echo on and then target the same enemy with both beams.
  6. You have to complete the Old-Watcher-Quest in Caed Nua in order to reach the Grieving Mother in Dyrford Village. There are no fights involved after Caed Nua. If you feel the need for a third frontliner or "Offtank" behind Eder and Pallegina you can take Kana Rua and equip him with a shield. The good thing about chanters is that their chanting isn't affected by recovery penalties or low dex. Chanters make good tanks (I'm having one in PotD and it works great) because they provide constant endurance regeneration like a fighter (for the whole party, but slower) which can even be supported by a regeneration item like the trollhide belt or similar. AND they can summon even more tanks later on (Ogres) which helps a lot when you get swarmed. But to be honest: if you don't play PotD then most fights will be over before the chanter can fire off an invocation. Still his chants are good - especially if you want to use some ranged weapons. So imagine a ranger gunner with swift aim, a speed-enchanted weapon like hold wall and the reload-chant from your offtank... Ciphers are awesome. I use two ranged ciphers (aedrins wrecker & lead spitter) with ectopsychic echo and combine it with my pc (melee dual saber rogue) who wears boots of speed and is a fast runner. My tactic: send in the chanter-tank, let the enemy mob surround him. Meanwhile cast ectopsychic echo with both ciphers, targeting my rogue, who starts running behind the lines (items and talents with +defense when disengaging like graceful retreat or escape help a lot) and then moves around a bit while all the enemies go "pop". Also works great on bosses: just make sure to debuff them before with a blinding strike or mental binding or whatever. The beam still checks accurracy vs. defense. So bosses usually produce a lot of misses if not debuffed. Most fights are over in lets say 10 seconds...
  7. It does what it says - not more, not less. 10% extra when the enemy is flanked. So if you're using phantom foes (cipher lvl. 2) it's a nice item to have. Works also on non-rogues and also ranged. You can use it to give your tank or ranged chars a baby sneak bonus or pimp your rogue even further (I don't think it gets suppressed by the original sneak attack, but I'm not 100% sure).
  8. Reinf. Ex. does stack with your equipment bonus. Chants don't - but these stack with spells, auras and so on. Bonuses from chants work like equipment bonuses.
  9. Hi! You'll find a Skeleton that holds "The Rose of Salthollow", a unique morning star with the enchantments "Corrosive Lash" and "Draining" Enchantment. You need at least 16 CON to get to the Skeleton and grab that weapon - that's it. Bonuses from equipment and resting count.
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