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Everything posted by abaris

  1. I'm just on a turn based playthrough and I have to say, I'm still having freeze issues. Especially during combat, which is particularly tiresome if you spent ten minutes fighting and on the last enemy the game simply freezes with sound still playing in the background. I also got inventory freezups, for some odd reason mainly with Serafen. Levelling him can be a chore with several tries. Am I to assume, the issue with nvidia cards still hasn't been resolved?
  2. I enjoyed POE Deadfire, especially the exploring and ship combat, but after replaying POE, I have to say it's the much richer game. Both in terms of original story as well as DLCs.
  3. Levelling up, equipping companions, crafting? The mouse is still working as are the menu sounds when clicking on some interactive buttons. They just don't do what they're designed for. Still, only way to resolve it is hard quitting to desktop.
  4. So exploring to the black isles leads to a strange encounter with a group resting there. This encounter can either solved peacefully or in combat. But one of your crew is there. Last time I did that encounter it was Handsome Eliam. Peacefully resolved led to them breaking up camp and leaving you alone. Handsome Eliam was gone from my crew after the encounter.
  5. I killed the oracle, set the servants free, but I can't leave the hall. The stairs can't be interacted with. How do I get out of that darned hall or is this a bug?
  6. Take my advice. Don't let Aloth cast fireballs. As things stand now, they're reflecting right back on him. Don't know if that's the particular sigil I tried it on or if this is their general behavior after the last patch.
  7. In the latest patch, I mean. I can't seem to be able to destroy them with gunfire as I did before. Guns hardly do any damage.
  8. Steam client is awful when it comes to DLC. What I do that sometimes work is un-check the DLC, then re-check it. Sometimes that kickstarts steam to start downloading it. Yeah, the unchecking rechecking sometimes works. Not this time though. It simply sits there, doing nothing. Edit: So now, out of the blue, it could be arsed to download.
  9. I got it in my list, yet steam says "not installed". Anyone knows how to force that darn client to install it?
  10. I tried Xoti again with melee. She goes down within seconds. I think, I keep her ranged. Btw, how do you get evil Xoti.
  11. I mean trying to level up or changing some gear. Game freezes and I can only forcequit to desktop via task manager.
  12. I didn't play Tyranny half as much as POE1 and Deadfire. This isn't meant to say, it's a bad game, only that in this case the setting wasn't to my liking. As for Deadfire, I can't understand someone complaining about guns. They already had their place in POE1.
  13. The battle in ME1 is entirely avoidable. Given the right decisions, you can talk Saren into killing himself.
  14. It took some time to grow on me, but that was rather due to my lack of understanding of the game mechanics rather than being a bad or boring game.
  15. It seems to happen less frequently, but it happens sometimes at the exact same locations as before. Poko Kohara ruins, trying to transition out of the building with the Adra pillar in it. And within the hanging sepulchers, trying to transition out of the forgotten mausoleum.
  16. That's not the real problem though it certainly seems to be the case. I got instances where the enemy ship flees, insta repairs and heals only to attack again at the very next moment. Obviously in full AI knowledge that you, the player, can't work magic to be at full strength again.
  17. Problem with this, your crew will get less experience that way. So upcoming fights are much more tedious than with a trained crew. Also, depending on your opponent, some of them can quite easily blow you out of the water with two or three broadsides, while you're approaching. Trying to injure their crew in the first stages of the battle on the other hand, buys you a lot of time to make up your own strategy. You may well be right. So far, I have faced one superior opponent that I decided it was wise to run away from, as they indeed might have sunk me with their broadsides. Incidentally, it appears to me that the Defiant is particularly good when it comes to outrunning other ships. Or perhaps I have just been very lucky with how the wind blows. The Defiant is very manoevarable. Given the right upgrades, it can sink most of the stronger opponents without taking too much damage. It takes just one turn to jibe and - depending on your guns - can fire at every second turn. If it wasn't for the many crew members you pick up on your journey, I wouldn't have changed her for something larger.
  18. Problem with this, your crew will get less experience that way. So upcoming fights are much more tedious than with a trained crew. Also, depending on your opponent, some of them can quite easily blow you out of the water with two or three broadsides, while you're approaching. Trying to injure their crew in the first stages of the battle on the other hand, buys you a lot of time to make up your own strategy.
  19. Yeah, nailed it. I only skimmed the description.
  20. I noticed that upon landing on the Island, every knocked out character is considered to be instantly dead. Is this how it's supposed to work?
  21. Pallegina had 12. Still no option after Kaali says he's brought some sacrifices. It seems to be a watcher only check.
  22. You get loot also when sinking ships. I'm not sure whether you get the same amoun of loot. I would imagine it to be less ('cause sinking), but haven't verified OP: The advantage to softening them up with cannons is that, if you injure them (and their surgeon) you will face less when boarding. You get the exact same amount.
  23. I did the close in and board approach at the start. Now I'm trying to take advantage of my ship. Keeping the distance and firing different sorts of ammunitions. If you start out with chainshot and have a pretty experienced crew, you can make the enemy a sitting duck. If you fire grapeshot, you can reduce their crew and make them less reactive. It's all about knowing your own strengths and avoiding enemies you're not ready to engage because they're above your level of expertise.
  24. I don't even get the option to offer to help. I read somewhere that a high watcher diplomacy skill is required. Which mine doesn't have. Streetwise and Isight, but no diplomacy and it seems to be a watcher only check.
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