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Everything posted by ShadySands

  1. ^I've seen those type of things before but did not think they were ready for full battlefield deployment outside of like marksmen and snipers
  2. Who needs guns that shoot straight when we're bringing back land mines. Strap a mine to a drone. All problems solved.
  3. It's so stupid, no doubt. Star Trek that you actively try not to think too deeply about is something I can't believe exists today but it's what we got. Not sure why these are the types of Trek shows we're getting. This stuff is not art it's just a product meant to sell subscriptions so why not make just one show that appeals more to the Trek fans they already have and appeal to new fans that may want something smarter. They can keep doing the shows they feel like making as well since they've stated that they always want something Star Trek on but just give us something. Read a rumor that Seth McFarlane and NBC were and maybe still are looking to buy Star Trek. Hopefully that's true even though the rumor also said CBS was so puffed up on initial Picard reviews that they were asking way too much. I like to include the Seinfeld finale on lists of best final episodes to see if people call me out on it. Don't think it has happened yet.
  4. Hmm, still not entirely sure how I feel about Picardisode 2.
  5. Allen Iverson isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed but he is a tool
  6. Is that a gamey game or a visual novel?
  7. I'm not sure cyclic rate is the best measure either because even if a firing mechanism can theoretically function as such rates it is pretty much an impossibility to get those same numbers in the real world.
  8. Sorry, I meant Nathaniel R Jones not Farrah Fawcett.
  9. I had to look up who that was With my luck I'll also die on or around the same time as someone really famous and even my family will mourn them more than me. Of course I will have faked my death as to not draw attention to my lack of aging plus you can't hurt steel.
  10. Does it make it triply ironic that SNL has a new host every week or quadruply ironic that the host isn't involved in that bit?
  11. I also made pork and ricotta meatballs which I am eating with my bare hands right now.
  12. Maybe some rice or rice noodle dishes or something you can enjoy? Some curry maybe? How bad is your reaction? Also, all nuts? I'm guessing by the sunbutter cups that you can't eat at least one legume.
  13. Paying all the interest first would be my guess but it does seem a bit much
  14. Sorry, I pretty much only do meat sauces though I do have one meatless recipe that I got in Italy. I can post that if you want.
  15. Made Psghetti last night and chorizo and eggs to break the fast
  16. I don't think it's wrong to point out the bad things Kobe has done and may or may not have done but I probably would have given it a little more time. Not for Kobe though but rather his family as they didn't just lose him but they also lost a daughter/sister. If it was just Kobe then I'd say have at it.
  17. Ugh, now I've got to go spend another 55 hours in CK2.
  18. Still got this as well as 99% of the stuff in my link below and also... A GOG or Steam key for Grim Dawn Pioneer Edition
  19. ^Maybe you didn't come in with low enough expectations? I wouldn't really call it that but by comparison to STD, yes. But this is just going by one episode
  20. I enjoyed Picard more than I thought I would after hearing all the rumors about it. Really looking forward to this series now and I hope that doesn't then ruin my enjoyment. Another Life was awful. I couldn't get more than a handful of episodes in as it's kind of a miserable experience ...and I'm not doing so well in life that I need misery for entertainment.
  21. That's what I thought. I just downloaded a 85MB BattleTech mod the other day and I had no issues.
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