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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. That's exactly it Katarack. When one plays Ranger, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue then the game is too hard. And when you play Fighter, Cipher, Chanter, Druid the game's easy. There is really a big efficiency gap between classes. And races too.
  2. Consider yourself lucky. I needed to edit my savegame to continue through Raedric's Hold (ran into a game-breaking black screen).
  3. IMO there should be at least a few spells that are 100% party-friendly. Like the old Chill fog.
  4. Not necessarily. Also, its underpowered.
  5. I think the latter.
  6. Agreed. The opening post isn't really well thought-out.
  7. No idea what you on about, and what 'theory'. You must be drunk, da.
  8. Me too. And all my friends. However after some time I've learned to appreciate it in its own right. It is kind of a same story as HoMM 4. You know. Initial disappointment, but as the time went by, I've grown fond of it (and regard it not as a part of the series , but rather as a standalone) xD Ah... that explains it. I used mainly the 'driving camera mode' I think it was called. It was a lot more friendly than top down, which was the worst option I believe.
  9. FO Tactics was soooo underrated. A legitimate tactical RPG in its own right, despite lacking an 'open world'
  10. I think of the future.Probably next Eternity will be 2D But the further, will have to deal necessarily with the times. Not everyone loves the 2d, we are a narrow niche, but you have to think that there are millions of players who now only appreciate the 3D and Obsidian works not only for passion but also for money and must extend its users. This game and future games in this series are not for people like you. Go somewhere else and buy a 3D RPG. Its not going to happen with this series. On a sidenote, I think you have wrongly put me in the same basket as these people who somehow think the next PoE should be 3D. xD. I don't think that way, or that this topic is very smart, I assure you. I just love the IE games as they have always been. I just asked why you think Neverwinter Nights (2001) had the worst 3D engine in the history of video games, seeing how that statement is overreacting a little bit. EDIT: A more sensible answer would have been 'Im just a 2D person and generally dislike 3D RPGs' but w/e.
  11. NwN wasn't a successor to IE games , even though many people expected something along those lines at the time. Comparing an isometric RPG with 2D backgrounds and sprites to a 3D RPG, is like comparing apples to oranges. Very intelligent. Your knowledge of video game engines is impressive indeed. False. NWN was a successor to AD&D2 games, succeeding then with the next D&D ruleset. The only reason it went 3D was because Wizards / Atari demanded it to allow liscensing of their DnD franchise. And it sucked in comparison to BG and IWD. While it is true that NwN used the next set of rules, it could have never been a spiritual successor to IE games due to early design choices. NwN was meant to be a DnD cRPG in its own right, not a successor to BG/ID and that's how I regard it as well.
  12. I adore IE games and during the week behind us I've enjoyed PoE so much I think flowers will start growing out my arse. I just asked why you think Neverwinter Nights (2001) had the worst 3D engine in the history of video games. EDIT: Nor I prefer 3D to a 2D IE experience as you call it.
  13. Next - Mortal Kombat 2 plays smoother than Tekken. Tekken's camera is harder to grasp than it is to look at sprites over a 2D background.
  14. NwN wasn't a successor to IE games , even though many people expected something along those lines at the time. Comparing an isometric RPG with 2D backgrounds and sprites to a 3D RPG, is like comparing apples to oranges. Very intelligent. Your knowledge of video game engines is impressive indeed.
  15. Your overreacting but w/e. We all have some games we hold grudges against. I'll give you 1/10 for that concise answer.
  16. Ok I'll bite. Tell us why Neverwinter Nights' engine is the worst 3D engine created in the history of video games. Such extreme statement would prompt an equally verbose explanation. My personal impression is that the camera in NwN was awkward and could've been done a lot better, but it's not as if it was game-breaking or particularly bad at the time (2001)
  17. I enjoyed it quite a lot in solo and LAN. But its golden era was post-2003 multiplayer, I agree. People still play on various PWs believe it or not. Some have been online for the last 10 years.
  18. I disagree with this. I play on hard and my enemies usually die before my Chanter can get off a 3-Phrase chant, much less a 5-Phrase drake. It might seem OP, but if you run a party with a Druid/Chanter/Wiz combo who just blows up the entire screen before your chanter can even get 2 phrases....well...lol. So what are you disagreeing with.... You can kill faster than 6 Chanters would? That's fine, but it's still OP as hell. I love people who seldom think before they post. I'm just saying I don't think it's that OP. Just my thoughts. That's fine.
  19. I have no idea what claim are you talking about. I say this as a geologist and it's true. Yellowstone's caldera and its magmatic chamber are unstable as hell, likewise an eventual eruption would induce long-lasting nuclear winter over roughly three quarters of the States (initially) if not more, and an ash zone of equal size whereas ash thickness would be anywhere from 5mm to few meters. It'd be a natural disaster of historical proportion. That can easily be induced artificially with a calibrated nuclear strike (doesn't have to be of great magnitude either) whereas US needs to commit a lot more resources to logistics for a nuclear operation against the Russian Federation and a lot more targets, surface covered, etc. while Russia only needs to hit 1 target and its game over, that's all I'm saying. But maybe you're just an ardent lover of everything 'murica, so Ill leave it at that and go play some PoE.
  20. Even if I want to keep all traps/consumables I found on my journeys for one last encounter, so be it, its no business of the developer. Nor is that practical.
  21. Nah, Nature is better than Death. +3 STR, +2 DEX and +2 CON when under 50% endurance adds up to more than dealing +20% damage to enemies under 25% endurance, especially as you get those bonuses precisely when you need them the most. You're probably right there.
  22. 1) Should have never been asked in the first place. Exactly. This way, its perceived the same as if Obsidian themselves removed it.... which sets a compromising precedent. No, it doesn't. If it doesn't , then why are there even more whiners on twitter demanding more changes now ? Now they don't like killing kids or hanging women etc. It would have never happened if just Obsidian had let the initial twitter controversy (stirred by 1 person and several of his followers) blow over. EDIT: and meanwhile focus on balancing spells/classes and fixing bugs EDIT 2: and he wasn't curating nada, they asked him to changed, he said himself he would've preferred the first text.
  23. Your problem :D Sounds like you never gave it a chance. Also, Dragon Age *series* is a lost cause ... Only the first DA was good.
  24. I disagree with this. I play on hard and my enemies usually die before my Chanter can get off a 3-Phrase chant, much less a 5-Phrase drake. It might seem OP, but if you run a party with a Druid/Chanter/Wiz combo who just blows up the entire screen before your chanter can even get 2 phrases....well...lol. So what are you disagreeing with.... You can kill faster than 6 Chanters would? That's fine, but it's still OP as hell. I love people who seldom think before they post.
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