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Everything posted by Blank

  1. I don't like it either. I usually never use 'dream' to mean hopes for the future, instead, i say 'hopes for the future'. it sounds too unrefined to say dreams because dreams are very unrefined themselves. usually just a messy conglomeration of the day's experiences for me...
  2. If you revealed your hermie organs then you would be incarcerated for sure. You asked how far it would take you, and i guess the answer is a one minute commute in a cop car
  3. It depends, how far away is the police station from where you are right now?
  4. unless he wanted more spam. ADD SPAM PLEASE!
  5. Hey Surreptishus, any idea what this junk is?
  6. in the words of a wise man, "PITY TEH FOOL!"
  7. No offense taken first of all. it is fine if you misspell something, i really don't care too much. I say YHWH because God calls Himself that in the old testament (using the four old-hebrew letters and it is not pronounced by some people because they don't want to offend God by saying His name wrong, in the protestant english translations they just turn the word into 'God' usually) Second of all, I believe that the old testament God is the same Father of Jesus Christ, so to say that He is vengeful and would kill me for a single mistake if i didn't have Jesus is correct, but He offered Jesus to me and everybody else and now that i have accepted Jesus i am grateful that I am reconciled to God and that He will no longer penalize me for my sins Third of all, Lucifer is only used once in the Bible in Isaiah 14 and actually is referring to a king of Babylon! NOT SATAN'S NAME! Many people believe it is also talking about satan because you see things in the passage that look like they are talking to satan. Whatever the case, a king or satan, to rise up against God is not smart. Lucifer literally means "morning star", and the word came from a translator who took what the word sounds like in Hebrew and spelled it in his own language, thus we get a name mistranslation. He should've just said 'Morning Star', golly, those fellas just wanna make a bunch of trouble. (Isaiah 14:12-15
  8. so are you saying you can't have full power over yourself physically but mentally you can? (because i think i would agree with you for the most part, except i have this other belief that if you don't have the Holy Spirit's help, then you are a slave to sin and don't have a choice but to continue in your sinful nature, so i agree with you other than that) Strong individuals now equals a 'god'? i agree, there is power that a human can have. power over themselves. A very very self-controlled person is rather rare, but they are out there. I still won't accept the term 'god' to be assigned to them though. BTW, the Nazi soldiers are responsible for their actions, like you said earlier, so they would be judged accordingly i believe. i believe they had the choice to do the right thing.
  9. i see you really want to change the definition of 'god' to 'human being'. so i will not resist for now. but in my book, a 'god' still has to have a notable amount of power greater than a human. and i don't believe in any 'god' other than YHWH, so i don't even accept my own definition. For example, satan has more power than the normal person, but i'd just call him the devil or satan. edit: typos
  10. well, here is a simple argument, what if somebody pushed you forward and you didn't want to move forward, and in fact, you were resisting. Do you have full power over yourself now?
  11. Thanks for summarizing that, i was beginning to lose you. I see if you are an epistemological existential empiricist then okay, but I am not, and i don't think you are. So more importantly, what do you believe on this matter? (well, unless you are an epistemological existential empiricist, then i respect your view but disagree and beseech you to contemplate what i have to say) Does the power that everyone has over themselves constitute them as a 'god'? Why not just say,"everyone has a certain amount of power over themselves and their surroundings" instead of "everyone is their own 'god'"? because saying 'god' to me means something like controlling or having more power than normal people can or do have. Otherwise, the word 'god' might as well mean human being... To COF, um, sorry for turning this into another worldview apologetics thread... but hopefully it'll help you better create your own subjective interaction interphase with absolute truth (er, 'worldview' if you believe there is an absolute truth that is not absolutely knowable)
  12. But surely there was a tribe that specifically focused on warfare before the civilisation of the spartans. they might have been the first big nation to do it, but the idea wasn't new i am sure.
