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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Just how exactly SOMEONE can not know CS?
  2. We all know Kaftan has very poor taste, Meshugger
  3. In case you didn't realize I'm going this "I see what you did there" route with Gendo the Magnificent Bastard as personal photo and that freaky eye in TV as avatar

  4. Hmh, Project Georgia aka Obz mysterious third project is definetly new IP But nowadays it's mystery what is the second one, but I bet it's NWN2 XP2
  5. Nah, that's being done by some more capable developers What Wastl said is true: Bio didn't want to do K2 and suggested OE. They also claimed to go IP-only route which was just a lie if looking back now. The mysterious LA project is different from Bio's MMO one and I seriously doubt it's MMO too. No company is stupid enough to run two MMO's at the same time, there's no point in that. I personally believe it's Kotor 3. Shame really, I'd choose OE over Bio any day
  6. George Ziets & Kevin Saunders would be awesome lead for second expansion pack
  7. let's call it... Arcanum!
  8. Is the Gunslinger Girl the blonde-who-stores-the-bullets-in-her-cleavage? So, I finally decided to check out Death Note. With the exception of Haruhi definetly biggest thing that has come out these last years. Felt it was duty or something Watched first ep and oh god I was annoyed. Pacing was outright horrible (or maybe I've been spoiled by Hideaki Anno when it comes to this :D ), it overused (and most of the time not so well) some cinematic techniques worse than CSI does. Especially the "quick camera zoom" effect. GAHH! Now it can't be good sign if I get annoyed by bad use of the some of show's narrative techniques in the very first episode. I guess I'll get back to it, but still... Though the part where Light goes all mad with his power and starts writing-killing-montage was done rather nicely, nice cutting there. And show has superb animation. Manga however has been different beast entirely so far. Storytelling, picture composition and drawings themselves have been top notch. Not best thing ever, but damn good. And the most important aspect, the writing, has been awesome. One of the best thrillers/whatever that I've read in a while! I've now progressed little bit over the halfway. Beginning was absolutely awesome, later parts dragged a bit after battle of wits between L and Light went out of the focus but it starts to get better again. I've been reading this non-stop nearly whole day so it has to be very good. Only one thing bothers immersion: Misa who has to be one of the most annoying characters ever. Her whole character just feels increasingly unrealistic chapter after chapter. And. Is. Annoying. Quite exception in otherwise well made cast. L is my favourite with his weird manners and creepy eyes. Great character. Anime: Clearly better than average, director needs some serious beating or atleast some schooling over directing. Inferior to manga. Manga: Awesome.
  9. Google "Amused to Death"

  10. And that tech demo was basically prototype made within NWN1
  11. Check the latest news. The HEX index and the Scandinavian index has gone down rapidly the last two days. I don't think that we're heading for another deep recession like the one in the beginning of the 90's yet, but seeing the american fed constantly lowering the interest rate just seems like a short-term solution. And the ECB, Bank of England and Bank of China are just continuing to buy more dollars to keep the currency somewhat stable, isn't a good long-term solution either. What i only see so far, is that more bandages have been added to the wound, but no measures to heal it. Oh...
