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Everything posted by s13ep

  1. The jusitification of text has a huge impact on the reader's eyes and sense of perfection. Why take time improving every part of a game and then littering messy lines of text all over it? In art, the best photographs of people are where the models are self-centered. The good judgement of someones artistic skill is what an eye for good art is; there is good and bad on quality terms, but someone less experienced may find one thing great whereas the more experienced find it bland. This causes confusion - because in a world with a food chain, the more powerful artist would control the value of art, and the weaker wouldn't have their say. The only reason good is abstracted in modern reality, is because the majority must listen to the opposing argument from sometimes one man. An argument is not valuable to someone unless it's constructive, "but I like this one" - isn't a good critique, carried on with "yeah so you can't tell me what's good", but rather it should be, "this is good because the lighting is good [1]; in comparison to this piece, where the lighting is good and the expression is good, it is not greater". [1] Why is it good? It blends well with the rest of the art, it has almost perfect symmetry with the darkness, it was a rare sight ( for fresh eyes ), etc. - This is expertise; the more you know the more you can say.
  2. It would be cool if people could become supporters of the forum, are obsidian ever going to implement this idea?
  3. I was at a friends house and there, with my friend, was a stranger I didn't know. When I left I said "Bye" which met no response from the stranger, on my way out normally I said "bye mate", and he turned around and said "bye mate" but his voice croaked on "mate". I thought, well he is someone who is intelligent but doesn't know he is; because of the way his body had a reaction to the impromptu "bye mate" from me, but he didn't realize this - it was just an emotion to him, but he can recognize and judge characters or scenarios immediately. This is something that requires tension in conversation between two or more people to understand; there needs to be interest there for you to even care about, what you consider to be mere emotion. However, you may understand I can't tell.
  4. You know, I might have picked up BG1/2 and IWD if BG1 had been 66% off like the other ones. IWD?
  5. Dude I'm going to be honest...I have NO idea what you saying but I'm very stoned so it might just be me It was explained in my prior comment. When you are a victim of hate, you feel what can be considered 'bad feelings', sometimes that divulge into depression and such - rather than allowing it to lead into depression through your own malfunction, you should treat these feelings as a comforting nature, or try to rise above it somehow. Metaphorically, if you are hot-headed, you seek coldness - in some scenarios more heat, but if you're simply trying to find comfort then the alternative is water ( when thought of, and related to, feels more comfortable and is a literal opposite of fire ). All I'm saying is rather than taking hate for something bad, understand it as something natural, flexible and a feat that can be conquered.
  6. Hot-headed feelings and such; things that come with anger; people out of control of their emotion, as with depression; if you're strong enough you can relate a hot headed feeling to fire, associate it with wrath artistically. It's thinking in words that's a delusion, a wound# on ones head that causes you to ( metaphorically ) scratch constantly, and it's infectious, other people are affected by it. Therefore word can also be considered, and is, a virus. EDIT: There are also physical acts of hate that cannot go unnoticed for what they are, nature.
  7. To be honest I see hate as an unnecessary emotion and one that should be avoided if possible I can understand getting annoyed or feeling stressed out, those are natural but not hate. That is something which we create and feed And thus hate is like a dogs bark, because any emotion withdrawn from it would be cancelled to an acceptable feeling of the body.
  8. Bought: BG: 1&2 FEAR 3 Bully Scholarship Edition.
  9. BG: 1 & 2 on sale today.
  10. Oh my, what a legendary game. I honestly thought I was one of the only ones that knew of the greatness behind it. I had Shenmue 1 & 2 on Dreamcast ( and played the Xbox version ). >Dem dragon mirrors though. >Dat Lan Di though.
  11. Hate as Love When we hate, is it like a dogs bark, in so far as it's repenting as oppose to saying something which is to be accepted? Do we misinterpret a natural feeling as it causes us to lose control of ourselves ( whether through depression or some other problem )? What I'm suggesting is, that the hot-headed feeling, that may come about through stresses of reality, is just a natural function of the body and should be comforting more so than it is uncomfortable.
  12. I'm one of these people, and I'm quite a psychopath. However, I enjoy it so much because of my artistic imagination ( I interpret all pictures as art... ). Here's some selfies of mine. Bare in mind I don't love myself to the degree where I'm showing off, but as an example here's three pictures and the references. Me referring to "L" from Death Note™ Me referring to Squall from FFVIII™ Me referring to Lucifer the Light Bringer from Christianity™ It takes me about 400 or so pictures to get a good one, my left face doesn't come out well on camera hence why all are from the right perspective - truly un-photogenic. Also, been to the dentist, mouth is numb and had fillings. Have to return next week for the whitening ! Wasn't it general Mark W. Clark who had his staff prevent the press photographing his left side? Of course, he was mental. If it's too bad of a mugshot to record I see where his problem comes from.
