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Everything posted by Corylea

  1. Thanks! A fantasy Earth, in the same way that Tolkein's Shire is intended to be England, even though there are no hobbits in the real England. Science fiction frequently features other planets, but fantasy usually takes place on a slightly different Earth -- one that has elves and/or dwarves and/or dragons and other creatures not found on the real Earth, one where magic works or where praying to a god or gods gives a priest magic spells.
  2. Here on Earth, we have 24 hours in a day. But on the Pillars of Eternity planet, they have at least twenty-FIVE: Wow. I hadn't realized that this was supposed to be taking place on another planet. Is there a backstory for this that I've missed?
  3. This is important; I missed a lot of party interactions before I realized it. Now if I use the map to send them someplace, I pause, click on where I want them to go, then go back to where my characters are before I unpause again; I hear a lot more party banter that way.
  4. It's hard to win because you're supposed to resolve the problem without bloodshed. The game doesn't reward you for slaughtering people; it rewards you for figuring out problems.
  5. There's a gender field on Nexus? Where is it? I looked at my profile but don't see anything. For the record, I'm a woman, I use the IE mod, and I made a huge pile of mods for the first Witcher game.
  6. If you have Eder with you, there's something you need to do in Defiance Bay that you can only do once your reputation there is high enough.
  7. When I entered the tower, the game said that I used the password that I'd gotten from the Acolyte in the Temple of Woedica. You could try going back to the Temple and talking to the guy who's practicing; I think he's the one who gave me the code words.
  8. The patch is available on GOG. Some people aren't seeing it until they refresh their account, but it's there.
  9. The dispositions are on the character sheet as soon as you actually have dispositions. I found that I had to say something benevolent two or three times before "Benevolent 1" was listed on my character sheet.
  10. You don't put the hood on manually, via the inventory; you put it on with a dialogue line. I think it's when you click on the door to enter that you get the option to put the hood on via dialogue line if you have it with you.
  11. I haven't met Grieving Mother yet; I'll look forward to that, since people seem to like her so much. My Durance almost never says anything. Given what he's prone to saying, that's a good thing... I could listen to Pallegina talk all day; I just love her voice, or maybe her accent. I really like both Eder and Aloth. I keep wanting to get a miniature giant space hamster for Eder, since he likes animals so much. And I really like Aloth and feel sorry for all he's been through and all he's still going through. But then, if you look at my avatar, you'll see I have an affinity for men with dark hair and pointed ears.
  12. She moves after she gives you the quest to fix the lighthouse; she's closer to the lighthouse than she was before, just a few steps outside the door to the place.
  13. I haven't run into any serious bugs so far, just a minor one.
  14. Lumdala is part of a quest called The Final Act, which you get from a cipher in Hadret House, once Lady Webb invites you to go there. If you haven't been invited yet, just keep following the main quest line, and it'll happen eventually. If you HAVE been there, then try talking to some people in the house besides Lady Webb, to get the quest.
  15. Maybe this map can help orient you: http://guides.gamepressure.com/pillarsofeternity/guide.asp?ID=29872
  16. Wow, that's a really interesting theory! I like it. It fits with what I know of the game lore so far. I only just discovered this game a couple of days ago, so I haven't been thinking about this for very long; thanks for giving me the benefit of your greater amount of time pondering the game world.
  17. I agree. I thought Planescape: Torment had enough voice acting to give us a sense of who the companions were, without there being so much that it would take forever to sit through. They've clearly followed this example in PoE, and I think they got the balance about right. Of course, it IS April 1st, so it's possible that the suggestion was not a serious one. But I've seen some pretty crazy things suggested seriously in other gaming forums, so my "That person MUST be kidding" filter is pretty much dead.
  18. Ever since the ritual with the tower in the very beginning of the game, the player character can "touch the soul" of several people in each area of town. Maerwald claims that those folks are people I've been in past lives. That doesn't make any sense to me. If souls are reborn and simply forget their past lives, then how could it be that my soul is spread through all those different bodies? Plus, there are a LOT of them, and most of them aren't from primitive caveman days, so it doesn't seem possible that I've lived to adulthood so many times during the same general period of time. But if they aren't people I've been in past lives, how come I can "touch the soul" of some people and not others? And what am I supposed to be learning from all of these? I'm only in Defiance Bay, so I'm not all that far along yet. Does this get clearer later? I remember the slowly dawning realization in Planescape: Torment that I'd been a horrible person in past lives, which fueled my desire to make things right during my current incarnation. There are so MANY souls I can touch in Pillars of Eternity, though, and they seem all over the map -- some good and some bad, some powerful and some powerless. Is all of this going to coalesce into something? Thanks in advance!
  19. *smile* I actually chose the usual Jaheira portrait for my player character in Baldur's Gate, so I always saw Jaheira with a different portrait. I was surprised when I first discovered that 99% of Baldur's Gate players saw "my" portrait as Jaheira. When I started PoE, I wanted my old portrait back again, and of course PoE makes that very easy.
  20. Yes, multiple paladins can stack different auras. My player-character is a paladin, and we recently recruited Pallegina and in our last fight, they each had a different aura active. (I haven't tried stacking two of the same aura; I've been assuming that would be redundant.)
  21. That's Level 1 of the Endless Paths of Od Nua, the same level where you find the Spider Queen. It's the door that's near the stairs up.
  22. I've only had one visitor so far, and he was standing in the middle of the keep, roughly halfway between the front door and the statue.
  23. Good to know! I won't worry so much about it at this point in the game, then.
  24. The Gamepressure Guide recommends these. (Everything that follows is from the Gamepressure guide, not from me.) Main Keep - It will allow you to welcome visitors and further upgrade the fortress . Bailey - it cleans up strongholds surroundings and allows further upgrades. Warden's Lodge - you receive the possibility to get new quests. Barracks - they allow you to recruit hirelings, and thus increase prestige and safety pretty cheaply. Dungeons - it allows you to take prisoners during some fights. Botanical Gardens - each turn your stronghold will produce one random plant that can be taken from the chest in the keep.
  25. If It's what I think it is, it opens the door to Maerwald's room.
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