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Everything posted by xzar_monty

  1. This is quite literally true. Turn-based was a late addition to the game, it was patched in, so basically nothing was designed for turn-based.
  2. @Dfess: It appears that although @asnjashas been told (at least twice) that this forum is not about Pathfinder: Kingmaker, he still behaves as if it is.
  3. What does the game gain, in your opinion, from this real world interpretation? I am honestly curious, please do not take this as a criticism. Somehow this reminds of the time when people were extremely interested in seeing the real world in the Lord of the Rings. You know, Sauron being Stalin and all that.
  4. Yep, wrong forum altogether, no question. He's talking about Pathfinder: Kingmaker, which is not an Obsidian game at all.
  5. Hello everybody, I thought of giving the game another go (corona and all), but I'm really not into the endless trash fights that plague the game. I did some searches for mods around this problem, and it appears that there are none. I didn't really expect anything, but I wanted to check anyway. Am I correct in saying that there essentially is no "remove trash mobs" mod for the game? My sense is that there's nothing like that around.
  6. What's the matter with you? The OP is new to the forums and he's been asking perfectly valid questions. There's no need to get snarky with him. Your life may be very tough, who knows, and I can appreciate that, but you're constantly being an a-hole to everybody, and it doesn't improve things one bit.
  7. I wonder how long this would take with one of the megabosses. Heck, maybe someone has the experiment going on right now, and the answer is: "I don't know yet, it's only been bleeding for a couple of weeks now."
  8. It does seem like that, yes. Some time ago he said that "you guys are not giving me much of a chance", or something along those lines, referring to us other users on these forums. But that's just not true. Everybody everywhere and the whole universe is constantly giving him the chance of not being deliberately unpleasant to other people. He just chooses not to take it.
  9. This sounds very odd, and something appears to be bugged with your setup. Are you playing on a console or a computer? What you are describing has never happened to me. I have also never heard of this before.
  10. But he asked a genuine question and received some genuine answers. There's no need to get prickly about it.
  11. Absolutely. A little of this goes a long way. For example, you can have a very small discussion about Durance with Eld Engrim (I think) at Vilario's Rest, right at the beginning of the game. There's nothing more to it and it doesn't lead anywhere, but boy it's good. There's an instant continuity there. But with this god thing, it never exists.
  12. I don't disagree with this. However, given the nature of the world the game is set in, can you think of any hard evidence, even in theory? What would or could it be like? Also, I fully agree with thelee: even a small mention of the god fakeness thing would have improved Deadfire quite a lot.
  13. By the way, the whole PoE / Deadfire saga brilliantly exemplifies something that is often apparent in fantasy, science fiction and mystery writing: extremely interesting starting points are not difficult to create. And here, again, we have a marvelous starting point: the beginning of PoE is incredibly good, there is so much in there that's just superb. But then, it's often extremely difficult to conclude all the storylines that are suggested by or begun at that wonderful starting point. It's like: in the beginning, you can throw all these balls into the air, and it looks great, but being able to juggle them all for a long period of time without resorting to any cop-outs is very, very difficult. PoE / Deadfire does it well but not without difficult and not entirely convincingly.
  14. This is interesting to read, and I really enjoy it, but I'm inclined to agree with Boeroer in the sense that I'm not sure at all whether all the pieces are going to fit together. We're not talking about world-building at the Tolkien level. I enjoyed the lore, certainly, in the games, but it wasn't entirely clear or logical. Skaen, for instance, was a problematic figure through and through.
  15. Really? Interesting. Thanks for that. As I said, the trap also fires if you return to the area after triggering it and leaving.
  16. Ahh, this was a classic in Baldur's Gate II as well. An enemy mage casts a spell with a range of 30 feet. You are within range, moving swiftly away with boots of speed on. The spell ends up hitting you approximately 150 feet away from where it was cast. Deadfire also had an equivalent of sorts, but with traps. I saw it happen to me in the Undercity, twice. One of your characters triggers a trap when you're very close to exiting that particular map. There is no time for anything to happen. You return to the same map an hour, a week or three months later, and one of your characters is immediately hit by a necrotic lance or whatever it was in that trap. These things are more funny than annoying in my book. (The lurker situation is annoying, though.)
  17. It was, indeed, a huge issue. No monster in the game was even close to being as dangerous as bad pathfinding was in combat. I was extremely impressed by how well -- how totally, almost -- it was fixed for Deadfire. I found combat to be a chore for other reasons, though. Combat gave you a very limited amount of XP points: most monsters in most combats gave you nothing in terms of XP. This is why I thought it was completely baffling that there were filler encounters all over the place. You got no XP, you got no loot to speak of, all you got was a huge waste of time. That was some bad planning right there. And, again: I was impressed by how well this was fixed for Deadfire. It could have been even better, but it was fixed well.
  18. You are quite correct. All in all, this is not an easy question to solve.
  19. Yes. But in the specific case of Neriscyrlas: I don't know how many Safeguards that beast can cast, but sure seemed like a lot. Also, in a regular fight, Aloth might be able to cast two Tattered Veils (unless pre-equipped with scrolls[*]), and Neriscyrlas can certainly cast more Safeguards than that. So it was annoying. [*] The fact that inventory is not usable in battles tended to annoy me quite a bit, especially because the number of quickslots was so small. It almost forced metagaming: if a battle is too tough, give up, reload your save, re-equip and return. I only had to do that with some encounters, but I didn't like it. (Mind you, I didn't do the megabosses.)
  20. Fair point, as far as I've understood the lore. My general sense of the lore in Eora was that it's probably a bit too complex for its own good, i.e. it might not withstand critical scrutiny. I decided just to take everything for granted and not think about it too much.
  21. My experience, having done two playthroughs, is that after the first island, Neriscyrlas is the only difficult fight. Note: I don't play on PotD.
  22. Wow, that's interesting. Where do you buy the hull? I got the impression that the Blackwood Hull is only available if you build it yourself. I also seem to remember that this is a change that was made in a patch, i.e. it used to be possible to buy the hull, but it's not anymore. Again, I may be wrong here. I didn't want to side with any of the factions (heck, Obsidian games are too much into these factions and they should just ditch the idea for a while), and I chose the route where you need to perform a ritual at sea and then win yourself a fairly unusual ship, I'm sure you know what I mean... Btw, I'm sure you're absolutely right that if you play solo, ship combat is a lot easier than boarding fights!
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