Sweet God, I'll never understand GAINAX. How can company be even worse than EA, milking money better than most other companies (and getting their President in jail for tax evasion) in whole fricking world and at the same time, making top-class animes like Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL, Gunbusters and Furikuri? It doesn't make sense at all. I want to hate them for their horrible merchandising, especially that of NGE. When in trouble, let's just release new set of hentai/Eva/teh Rei Ayanami/weird **** figures! Not to mention making some popular doujinshis "official" to just get more money. Oh, and rerererererereleasing stuff in new boxes, being nearly as bad as GL himself. Gah!
How can such greedy, horrible company make so damn great animes? It. Doesn't. Make. Sense. At. All.
Oh, and if someone wonders why I'm now pissed of, here's teh answer:
CHIBI Evangelion? CHIBI ****ING EVANGELION? What the ****? Blasphemy!
Oh, and Rei is - I mean are - three ****ing sisters, Yui is "student leader", Asuka and Shinji are "old friends" and Misato is teacher just like in Angelic Days.
Poor shokogi/Eva 01! What have they done to you? You're like high school bully for christ's sake! GAHHH
It's Gainax - whores till very end.
Pictures of this new EVA... and the goddamn toys.