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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Pachelbel - Kanon in D (Quartet)
  2. Tigranes hit the nail there. And I don't get what you mean with bad storytelling. For mod Dark Waters I's storytelling was quite great. Unless you approach it from roleplaying side of things which is once in a while overrided.




  4. I see where Kaftan is coming here. It is quite annoying travelling in the world because words "I'm swede" universally translate to "I'm gay"
  5. I read about this in magazine month ago. Silly greeks
  6. Adam Miller has pretty much always been genius of NWN modding. In original NWN1 he managed to stuck in riding on ****ing dragons and god knows what else. Seriously In NWN2 he has already made MtG style card game, fireguns, whole bleedin' Pirates! styled ship system with combat et al and now THIS Obz you really must hire that fellow If he refuses then you kidnap his family
  7. Read original post, duh
  8. The scrolling image and UI are awesome. How long did this take you to put together, and what obstacles did you face? First off, I was insane to even attempt this. The scrolling buttons and image are actually all static images. Movement is simulated by hiding and showing individual elements so that it gives the illusion of movement. I ended up using Excel to create the XML file because there are 470 lines just for the background images. Amazingly, it worked and the game engine didn't complain too much. The second huge problem was one of timing. The script that checks notes fires every .01 seconds, but the reality is that it may fire quite a bit later than that if the script engine gets busy. I ended up doing some very complicated things in order to figure out how far I was into the song and what frets should be displaying on the screen. The module is also extremely taxing on the game engine, and you can easily stutter if there are a lot of things going on. I ended up having to do a funky "caching" step before the song plays in order to get it loaded into memory. I also ended up creating an option to switch to a low quality setting which hopefully helps run it on slower machines. I spent a few days getting the camera controls working relatively well. There's actually a hidden GUI I made that lets me control the lighting, effects, and camera settings. I used that to create a large number of camera movements I could string together to pull off the American Bandstand feel of Death's Domain. Finally, getting the songs into the game was very challenging. I end up with two sound objects, one for the vocals and another for the lute. I had to write a program to translate the MIDI file into a 2DA file I could read. Getting all of that to work properly took a ton of time. Read rest here I share Zoma's concern. I wonder how you'll deal with it but I trust you'll come up with something

  10. Oh, I hadn't saved after accepting the mission and I didn't feel like messing console I decided to skip whole mission. Shame really since then I didn't get exp Reason I started F1 campaign is the mind numbing boringness of sewers
  11. REM - Texarkana

  13. Bloodlines Fallout 1 This time I build Vault Dweller after Ryoji Kaji
  14. Shiro Sagisu - Misato's Theme so cheerful it is illegal
  15. edit: Clapping hands (if they come from me) are reference to NGE's "Congrazulations" ending and pretty much greatest, most sincere congratz one can get from me
  16. Even better, from the songlist: Rambo Sankari ("Rambo Hero") Raivostunut parranleikkaaja (roughly translated this means "Furious Beardcutter") What the hell
  17. Seriously, ahahahahahaha Those crazy modders It looks like I need to get NWN2 back sooner than I thought
  18. Crates never get old ...how sad is it I already started to plan my first two groups? Other one will be bunch of misfit heroes (aka alignments from neutral to good) a la OOTS (minus Belkar who got transferred to other group) Second group shall be bunch of raving, pillaging lunatics lead by hopelessly lost Genasi wizard from Sigil (he was on family holiday in Faerun or something and then paladins came and killed his family!!!!) and whose right hand man is psychotic halfling barbarian
  19. If you noticed Krezack said Obz was making sequel to Baldur's Gate 1, not new Baldur's Gate game That looks like it'll be spiritual successor of sorts
  20. Since this went under production
  21. That "some of us" doesn't include me Rofl I will get you for this... I agree with you that there is no way for a company to restore some or all of their games' cut content. It would be indeed ridiculous to ask them to do so... On the other hand, I consider that my complain is accurate in the present case because all these races and prestige classes already exist in the codes and it would require minimal work to restore them. Obsidian could have done this either in the previous expansion or in one of their patches... Well, NWN Magus and NWN Agent are clearly OC Campaign related and are quite likely linked to some cut content. You don't have to be genius to see NWN Magus is mage equivalent of NWN Nine class and NWN Agent is rogue/bard/etc. equivalent of NWN Nine class. Those races - lizardfolk etc - were never ment to be playable anyway. Sure their files exist but they were made with NPC's in mind. They don't have even close the range of animations and such PC races have. And did you think how godamn BUGGY AND BROKEN these unimplemented classes are propably in their current state? If it was matter of just acticating them someone would've already done that. There's definetly more to it. Of course I wouldn't mind them restoring those classes, but doesn't matter much to me. Mystic Theurge = munchkinism incarnated
  22. Some of us like playing super sayan badgers on crack (read: lvl 40 druid)
  23. Yes, please do that. While I am happy that Obsidian is making a second expansion, I am still waiting for them to deliver what they had promised us when the OC was in production. Where is my NW9 magus or my NW9 agent prestige classes? Where is my ghostwise halfling race? Where is the Master of Many forms or the Contemplative among the prestiges classes? They should have integrated all these things in their patches but did nothing about it. The feats for these classes and races are in the game but are unusable as they are. Is it so hard to do some coding in order to "activate" them? I refuse to praise Obsidian as long as they do not fix these issues. I still consider that Obsidian hasn't delivered a full product (just as it did with KOTOR II). This is becoming a habit and I don't want them to continue in that direction. The only thing to do is to put them some pressure instead of praising them or else they will keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. PS: should we start a NW2 XP2 Wishlist thread btw? I hope these won't be implemented just because it annoys ramza so much Though I'd bet ghostwise halflings are in ramza, every ****ing game has cut content. NWN2 already has more classes and races than any other roleplaying game ever. Those are by no means essential or important. If you demand these must be restored in order to game being complete (L-O-L) where to draw line? Must headtracking be implemented before game is "complete", must every single cut storythread and area be restored etc. ? That is just stupid. NWN2 was complete game - unlike Kotor 2 - with cut content like all games have. And none of the cut content were even remotely essential, unlike in Kotor 2's case.
  24. lol vaginasaurus To be specific RPGCodex is sometimes like mix of worst sides of /b/ and /v/
  25. How come you're posting then? Me, I just woke up
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