  13. If they are really safe and treat the stuff like nuclear waste, the swapping won't happen, and if they renew their materials often so that the bacteria doesn't mutate, then it sounds good to me. My only concern would be biological warfare. if you engineer the bacteria to be extremely contagious and deadly then there is the real problem.
  14. But anyway.... its good Dufflover put a topic on here for us to use. I don't have much experience, but I would guess that going from friend to relationship would be more enjoyable than nothing to relationship. i have heard some of you guys say,"oh, i just met this person and then we were in a relationship that is still going strong", but i think that is rather rare. Also, as to whether you should or shouldn't turn the friendship into a relationship or not, i think it would be better to go for it if both parties have mutual feelings for each other. You can always have or make friends, but a good relationship is more rare i would think. I mean, feelings might get hurt but it isn't like life or death (unless you are a character from Lucas' mind).
  15. As long as you are only giving information about yourself as much as one would on Pixie's Obsidian dating service, there isn't much identity theft that could go on. i don't see a reason to put your actual picture. i don't see a reason why you would be a 13 year old and go meet your "friend" from the internet in a secluded alleyway. i don't have a myspace or anything like that. i don't want a myspace or anything like that. i have you guys to keep me entertained instead : )
  16. Keep this in mind guys, everyone takes ideas from everyone. Before Spartans, there were things that were like Spartans and before mandalorians, there were ideas people had for things like mandalorians one cannot fairly say,"oh they just took that idea or modeled that idea from something else" BTW i got this idea from somebody else !!SURPRISE!! To quote something from the most pessemistic book in the Bible: Ecclesiastes 1:9 "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
  17. But you just described abilities or inevitabilities that everyone experiences, are we therefore all gods because of that? i don't think so. like you described, God could squash us like a bug, and having that much power I think it is obvious why He is the one called God and not us. i have only heard of the old religious kind (i think you are talking about Calvin when you say old religious kind). That pre-determination was based on verses like this: Romans 8:29-30 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. and Ephesians 1:4-6 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will
  18. everything is subjective. wow, you took the words right out of my mouth
  19. "if you can't even control yourself then you are pathetic anyway." sorry for quoting myself, but it didn't look like you read that: is it really power if all you are affecting is yourself, and you should be able to do it anyway? And to what you said about the killing spree, anybody with arms and legs can do that! does that power make you a "god" though? like i said, not very big power. and like Eldar said, do you actually think you have true power over yourself? some things tempt us and we give in, which shows our weakness.
  20. You're being deliberately obtuse. There are subtle differences, unique to each established chuch, in the Christian faith. It's nothing glaring, but they're there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> there are minute differences in the philosophies, but its isn't as though we are worshiping different gods, which is what i was talking about. Not when it comes to himself, okay. but i kind of was referring to the fact that that is not real power. its only over yourself, and if you can't even control yourself then you are pathetic anyway.
  21. but i know of many christian denominations that would agree with me that i and they are worshiping the same God
  22. agreed, i would rather have the devs hard at work on my next favorite game anyway
  23. you are just changing "god" to mean "one that decides for themselves". it isn't like you have more power than any other person. and if everyone is a "god", then the special power you might have had is nullified by everyone else's equal power. Also, why are you so sure that God is just a figment of mankind's imagination? I thought Mothman had something good to say,"as for what Calax said, don't become too sure of yourself... To do that would only lead to you having a blind faith in yourself." tarna, where is that quote from? just wondering. COF, what are the main things about the scriptures that turn you off to them? i mean, you must have a good reason for believing they are fallible. It seems like coming from a catholic backround you would have more insight on what can become corrupted but is still said to be true (referring to things like compilation of the canon: septuagint, deuterocanon, apocrapha, also things like Popes saying something is true when it is seemingly made up by them like the cruscades and whatever) i am just wondering again.
  24. Blank


  25. You are required to swear on the Bible about your gender, and if you lie then you are in danger of hellfire, or something like that. (jk) Edit: Mojo, i am up for that if it helps you look like you are working
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