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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. Alright. The fan-flip seems to work at the moment, no crashes for 2 days, but I'll see. Eventually I'll probably want to replace the PSU, but I was hoping this computer wouldn't need more money injected in its dotage. I'll give you folks an update later, thanks for the help.
  2. I can't bloody help it, mate, I'm from New Zealand.
  3. Cryptic, meta.
  4. Back when I was in high school (New Zealand), the only time we ever learned about Germany was WWII / Hitler's Rise to Power. The teacher would ask questions such as "Why was Hitler such a monster" and "Could they have done more to stop him?" and "Who suffered the most from Hitler's actions?" Of course, when I suggested that obviously the Germans tolerated Hitler for so long not just because they were "all brainwashed" but because they admired some of what Hitler did, i.e. initial economic rejuvenation or national pride, the teacher didn't care - and more importantly, all the students looked aghast. Thus do we perpetuate ignorance, and I argue that not understanding properly is just as bad as purposeful manipulation of history, like that of the Japanese about WWII history. oh, Kinderporno is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
  5. Well, to be fair, you sounded like someone on a walkie-talkie, Cant.
  6. I was in a crappy lecture where we watched freaking national TV.
  7. Don't have the specific PSU info around for the current one, but it's 400W, "Dynamic" brand, came with the case. Current trying a weird thing where I flip the fan on the back of my case's direction so that it blows into the inside of the computer. It makes the system and the CPU hotter but still well under manageable temperatures, ande it seems to hlep cool the PSU. If not, I'll need to find out that pin-stuff (i assume you just count the number of pins that your motherboard's molex slot requires?) and look at a new one.
  8. Well, we might as well set up a good time for everybody to come in at the same time - probably sometime this weekend, though I can do weekdays. By then, somebody can try and find a good module for us to jump into - probably a fair bit of hack and slash, though roleplaying can work too. There aren't that many good modules out for NWN2 right now anyway, so the campaign may do. But the point is to get it organised so everyone can come at the same time and just start playin'. *goes to his lecture*
  9. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=46763 Try using the manual link here to go to 1.05, then run the autoupdater again for a small upgrade within 1.05.
  10. So who'll be around? If we have a few people then I'm gonna stay, but if not I have places to be.
  11. Just tested it out with Cant, and yes it works. He says he will enable the server again around 6pm PST (in ~an hour from this post) so if people are around then we can try things out.
  12. Ahh yes, Supermarket Hijynx. I enjoyed reading that. We need a new one. Been following this, just voted for Ep2.
  13. I'll prepare the casket.
  14. As I recall Swedish keyboards don't have ~ under ESC, they have
  15. Every smith, weaponsmith and armour shoudl have it, includingo nes in Port Llast, Crossroads Keep...? If not, DebugMode1, giveitem. No idea what the code for a smith hammer is though.
  16. How do I check the system log? :blush10: My comp knowledge is patchy and has holes. (Edit: Found it, only 'errors' I see are temporary connection failures or MS appliaction shutdowns, or some services (which i disabled) ccannot be run. Im not too sure what to look for though?) Recently got myself one of these as a drastic experimental emasure, opened the side case pane and let it fly. Pretty much made the temperature go down to 20-25C (like 80-90F i think), and it pretty much handled NWN2 and all sortrs of things without crashing once all day. But that's a rather temporary solution, and without it I can definitely notice the PSU is a lot hotter; the case around it is warm to the touch and the PSU fan is blowing out hot air, whereas with the above thing churning away the area is cool as well. But I don't know how to keep the PSU specifically cooler - I have a feeling just getting another fan for the case may not help very much at all. Does it mean I just need a more powerful or new PSU or is there another, cheaper way?
  18. I never went.
  19. So is anything happening?
  20. Join usss, pixies. Join usss for luv luv long time.
  21. I don't think a server is up today at the moment. Xfire's easy to use, just register then start adding some friends (demonwraith = Tale, arcaliea = me, Oerwinde, Hurlshot, etc, etc.) It just lets you communicate between friends. Fiddle around and look at the site help. edit: Who is stitche and why is he playing WoW? Heathen.
  22. *Gets xfire* tig was taken, so username is arcaliea. Are we doing anything today then?
  23. So when exactly are we starting? Assuimng it's 3am PST right now, 1pm PST tomorrow is 8am for me. I'd rather not get up so early (heh) if we don't start then. And I"m cool with xfire, I have a mic and I usually use ventrilo.
  24. Frankly, I'd rather post here and occasionally look there. Fora on crack are painful, and sometimes it gets rather silly with everyone posting one-liners. One-liners in excess is beautiful, sort of like a shipwreck on an island. Any discussion of substance going on there? I wonder when we'll get any sort of real info on FO3.
  25. Sounds like a fantastic idea.
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