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Everything posted by Ouroboros226

  1. Are you forced to find something with retaliation or drain and then further enchant it? I'm just wondering if its possible to enchant this normally somehow, or if you need to find gear with it and then improve whatever else you want on it. I'd really like to create custom gear from its base pieces, but not sure if its possible :S
  2. How are the deities you can represent? I mostly RP powerhungry and villanous characters. I'm wondering if any deities fit the fanatically and bordeline "evil" archetype. As in: A zealous paladin with no regard for doing the right thing, killing anyone he deems a heretic to his faith.
  3. Thanks for the advice I managed to beat them by going full out offense and dropping all my spells and abilites in their face as prolonged combat vs druids was a recipe for failure.
  4. To my experience deflection is pretty pointless. I'm running a melee wizard, so sure, my deflection is a bit lower than fighters and such. But still - with deflection items + a massive +20 deflection buff from spells - mobs seem to hit me all the time with ease. If wearing deflection gear and using such big boosts as +20 deflect from spells basically does nothing to avoid being hit - then I would say DR is the only reliable defense. If you want to protect yourself better, then better to just max out endurance/con /w high DR. Edit: Unsure about deflection milestones Deflection optimization takes 2 stats to boost (per + res), I dont see any dps build being able to get good deflect + good damage. The opportunity cost for high deflect is too big when it comes to the dex/might loss.
  5. When you get your stronghold its pretty much a cursed ruin and the only other person in the keep is a soul inside a statue. The statue has no real mobility or ability to move or communicate to the outside world. Yet when you get your keep, suddenly *someone* is collecting taxes? Ehr... who is this exactly? Who exactly sends for construction workers? Who are you collecting taxes from? What we need is: 1) A quest to hire a steward. This way we have a logical explanation to who hires the construction workers and does the day to day work on the keep. 2) A quest which gathers the nearby villagers and farmers, you should officially talk to representatives from the population. They pay you taxes for what? You have to have them acknowledge you as the new ruler of the keep and promise to protect them in return. Currently the stronghold acquisition is extremely immersion breaking when it comes to logic. Construction workers are magically summoned out of thin air. Noone is at the keep to oversee daily upkeep and administration. The populace around your lands just magically recognize you as a ruler and gladly pays you taxes. Any devs that can comment on this? Thoughts from other players? Maybe it's nitpick but I find this silly and non-sensical. Which is a shame because it is easily fixed.
  6. To those calling Skyrim a bad roleplaying game: Its not. PoE heavily relies on conversation and the world to let you roleplay your character. Skyrim relies on your imagination to roleplay your character, but not as much dialogue and the world. Skyrim basically puts all the real roleplaying responsibility in the player's head and imagination. There is no ingame restrictions in Skyrim that prevents you from deciding who you want your character to be when it comes to personality.
  7. Currently using these myself: 1) Fire Godlike Barbarian 2) Fire Godlike Wizard 3) Pale Elf Wizard
  8. I'm on my way to defiance bay and I encountered some Druids. Now, Eder tanks the melee mobs and I spread my ranged out to start shooting - and suddenly lightning strikes from the skies CONSTANTLY - destroying my whole team in seconds. The lightning strikes my characters with rapid succession, I'm guessing its a druid spell? Not sure how to deal with it - any advice? :<
  9. I guess I'm asking for a spoiler kinda. In Dragon Age, Dragons are just beasts/monsters. Which sucks imo. I liked that dragon from... Baldurs gate I think? Firekraag something, he was awesome. In PoE can you have a chat with the dragons you encounter or are they just beasts in the PoE universe? I obviously haven't encountered one yet, just wondering if I should be looking forward to dealing with dragons verbally or if they are just all "Me smash!".
  10. I still don't see whats the problem with keeping the engagement, but adding a random combat behavior script roll. Too time consuming to code?