  13. Don't hate the player hate the game.
  14. ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 6/15/2015, 11:03:42 Machine name: TANYA Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_r9.150322-1500) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: ASUS System Model: All Series BIOS: 1102 Processor: Intel® Core i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz Memory: 16384MB RAM Available OS Memory: 16322MB RAM Page File: 9092MB used, 9661MB available Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS DirectX Version: DirectX 11 DX Setup Parameters: Not found User DPI Setting: Using System DPI System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent) DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled DxDiag Version: 6.03.9600.17415 64bit Unicode --------------- Display Devices --------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
  15. I'm one of these people, and I'm quite a psychopath. However, I enjoy it so much because of my artistic imagination ( I interpret all pictures as art... ). Here's some selfies of mine. Bare in mind I don't love myself to the degree where I'm showing off, but as an example here's three pictures and the references. Me referring to "L" from Death Note™ Me referring to Squall from FFVIII™ Me referring to Lucifer the Light Bringer from Christianity™ It takes me about 400 or so pictures to get a good one, my left face doesn't come out well on camera hence why all are from the right perspective - truly un-photogenic. Also, been to the dentist, mouth is numb and had fillings. Have to return next week for the whitening !
  16. Bare in mind I haven't completed the game yet... + More emotional music. + More emotional scenes; such as scripted deaths of loved characters; relationship between the protagonist and a lover/passion ( i.e. Hollowborn ).
  17. Broke a crown off of my back left molar. Got the dentist tomorrow to have my teeth whitened and a few fillings.
  18. History is ungood. Trust in the NSA, they're looking out for you. It's not all gravy, but if you don't want to end up like Ukraine, you have a strong security system. I don't do anything illegal so I don't fret if the Government watches what I do, I'm quite a selfless person though. Who cares if they know you go to a coffee shop? They rarely interfere on drug dealings if that's what you're annoyed about. It's better if you get over privacy ( where the Government is concerned), as long as it's not going to the press, it's not going to affect you. I'm not a passive slump of a human, I actively seek a revolution, nature-anarchic, and have the utmost hate for all Governments, but while I'm here where Governments exist, I'll play the game properly...
  19. For the world it's beneficent, but not for the population who it's centered around. He took a risk that could have started worldwide social chaos. It wasn't at the best time, that's what annoyed me. But... Perhaps you are right, and his actions, in making us brighter and more aware of conditions, we would tie loose ends. I still stick by my opinion in light of protecting my country and population from espionage and mass-hate.
  20. I don't like Assange because he endangered the nations and allies security, especially because it's in a time of war.
  21. The poll is unfair, imbalanced. Also I haven't completed it yet, I've spent a lot of time reading the text, and I've noticed the re-playable aspects. I'm in act 2, and I was made to feel as if it was short by the achievements saying there's only a few acts. However, after I reconciled with myself I remembered story line is also part of the game, plus I'd probably complete it a few times to get all the story and the endings, etc.
  22. At what point does heroism need sex with pixlated people? I'd happily take a love element, to add more emotion, but not individual 'arcs' that lead to momentary fading into black on each of my allies.
  23. Pillars of Eternity™ earns my vote for the best lore in a video game. The addictive combat system, technical character systems and the many choices and consequences throughout, only add to the grand finale that is Pillars of Eternity™. The text in Pillars of Eternity™ is the best I've read to date, it was clearly written by talented writers. Each utterance paints this priceless work of art; and you get to add to this art; the choices you make throughout are original and their consequences are truly game changing. How accents, cultures and creed are expressed is beautiful and fair for all. The jokes and puns from allies are perfectly timed, and the massive amount of characters are intriguing and of intelligent design. The game forces you to view your character(s) from above with some freedom on depth of field. Combat consists of issuing commands to your character(s) and then watching your character(s) act. Different classes have different game play mechanics; it's best to choose wisely when you enter the in-depth character creation screen. Complex arithmetic allows for advanced tactics to be played, and different difficulty settings will challenge any player. The graphics may not appeal to the youthful audiences, but are very professional, especially for those with an eye for good art. Combat is finished nicely, each backdrop for every location is of a high resolution and all are eye-capturing. Overall the graphics are good but may be aimed toward a more mature player. http://steamcommunity.com/id/s13ep/recommended/291650/
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