  12. Done to keep female's sexuality in check so that they won't act like "whores they are". Welcome to Africa or Middle-East and have a nice stay EU and japanese populations are also much more co-located than in the US. as a result, it is much easier to implement mass transit (that actually works). living in a city is not always possible in the US. most japanese, OTOH, live in or very near very large metropolitan areas. it is very easy to justify small cars in such places since they don't need them for much as we in the US do. weather in the US varies wildly as well, ranging from desert, to beach to mountain terrain also with significant snowfall in areas not otherwise in the mountains. these terrain differences are separated by hundreds if not thousands of miles to boot. in COS, it is insane to NOT have an SUV. it has snowed nearly non-stop that past 2 months. going anywhere other than denver or pueblo from here requires mountain travel, and depending upon your hobby of choice, significant off-road travel as well. i'd like to see any of you so-called environmentalists get up timber hill in a 40 mpg car. you're naively comparing apples to oranges. taks That still doesn't justify usage of SUV's and similar monster cars in city/suburban and similar areas. Who the **** thought that civilian humvees was a great idea? EU and japanese populations are also much more co-located than in the US. as a result, it is much easier to implement mass transit (that actually works). living in a city is not always possible in the US. most japanese, OTOH, live in or very near very large metropolitan areas. it is very easy to justify small cars in such places since they don't need them for much as we in the US do. weather in the US varies wildly as well, ranging from desert, to beach to mountain terrain also with significant snowfall in areas not otherwise in the mountains. these terrain differences are separated by hundreds if not thousands of miles to boot. in COS, it is insane to NOT have an SUV. it has snowed nearly non-stop that past 2 months. going anywhere other than denver or pueblo from here requires mountain travel, and depending upon your hobby of choice, significant off-road travel as well. i'd like to see any of you so-called environmentalists get up timber hill in a 40 mpg car. you're naively comparing apples to oranges. taks Extremely true. The SUV's are not really the issue, you can clearly make fuel efficient SUV's. The issue is that the oil companies do everything they can to resist progress. That's their business. They make huge money selling gas, and so they spend a chunk of it buying up technologies that threaten their business. A 1988 CR-X could get 50 miles to the gallon. But the fact is the oil companies have no real reason to support progress. They aren't going to put themselves out of business. Exactly. I only used SUV as an example, same problem with efficiency seems to be with all of your cars when compared to european ones. Your goverment is horribly enslaved by lobbyers of companies. Was it victuals, oil or anything. "Baww we don't like this you must change this" play with ompanies is much worse than catering down the damn conservative christians. Stupid mucks, they have far too much power compared to their numbers. Looks like I'm on the roll
  13. Basically mutilating clitoris by cutting and slicing it with knife, can't remember if they actually remove whole thing. Propably. And other stuff too if I remember correctly. Our lovely arab brothers are still quite active in this favourite afternoon activity
  14. Yes, what a great defence that can be applied to nearly anything questionable starting from circumcising women.
  15. Another thing: Stop making such ****ing monstrosities like SUV's European & japanese cars are ten times more efficient and ecological than american cars. SUV's are nightmare of enviromentalist.
  16. It hadn't had any effect in nordic countries, so doesn't matter!
  17. Previous Jedi Knights (Jedi Knight , JK: Mysteries of the Sith and JKII: Jedi Outcast) had fine plots. Jedi Academy's plot is weak compared to them, but it's just enough reason to get player involved in awesomely designed varying maps
  18. It would be so hilarious if world's only superpower would collapse due to their inability to handle loans in its apartment/property/whatever business
  19. Roger Waters - Southampton Dock (Live) she stands upon southampton dock with her handkerchief and her summer frock clings to her wet body in the rain in quiet desperation knuckles white upon the slippery reins she bravely waves the boys goodbye again still the dark stain spreads between their shoulder blades a mute reminder of the poppy fields and graves and when the fight was over we spent what they had made but in the bottom of our hearts we felt the final cut Nice ballad (or sumthing) from best antiwar album ever
  20. Plot is just bad excuse to let you play with your jedi powers. In singleplayer there was one almost sure win tactic. Steps backwards as enemy starts rushing towards you slashing with his weapons and do "heavy" swing. As they're performing their own attack they can't block it. Usually instakill. Of course that doesn't work in multiplayer at all and not always in singleplayer either no u
  21. Bwahaha, pwned :]
  22. Never underestimate the stupidity of religious fanatics. There is a good reason why sheep is often used as a metaphor in Christianity. "With bright knives he releaseth my soul He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places He converteth me to lamb cutlets For lo, he hath great power, and great hunger When cometh the day we lowly ones Through quiet reflection and great dedication Master the art of karate Lo, we shall rise up And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water"
  23. Crank up difficulty and it was a blast, especially on later levels. And not easy at all unless you resorted to cheese tactics. Multiplayer was great too.
  24. Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone Legend.
  25. Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Truly great game apart from stupid plot
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