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About ednanf

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  1. The point is not that there are critiques about objective elements of the game. The point is “game too easy” “game too hard” “can I haz gamez without battlez plz” “I can’t play this game if I can’t walk” “__________ (insert whatever you want here) breaks my IMMERRRRSHUUNNN” Yes, there are always trolls, on every board of every game in existence, especially in the RPG genre. That being said, i don't even go to threads such are the ones you have mentioned since those very titles reek of BS and my troll sensors start beeping immediately. Seriously, go read them, some of them are dead serious. There’s this one guy that did want to have no battles in the game. The walking one is also pretty common. I thought it was trolling at first, but many aren’t.
  2. The point is not that there are critiques about objective elements of the game. The point is “game too easy” “game too hard” “can I haz gamez without battlez plz” “I can’t play this game if I can’t walk” “__________ (insert whatever you want here) breaks my IMMERRRRSHUUNNN”
  3. Anybody who finds the game to be boring has every right to raise their issues. They paid for the fun that was promised and they're not getting it. Here is a prime example of self entitlement. If one isn’t having fun, it’s one’s problem. I might hate a movie and my friend think it’s the best movie ever. After we go to the movies should I ask my money back because it was not what I expected? This is pure bull****. If one does not like the game, move on ffs. People forget one basic thing: you do not have to play the game. It doesn’t matter if you paid for it. Paying for something does not mean you must actually have to play, use, etc.
  4. I've pointed this out before. I agree. I think it's baffling the sense of self entitlement some people are showing here. Complaining about bugs or serious balancing issues is fine, but most whiners want the game to fit their whims instead of trying to adapt to what is proposed. It's pathetic.
  5. yeah most of the time an 80% would be a let down for me You must be very cool! Eh, I know personally of someone who cried because he didn't get a 10 in a test in high school. Yeah, there’s always this guy. Don’t be this guy.
  6. Wait... is 8 a bad score? If you took tests at school/university, based on a scale of 1-10, and your score was 8, would you really find it bad? Really?
  7. I dunno what the chip on your shoulder is, but you better HOPE we're a tiny minority of Obsidian's customers. There are currently 625 people browsing this forum. If that's more than half of the people who bought POE then the game just tanked hard. You do understand that a very small percentage of a games players actually bother to come to a forum right? And those that have, and conducted in this poll...GoG users are far from a small minority. I'll equate Steam to One Direction, Miley, Beiber....just because something is popular and sheep masses flock to it, make it good it does not. As for hoping, ummm why? One Direction and Miley are good tho’
  8. Steam cloud for saves is reason enough for me. I could careless about DRM.
  9. I was surprised that I could kill Gordy. I was quite pleased since I couldn’t do that in other games such as Fallout.
  10. No, this is internet circlejerk material for months
  11. It’s not a discussion anymore. The author consented. If anyone should be outraged it was him and nobody else. He isn’t. You are going beyond reason and you will get nowhere because you don’t want to “discuss”, you want people agree with what you feel and nothing else.
  12. If he said they asked him and he accepted, case closed. Everything else is a conspiracy theory in your head because you deny to end this ****storm. It over. Done. Get over it.
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