  11. Fixing combat difficulty is easy. Add a random roll to creature behavior when combat starts. For example: Targeting: Will target closest (high chance), Will target weakest endurance character (medium), will target random (low chance) Re-targeting: Will stick to selected target (high chance), will change target at 50% hp (medium), will change target if X conditions etc. By setting a high chance on the current behavior, but adding random behavior scripts which has their own chances to activate - combat would become more unpredictable. In short - forcing you to adapt to every fight. And every fight being different. Dynamic.
  12. I love it too :D I'm a student so I don't have much money, and my friends even tried to convince me to pirate it. I have almost no money for food the last week of April because I bought PoE, but I dont regret it. Taking a gamble and having the desire to recreate the glory days of planescape and the like? I respected Obsidian so much for that, and I'm so thankful - that I'd rather starve the last week of April than steal the game.
  13. Wut... The handpainted backgrounds given by isometric view is way more majestic than most 3D games. In games like this - almost everything on screen is unique. There is an atmosphere and beauty to the world in isometric games like this that 3D can never compete with.
  14. Durance will now properly discuss your dream with you if you've already discussed his staff. Oh my... nasty patch notes
  15. @Know, Aki: What are you guys talking about? This thread is not related to soloing in any way.
  16. Or compromise. Since the gun reload is so long why not just cast spells while its reloading, then fire again, spell, fire - etc.
  17. So it has the DR vs all... but bonus vs stated damage? O.o
  18. I thought DR on all armors were just overall physical resist. But I just found out that different armors has different resists. For example, padded armor does NOTHING vs slash. Some armors defend only against certain physical attacks etc. So some armors protect better vs archers and some none at all. Sorry to state what is probably obvious to most people here. I just found it very, very awesome that they took the choice of armor to this level. Not only is it sensical - it also adds more depth to the combat system. Just curious how you guys feel about this in general? Headache or great game design?
  19. Went with: 17 Might 17 Dex 6 Con 4 Per 17 int 17 resolve My wizard is only lvl5 atm. Yet to reach defiance bay but its really fun to play. I opted for Estoc in the end because I did not want my main weapon to be a summon one. Of all the defensive buffs I'm using I'm surprised to see vital essence being the most useful. I've come to the conclusion that mirror is - unfortunately - utterly useless spells. Despite the +20 deflect from mirror, mobs easily hit me when focused. Even by a single mob. So far conclusion: Neglect deflect completely and go full DR.
  20. Welcome to every internet forum ever lol. No matter HOW fantastic a game is, the forum posts will have tons of negativity. If a game was perfect - someone would complain that it was perfect
  21. I'm currently playing a 2 handed estoc wielding melee wizard which only uses wizard spells that buffs combat prowess and CC spells. No damage spells at all. I find it extremely enjoyable. And strangely enough, my Wizard is the one with the highest base accuracy atm lol.
  22. For me at least I only play PoE when I: 1) Have time to read (due to RL time constrains) 2) Is in the "reading and immersion mood" I think that to enjoy this game 100%, you must have the time to immerse yourself, and be in that certain mood. Luckily everything is skippable - if you dont care about the lore anyway and only the gameplay. IMO the gameplay in itself is worth it by its own so immersing yourself is not mandatory.
  23. So many good portraits here. WTB more death godlikes and pale elves
  24. Does the DR bonus to elemental damage on a pale elf stack with buffs? It was to my understanding that many things in this game does not stack but not sure how these mechanics work. For example, a Wizard casting 2 spells which grants physical DR - only the highest will count?
  25. Some magazines report that Skyrim sales on all platforms have reached 20m. Even assuming PoE should reach 1m after a few years, which I feel is optimistic... something about that ratio is terribly depressing . It often seems that the worse the game, the better the sales. On the skyrim forums there was a sales prediction thread. I had the highest guess at 12 million copies, a guess I was laughed at for. BUT NOW THEY SEE, THEY ALL SEE! /Gloat The reason I wish a dev would pitch in on this is because I love the game and want it to do well. If a dev could give us a vague answer "less than expected", "average", "good", "very good" that would be great So we know if PoE will see much post-release content or not.
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