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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. And different sizes of tiles? Height recognition of any form (e.g. for combat bonuses)?
  2. HKEY_Local_Machine/Software/Bethesda Softworks HKEY_Local_Machine/Software/Microsoft/CurrentVersion/Uninstall/ Should be sufficient.
  3. Meh, not enough to make me bother. Actually, the game holds no lure after finishing it first time (every damn dungeon and quest I ever found, yes)... so meh, must be just me. Is there a significatn performance boost?
  4. How easy will it be to create things in this engine? Inevitably, comparing it to the Fallout 2 Editor: -> Is placeable placement (heh) any different, and if so, how? That was a big pain in Fallout, and very time-consuming. -> And scripting. How user-friendly will it be, and how much coding experience would one need? I assume, after all, that there are some significant changes here, otherwise it would just be a repackaging and a graphics engine, which you said it is not. (and is it polish? )
  5. Yep, it takes the IP. Pity, I'm not even a New Zealander.
  6. Why do you think we have such high turnover?
  7. Oblivion can be played third person, although most people find combat too stupid that way.
  8. Every single JRPG ever made fits your description, so you should be happy. Except for the second one I guess.
  9. mom lang is the best txt abbreviation i've seen in a long time. edit: if anyone's still interested, IQ definitely changes each time you take a test since 1/ all tests have differing levels of accuracy, 2/ while your potential capacity may or may not stay the same your actual/current capacity definitely changes, though whether such fluctuations follow a pattern is debatable. For example, I got 155 or something when I was 8, and I've had it go as high as 160 in some tests, as low as 130-140 in others. course, IQ isn't as important as it's made out to be, and if you have very high IQ it's pretty noticable without such tests.
  10. Actually.... the current combat model is a lot easier to make and is still fun than complex diplomatic situations, because emergent AI is not sufficiently advanced. All dialogue / talking / 'social' situations where there are actions and reactions must be fully scripted then (e.g. Bioware dialogue system), which means lots of work, and even after lots of work, very hard to get right / fun. Comparatively, combat situations can be left to the A.I. for varying experiences every time.
  11. Damn those vigilantes.
  12. Yeah, but what's it a step up from?
  13. So, transcript?
  14. Just read it, it actually sounds very interesting, since I keep imaginingit more as a BG2 total conversion at this point. But then, I always liked BG and Compton / Weimer. I want to know more about the magic system (to see if it will be any different, or your standard 'cast spells'), but they didn't talk much about that. The story seems fairly good, hopefully there will be more political stuff (actual politics, not "a boss is the president") than most RPGs.
  15. SS: now you've seen the video, I suppose you are rescinding your claims about the Witcher. Heh, that sounds harsher than I mean, but yeah - that's what I meant when I said Oblivion, the Witcher, and so far NWN2 have been similarly reserved in showing off dialogue. Whether that is good or bad, sensible or silly is debatable and that's not the point here I think - rather that everybody here would like to see some. Oh, and if you are wanting proof about "showing off different quest solutions and multiple paths": the particular quest they showed off DID have what you asked. If you're wanting to see if it's consistent throughout the game, that is, obviously, impossible and unreasonable a request. That's like us watching Oblivion's dogburning video and saying "well that's not proof, we want to see wht the AI is like in the entire game." It turned out that the dogburning video was not perfectly representative. Which is inevitable (i.e. I'm not being bitter / attacking here.). They've shown us bits of what will be in the game, and thats the best they can and will do. We can make informed estimates, such as the game will hopefully feature more quests like that one. Anything else? What are you really wanting?
  16. Funny, I don't recall Oblivion showing us much more dialogue, either. Innocent (I swear it was!) jibe aside, it's true that we want to see more of the dialogue, but I'm not certain we'd get it. Every game keeps some things back from us, someitmes because they're disappointments, other times because it's a surprise. Honestly, I don't foresee anything too different from KOTORs - classic dialogue system with a fair bit of skill/attribute/etc checks thrown in and a decent amount of choices. No worse than Oblivion or NWN.
  17. Wii?
  18. His name is Amir, He came from Japan..
  19. Wonder if "Amir" has found this site. Probably not, pity.
  20. I'm not sure how old 7th grade is, but if that's over 12/13, then you should be able to get a part-time job. It's not that hard to do one, even a simple one like newspapers, then save up to buy a game (or toolset guides, although if you spend time looking you can find good ones online). So for example, you could buy the original Neverwinter Nights, which will be very cheap right now. You don't need the latest game if you are just starting to learn to mod / make games: NWN1 will serve you very well, and it won't be too expensive. And places like nwvault has great guides because people have worked on the game for such a long time. That's the practical, programming side. Later on, when you have learnt to use these tools, you might find that your stories are not very interesting, or people don't seem to have fun playng your modules. For building up your creative side, it's not finding "guides" and learning "lessons", it's more like playing lots of games, reading books, watching films that all enhance your literary instinct. Ultimately, though, if you're persistent, then it will work out.
  21. Of course, but the differences between two white men can be much greater than between a white man and a black one. As long as race becomes a general expectation of certain traits neutral in their definition, it's all good.
  22. Using old Fish & Chips paper packets as a pillow, that's how.
  23. Who are you again?
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